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Nick Hart nickhartdev

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Describe the person that you want to become?

I want to be a leader - and to be the best version of myself.

What have you done this week to work toward becoming that person?

I've started challenging myself to take more initiative in my group project, and while it hasn't been perfect, I feel like I've already learned so much. I've also been building a healthier routine, with a regular sleep schedule and going to the gym before class 3 days a week.

What habits, processes, and knowledge have you identified this week that you will need to improve on or obtain in order to become that person?

Mod 4 Prework - Documenting my Outreach

I've had 3 virtual meetings thus far in the past few days, all with alums - Ryan Bahan, Samantha Freeman, and Djavan Monroe. They've all been SUPER insightful, and I have a lot of notes on new perspectives regarding how I should approach the job search. My messages to them on the initial outreach have all been via slack have been pretty similar, and then we just schedule and hop on a call from there.

My messages to each:

Ryan Bahan

Hey Ryan! My name’s Nick, and I’m currently a Mod 3 FE student in the initial stages of the job hunt process. After doing some initial research into potential companies that I might be interested in working for, I came across Shopify and found that you were working there through LinkedIn.

Mod 3 Week 5

Taking stock of where you are: what have you accomplished this module? What have you learned? Where are you stuck (have you not been able to follow through on outreach? Is your resume not finished?)?

I feel like I've accomplished a lot! My portfolio and network are growing, and I'm starting to get more comfortable with outreaches. I still think outreaches are probably my weak point, but I'm getting better. My big goals before the end of this mod are to polish up my resume and portfolio based on feedback that I've gotten.

Create plans for 3 different companies you want to target:

Questions to reflect on here:

  • Why do you like this company?

Mod 3 Week 4

Prepare for Job Shadow: AEIOU

Activities: what questions do you have about the activities that a software developer does on a daily basis?

  1. I've been told that you often spend more time reading code than writing it, could y'all elaborate? I'm interested to see how that actually looks in a professional environment like this.
  2. What does y'all's workflow look like? We've been trained on using git vcs, was wondering how much that differs in a production environment.
  3. Do y'all practice TDD? How does testing fit into the workflow?

Code Review


I really like how you integrated the conditional inside of the moviesList variable, that's really smart. Code organization overall is very clean, and the implementation is pretty dry. This is super solid.

Biggest thing that could be improved on is the testing coverage - there's some unit/integration tests missing for some of the newer iterations, especially the solo one.

At a glance, I do see one opportunity to dry things up - the conditional render inside of the card component seems a little repetitive. You could maybe consider writing a helper function above the return statement checking the value of isFavorite and returning the respective icon.

Mod 3 Week 3

Back to your resume and cover letter you’ve been working on - what other next steps do you want to take to make these two components stronger?

For my cover letter, I want to keep taking feedback from as many people as possible. I understand that different people have different expectations for cover letters, but having as many perspectives as possible will definitely help inform any further changes I should make.

For my resume, I need to revisit it and quantify the scope of my work better.

Either explore the company you wrote a cover letter for or find a new company to explore this week; Go to their company LinkedIn page and start to explore the employees. Who are a couple people you could reach out to? Why?

Mod 3 Week 2

Cover Letter

Review your cover letter with a peer some time this week. What feedback did your partner give you? What next steps will you take to make your cover letter even stronger?

One of the pieces of feedback I got was about selling myself more - I think there might be more opportunities to speak to my skills in relation to what the company needs, so that's where I'll start.

If you were to apply to this position (and you should!), how will you customize your resume for it? What other next steps would you need to take here?

Questions / Readings - Nick Hart

Router Overview

React Router is a library that allows us to make our single page React applications mimic the behavior of multipage apps. It provides the ability to use browser history, allowing users to navigate with forward / back buttons and bookmark links to specific views of the app. Most modern sites use some form of routing. React Router exposes this functionality through a series of components. Let's start by looking at the overall structure of an app using router:

  1. Take a look at the quick start page of the React Router docs. Take note of the syntax and organization of the page. No worries if this looks unclear right now! (nothing to answer here)

  2. What package do we need to install to use React Router?

nickhartdev /
Last active August 28, 2020 20:59
Mod 3 Week 1 Journaling

Mod 3 Week 1

What are the values that will drive your job search?
I'm looking for companies that are mission driven. Any company that describes the changes they're trying to make first will be ones that I look into.

What are your goals for your job search?
My goal is to find a company that I'll feel fulfilled and challenged working at in either Austin, TX or here in Denver.

What kind of role do you see yourself pursuing in your job search?
Any front end dev roles - if their stack includes React for the front end, even better. I'm not going to be too picky as far as my role for my first gig goes. As long as I get the opportunity to build helpful things and learn, I'll be happy.

nickhartdev /
Last active September 16, 2020 19:22
Mod 3 Career Journal

Mod 3 Career Journal - Nick Hart

Week 1: Gist Link

  • (completed)
  • (partially complete)
  • (not started)

Week 2: Gist Link

  • (completed)
  • (partially complete)