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Created July 5, 2016 09:33
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object3d CSS
* Created by nico on 19/02/14.
var Object3d = function( node, position, rotation )
this.node = node;
this.parent = null;
this.mat = mat4.create();
this.dirty = true;
this.pos = vec3.create();
if( position != null )
vec3.set( this.pos, position.x, position.y, position.z );
this.rot = vec3.create();
if( rotation != null )
vec3.set( this.rot, rotation.x, rotation.y, rotation.z );
this.targetPosition = vec3.create();
this.originPosition = vec3.create();
this.targetRotation = vec3.create();
this.originRotation = vec3.create();
vec3.copy( this.targetPosition, this.pos );
vec3.copy( this.originPosition, this.pos );
vec3.copy( this.targetRotation, this.rot );
vec3.copy( this.originRotation, this.rot );
Object3d.prototype =
reset : function()
vec3.copy( this.targetPosition, this.originPosition );
vec3.copy( this.targetRotation, this.originRotation );
update : function()
this.pos[ 0 ] += ( this.targetPosition[ 0 ] - this.pos[ 0 ] ) * .1;
this.pos[ 1 ] += ( this.targetPosition[ 1 ] - this.pos[ 1 ] ) * .1;
this.pos[ 2 ] += ( this.targetPosition[ 2 ] - this.pos[ 2 ] ) * .1;
//limiter l'imprecision...
if( nearEquals( this.pos, this.targetPosition, POSITION_EPSILON ) )
this.pos[ 0 ] = this.targetPosition[ 0 ];
this.pos[ 1 ] = this.targetPosition[ 1 ];
this.pos[ 2 ] = this.targetPosition[ 2 ];
this.rot[ 0 ] += ( this.targetRotation[ 0 ] - this.rot[ 0 ] ) * .1;
this.rot[ 1 ] += ( this.targetRotation[ 1 ] - this.rot[ 1 ] ) * .1;
this.rot[ 2 ] += ( this.targetRotation[ 2 ] - this.rot[ 2 ] ) * .1;
//limiter l'imprecision...
if( nearEquals( this.rot, this.targetRotation, ROTATION_EPSILON ) )
this.rot[ 0 ] = this.targetRotation[ 0 ];
this.rot[ 1 ] = this.targetRotation[ 1 ];
this.rot[ 2 ] = this.targetRotation[ 2 ];
clone : function()
var tmp = new Object3d( this.node, this.pos, this.rot );
tmp.parent = this.parent;
return tmp;
copy : function( other )
vec3.copy( this.pos, other.pos );
vec3.copy( this.rot, other.rot );
return this;
translate : function( tx, ty, tz )
tx = tx ||0;
ty = ty ||0;
tz = tz ||0;
vec3.set( this.pos,
this.pos[ 0 ] + tx,
this.pos[ 1 ] + ty,
this.pos[ 2 ] + tz );
this.dirty = true;
return this;
translation : function( tx, ty, tz )
this.pos[ 0 ] = this.targetPosition[ 0 ] = tx ||0;
this.pos[ 1 ] = this.targetPosition[ 1 ] = ty ||0;
this.pos[ 2 ] = this.targetPosition[ 2 ] = tz ||0;
this.dirty = true;
return this;
rotate : function( rx, ry, rz )
rx = rx ||0;
ry = ry ||0;
rz = rz ||0;
vec3.set( this.rot,
this.rot[ 0 ] + rx,
this.rot[ 1 ] + ry,
this.rot[ 2 ] + rz );
this.dirty = true;
return this;
rotation : function( rx, ry, rz )
this.rot[ 0 ] = this.targetRotation[ 0 ] = rx % PI2 || 0;
this.rot[ 1 ] = this.targetRotation[ 1 ] = ry % PI2 || 0;
this.rot[ 2 ] = this.targetRotation[ 2 ] = rz % PI2 || 0;
this.dirty = true;
return this;
transform : function()
mat4.identity( this.mat );
if( this.parent != null )
mat4.multiply( this.mat, this.mat, this.parent.mat );
mat4.rotateX( this.mat, this.mat, this.rot[ 0 ] );
mat4.rotateY( this.mat, this.mat, this.rot[ 1 ] );
mat4.rotateZ( this.mat, this.mat, this.rot[ 2 ] );
mat4.translate( this.mat, this.mat, this.pos );
if( this.node != null )
var str = mat4.str( this.mat ).replace( "mat4", "matrix3d" );
$( this.node ).css({ "-webkit- transform" : str ,
"-moz- transform" : str ,
"-ms- transform" : str ,
"-o- transform" : str ,
"transform" : str } );
this.dirty = false;
return this.mat;
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