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Nick Wesselman nickwesselman

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nickwesselman / item-odata.js
Last active February 27, 2018 13:00
Headless on Sitecore 9 Examples
/* Using the Sitecore 9 Item OData service with odata.js */
var o = require('odata');
var moment = require('moment');
endpoint: 'http://symheadless.local/sitecore/api/ssc/aggregate/content/',
appending: [
{ name: 'sc_apikey', value: 'D510CB0F-B2EF-4224-8F7A-7F04C020BDFE' }
nickwesselman / 01-templates.sitecore.js
Created March 15, 2018 15:14
Sitecore Content Import via JSS Manifest
export default function(manifest) {
name: 'Setlist',
icon: '/~/icon/office/32x32/earth_music.png',
fields: [
{ name: 'eventDate', type: 'Date' },
{ name: 'artist', type: manifest.fieldTypes.singleLineText },
{ name: 'venue', type: manifest.fieldTypes.singleLineText },
{ name: 'location', type: manifest.fieldTypes.singleLineText },
{ name: 'description', type: manifest.fieldTypes.richText },
nickwesselman / Performance.Dev.config
Last active September 4, 2019 15:55 — forked from kamsar/Performance.Dev.config
Sitecore 9.0 Dev Performance Config
A set of performance optimizations for development that vastly increase application startup time.
Should not be used in production, as they largely disable forensic diagnostics that you'd want there over fast startup time after a compile.
<configuration xmlns:patch="">
<hook type="Sitecore.Diagnostics.HealthMonitorHook, Sitecore.Kernel">
<patch:delete />
nickwesselman / ConvertToNewNuget-PackageReference.ps1
Last active April 10, 2019 09:39
Assists in updating an existing Sitecore Visual Studio solution to the new nuget structure for 9.1, when using PackageReference style Nuget. This code is provided AS-IS, and is not supported by Sitecore.
## Nuget v2 URL for the target platform, and the target marketing version
$SitecoreNuget = ""
$TargetVersion = "9.1.0"
## Nuget URL to retrieve package metadata, including dependencies
$MetaPackage = "$SitecoreNuget/Packages(Id='Sitecore.Experience.Platform',Version='$TargetVersion')"
## Retrieve the package metadata from nuget (no nice way of doing this via CLI)
$PackageMetadata = [xml](Invoke-WebRequest $MetaPackage).Content
nickwesselman / ConvertToNewNuget-packagesconfig.ps1
Last active November 6, 2019 14:03
Assists in updating an existing Sitecore Visual Studio solution to the new nuget structure for 9.1, when using packages.config style Nuget. This code is provided AS-IS, and is not supported by Sitecore.
## Nuget v2 URL for the target platform, and the target marketing version
$SitecoreNuget = ""
$TargetVersion = "9.1.0"
function Add-XMLAttribute([System.Xml.XmlNode] $Node, $Name, $Value)
$attrib = $Node.OwnerDocument.CreateAttribute($Name)
$attrib.Value = $Value
nickwesselman / ProductRepository.cs
Last active January 26, 2024 19:33
Unit Testing Sitecore ContentSearch (LINQ to Sitecore) using Moq
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Linq;
using Sitecore.Abstractions;
using Sitecore.ContentSearch;
using Sitecore.Data.Items;
namespace BasicCompany.Feature.Products.Services
public class ProductRepository : IProductRepository
nickwesselman / GenerateProducts.ps1
Last active June 12, 2019 16:08
Generate Random Bucket Content for Sitecore with PowerShell Extensions and
$ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"
Function Get-Lorem($Minimum, $Maximum) {
# don't overrun
Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 300
$words = Get-Random -Minimum $Minimum -Maximum ($Maximum+1)
return ([xml](ConvertFrom-Json (Invoke-WebRequest -UseBasicParsing$words).Content).text_out).h1
Function Get-LoremUl($NumItems, $Minimum, $Maximum) {
nickwesselman / Presentation
Last active January 6, 2020 17:15
Helix Patterns, Anti-Patterns, and Smells - Symposium 2019
nickwesselman / InteractionsAndFacets.sql
Last active June 12, 2020 12:29
Sitecore Analytics Queries
/** Get the interactions. **/
select [InteractionId], [LastModified], [EventType], [PageUrl], [ItemLanguage], [DefinitionId], [EventText]
(SELECT TOP (1000) [InteractionId]
FROM [Sitecore.Xdb.Collection.Shard0].[xdb_collection].[Interactions]
SELECT TOP (1000) [InteractionId]
nickwesselman / test-dotnet.ps1
Created July 8, 2020 04:51
Docker for Windows Process Isolation Firewall Test
Write-Host "Opening incoming connections on port $port" -ForegroundColor Green
netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name="Docker Test Open Port $port" dir=in action=allow protocol=TCP localport=$port
Write-Host "Turning on firewall logging" -ForegroundColor Green
auditpol /set /subcategory:"Filtering Platform Packet Drop" /failure:enable /success:enable