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Last active October 9, 2020 16:14
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Describe the person that you want to become?

I want to be a leader - and to be the best version of myself.

What have you done this week to work toward becoming that person?

I've started challenging myself to take more initiative in my group project, and while it hasn't been perfect, I feel like I've already learned so much. I've also been building a healthier routine, with a regular sleep schedule and going to the gym before class 3 days a week.

What habits, processes, and knowledge have you identified this week that you will need to improve on or obtain in order to become that person?

It's all about giving myself a loose structure and a set of goals to work around when there's less structure for the day. I find it incredibly easy to lose focus without some goal set for a block of time (what a concept) so that's my starting point.

Additionally, I find when I get tired that it's easy for my eating habits to get off track - specifically, I don't cook enough. So that's a habit I'll be working on as well.

What wins or appreciations do you have for this past week?

I'm so grateful for Ryan and his help on a cover letter that I sent out this week. Also just in general, it feels good to be applying for jobs now. It's all coming together.

What struggles did you encounter?

Adjusting to the more open structure was hard, initially. Also, it's hard not to get down on myself when I hear about some of my cohort mates landing interviews and offers already. That was something that just happened today, but I'm already adjusting so that should get better.

How well did you stick to your calendar this past week? Did you spend more/less time in some areas than planned? If so, what areas and why?

I think I did a decent job of laying out a structure for myself, but I wasn't very good about following it. It's hard for me to gauge how much times I should be spending on things, especially job apps - I think in the future, I'll alot more time for those. I find it incredibly easy to get caught up in wanting the app to be perfect and have everyone review it. I'm setting that as a goal going forward, but also acknowledging that there's only so much time in the day and that I'm human.

Do you need to adjust your calendar for next week?

I'm going to follow a similar structure, but allotting more time for job apps. We'll see how it goes from there.

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