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niner/make.nqp Secret

Last active March 30, 2018 14:21
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class Makefile {
has @!macros;
has %!macro-lookup;
has @!targets;
method BUILD(:@macros, :@targets) {
@!macros := @macros;
@!targets := @targets;
%!macro-lookup := nqp::hash();
for @!macros -> $macro {
%!macro-lookup{$macro.Str} := $macro;
class Macro {
has $!name;
has $!command;
method name() { $!name }
method Str() { '$(' ~ $!name ~ ')' }
method expand() {
method Str() {
"targets: " ~ nqp::elems(@!targets);
method targets() {
method target($name) {
for @!targets -> $target {
return $target
if self.expand-macros($ eq $name;
sub file-exists($name) {
nqp::stat(nqp::unbox_s($name), nqp::const::STAT_EXISTS)
sub file-modified($name) {
nqp::stat_time(nqp::unbox_s($name), nqp::const::STAT_MODIFYTIME)
sub split-names($names) {
$names := subst($names, /"\\"\n\h*/, ' ', :global);
nqp::split(' ', $names)
method expand-macros($string) {
return self.expand-macros($string.expand) if $string ~~ Makefile::Macro;
sub ($/) {
nqp::existskey(%!macro-lookup, $/[0])
?? self.expand-macros(%!macro-lookup{$/[0]}.expand)
!! ''
sub run($command) {
my class Queue is repr('ConcBlockingQueue') { }
my $queue := nqp::create(Queue);
my $config := nqp::hash();
my $done := 0;
my $status;
$config<done> := -> $new-status {
$status := $new-status;
my $task := nqp::spawnprocasync($queue, $command, nqp::cwd(), nqp::getenvhash(), $config);
nqp::permit($task, 1, -1);
nqp::permit($task, 2, -1);
while !$done {
if nqp::shift($queue) -> $task {
if nqp::list($task) {
my $code := nqp::shift($task);
else {
return $status;
method make($target-name, %built = nqp::hash()) {
if nqp::existskey(%built, $target-name) { return }
my $target :=$target-name);
my $newest := 0;
if $target {
my $name := self.expand-macros($;
my $modified := 0;
if file-exists($name) {
$newest := $modified := file-modified($name);
for $target.prerequisites -> $prerequisite {
my $names := self.expand-macros($prerequisite);
for split-names($names) {
my $modified := self.make($_, %built);
$newest := $modified if $modified > $newest;
if $modified == 0 || $newest > $modified {
for $target.recipe -> $command {
$command := self.expand-macros($command);
my $check-exit-status := 1;
if nqp::substr($command, 0, 1) eq '-' {
$command := nqp::substr($command, 1);
$check-exit-status := 0;
if nqp::substr($command, 0, 5) eq '@echo' {
say(nqp::substr($command, 6));
my $is-windows := nqp::backendconfig()<osname> eq 'MSWin32';
my $args := $is-windows ?? nqp::list(nqp::getenvhash()<ComSpec>, '/c', $command)
!! nqp::list('/bin/sh', '-c', $command);
my $status := run($args);
nqp::die("Got $status from $args") if $check-exit-status && $status != 0;
%built{$name} := 1;
else {
my $names := $target-name;
$names := %!macro-lookup{$names}.expand if nqp::existskey(%!macro-lookup, $names);
for split-names($names) -> $name {
if $name {
unless file-exists($name) {
nqp::die("don't know how to create file $name");
my $modified := file-modified($name);
$newest := $modified if $modified > $newest;
return $newest;
grammar Makefile::Grammar {
token TOP {
| <target-definition>
| <macro-definition>
token comment {
token target-definition {
[<target> \h*]+ ':' \h* <prerequisites> \n
token macro-definition {
token macro-assign {
<target> \h* '=' \h* <command>
token target {
| <[\w . / * \-]>+
token macro {
'$(' \w+ ')'
token recipe {
token prerequisites {
[<target>\h* | <.continuation>]*
token recipe-line {
token command {
[ <.continuation> || \N]*
token continuation {
"\\" \n \h*
class Makefile::Target {
has $!name;
has @!prerequisites;
has @!recipe;
method name() {
method prerequisites() {
method recipe() {
method Str() {
class Makefile::Actions {
has %!macros;
method TOP($/) {
my @targets;
for $<target-definition> -> $definition {
for $definition.ast -> $subtarget {
nqp::push(@targets, $subtarget);
my @macros;
for $<macro-definition> -> $definition {
nqp::push(@macros, $definition.ast);
method comment($/) {
method target-definition($/) {
my @targets;
my @prerequisites := $<prerequisites>.ast;
my @recipe;
@recipe := $<recipe>.ast if $<recipe>;
for $<target> -> $target {
make @targets;
method macro-definition($/) {
my $macro := $<macro-assign>.ast;
%!macros{'$(' ~ $ ~ ')'} := $macro;
make $macro;
method macro-assign($/) {
make$<target>.Str), :command($<command>.ast));
method target($/) {
make $<macro> ?? $<macro>.ast !! $/.Str
method macro($/) {
make %!macros{$/.Str};
method recipe($/) {
my @recipe;
nqp::push(@recipe, $_.ast) for $<recipe-line>;
make @recipe;
method prerequisites($/) {
my @targets;
for $<target> -> $target {
nqp::push(@targets, $target.ast);
make @targets;
method recipe-line($/) {
make $<command>.ast;
method command($/) {
make $/.Str;
method continuation($/) {
sub MAIN(*@ARGS) {
my $handle := open("Makefile", :r);
my $make := Makefile::Grammar.parse($handle.slurp, :actions(;
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