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Nicholas Tierney njtierney

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aammd / matrix_to_data.frame.R
Last active January 4, 2017 01:31
cantrip to turn a matrix into a data.frame, assuming that the first row of the matrix contains a header row
matrix_to_df_firstline_header <- function(mat){
mat %>%
## cut columns into lists
apply(2, function(s) list(s)) %>%
flatten %>%
map(flatten_chr) %>%
## set names to the first element of the list
{set_names(x = map(., ~ .x[-1]),
dat <- readr::read_csv("municipality\n- Ticino\n>> Distretto di Bellinzona\n......5001 Arbedo-Castione\n......5002 Bellinzona\n......5003 Cadenazzo\n......5004 Camorino\n")
dat %>% mutate(municipality = gsub(pattern = '[\\.\\>]|^-',
replacement = "",
municipality)) %>%
separate(col = municipality,
sep = '(?<=[0-9])\\s',
into = c ("code","municipality"),
fill = "left")
trestletech / analysis.R
Last active July 7, 2017 16:49
Tidying of pressure-sensitive keystroke dynamics data. Raw available: . The `isJA` column represents whether or not the user currently typing is "Jeffrey Allen" -- i.e. is the user typing his own name (TRUE) or someone else's (FALSE)?
download.file("", "")
words <- readr::read_csv("KSP-Word.csv")
users <- readr::read_csv("KSP-User.csv")
entries <- readr::read_csv("KSP-Entry.csv")
keypress <- readr::read_csv("KSP-KeyPress.csv")
pressure <- readr::read_csv("KSP-Pressure.csv")
MilesMcBain / fools_five.R
Last active July 17, 2019 03:11
Fool's five
f <- function(...) {
function(df) with(df, ...)
footate <- function(.data, ...) {
dots <- list(...)
for (column in names(dots)) {
.data[[column]] <- dots[[column]](.data)
coolbutuseless / css.R
Created August 18, 2019 09:49
CSS helper
#' Create a CSS ruleset
#' Create a CSS ruleset consisting of a selector and one-or-more property declarations,
#' or, if no \code{.selector} is given, create an inline style string
#' The list of included properties is not a complete list, but rather an
#' abbreviated list from
#' \url{}
nstrayer / simulate_mnar_data.R
Created January 21, 2020 21:38
R Script to simulate missing not at random data and look at performance of different imputation strategies.
n <- 150
sensitivity_threshold <- 5
data <- tibble(
a = rgamma(n = n, shape = 5, rate = 0.5),
b = rgamma(n = n, shape = a/2, rate = 0.5)
generate_missing_data <- function(i){
jennybc / twee-demo.Rmd
Last active August 14, 2022 21:50
twee(): emulating the tree directory listing command
title: "twee demo"
author: "Jenny Bryan"
date: "17 August, 2014"
toc: TRUE
keep_md: TRUE
hadley /
Created February 13, 2015 21:32
Advise for teaching an R workshop

I think the two most important messages that people can get from a short course are:

a) the material is important and worthwhile to learn (even if it's challenging), and b) it's possible to learn it!

For those reasons, I usually start by diving as quickly as possible into visualisation. I think it's a bad idea to start by explicitly teaching programming concepts (like data structures), because the pay off isn't obvious. If you start with visualisation, the pay off is really obvious and people are more motivated to push past any initial teething problems. In stat405, I used to start with some very basic templates that got people up and running with scatterplots and histograms - they wouldn't necessary understand the code, but they'd know which bits could be varied for different effects.

Apart from visualisation, I think the two most important topics to cover are tidy data (i.e. + tidyr) and data manipulation (dplyr). These are both important for when people go off and apply

Pakillo / Rmarkdown-fontsize.Rmd
Created January 22, 2015 22:32
Changing font sizes of HTML ouput in Rmarkdown
title: "Untitled"
author: "Francisco Rodriguez-Sanchez"
date: "Thursday, January 22, 2015"
output: html_document
<style type="text/css">
body, td {
markdly / html-multiple-choice.Rmd
Last active January 31, 2024 22:24
Multiple choice quiz question Rmarkdown
theme: cerulean
### Example html multiple choice question using Rmarkdown
<!-- Render this Rmarkdown doc to html to make an interactive html / js multiple choice question -->