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Last active October 21, 2021 07:32
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atlas maker + rgb packer
import os
import argparse
import cv2
import numpy as np
from tqdm import tqdm
from math import ceil, sqrt
def atlasFromFolder( name, src, dst, tile, packChannels, quality ):
if src[:-1] != "/":
src += "/"
if dst[:-1] != "/":
dst += "/"
os.makedirs(dst, exist_ok=True)
files = os.listdir(src)
count = 0
for f in files:
n,e = os.path.splitext( f )
if n == ".DS_Store" or e == ".DS_Store": #pesky macs
count += 1
channels = 1
if packChannels:
channels = 3
print( "files", count )
perBoard = ceil(count / channels)
size = tile * ceil( sqrt(perBoard ) )
columns = int( size / tile )
print( "image size", size, ", per board", perBoard, "tile", tile )
print( "grid width", columns )
print( len( files ), columns ** 2 * channels )
print( '----------' )
# creates separate frames for the R,G,B channels
frames = []
for i in range(channels):
if channels == 1:
img = np.zeros( (size, size, 3 ) )
img = np.zeros( (size, size, 1 ) )
frameId = len( frames )- 1
# meta
widths = []
index = 0
iterator = 0
for f in tqdm( files ):
n,e = os.path.splitext( f )
if n == ".DS_Store" or e == ".DS_Store": #pesky macs...
# texture overflow: too many images, not enough space
if iterator >= columns * columns * channels:
print( 'texture overflow')
iterator += 1
# open and resize image
tmp = cv2.imread( src + f, cv2.IMREAD_UNCHANGED )
# store the width (to rescale instances)
iw = tmp.shape[1] / tmp.shape[0]
widths.append(str( iw ))
# and resize image
tmp = cv2.resize(tmp, (tile,tile) )
# convert to greyscale if packing into R,G,B channels
if channels == 3:
if len( tmp.shape ) != 2:
tmp = cv2.cvtColor(tmp, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY )
tmp = tmp.reshape((tile,tile, 1))
# change frame on overflow
if index >= columns * columns:
print( index, "change frame")
frameId -= 1
index = 0
# find where to paste image
x = ( index % columns ) * tile
y = int(index / columns ) * tile
# # pick frame and paste
frame = frames[frameId]
frame[ y:(y+tile), x:(x+tile), : ] = tmp
index += 1
# save metadata
# pack frames and save
if channels == 3:
img = cv2.merge(frames, img )
# save the atlas
cv2.imwrite( dst + name + ".jpg", img, [int(cv2.IMWRITE_JPEG_QUALITY), quality] )
# save images widths
f = open( dst + name + ".txt", "w" )
f.writelines(','.join( widths ))
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='build a texture atlas from a folder of images.')
parser.add_argument('-name', '-n', type=str, default="atlas", help='atlas name')
parser.add_argument('-source', '-src', type=str, required=True, help='source folder')
parser.add_argument('-destination', '-dst', type=str, default="atlas/", help='destination folder')
parser.add_argument('-size', '-s', type=int, default=64, help='tile size')
parser.add_argument('-pack', '-p', type=bool, default=False, help='pack rgb channels')
parser.add_argument('-quality', '-q', type=int, default=80, help='JPEG quality')
if __name__ == "__main__":
args = parser.parse_args()
name =
srcFolder = args.source
dstFolder = args.destination
size = args.size
pack = args.pack
quality = args.quality
atlasFromFolder( name, srcFolder, dstFolder, size, pack, quality )

script's arguments

-name, -n: string
    the atlas' name default "atlas" 
-source, -src: string
    the source folder *Required*
-destination, -dst: string
    the destination folder default "atlas" 
-size, -s: int
    the tile size default 64

-pack, -p : boolean
    whether or not to pack rgb channels default: false

-quality, -q: int
    the JPEG quality [1-100] default 80

sample usage to create a rgb atlas from the images of the source folder

python -src source -dst atlas -n color -s 64 -q 60

to pack geryscale values into the RGB channels

python -src source -dst atlas -n packed -s 64 -p true -q 90
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