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Created July 28, 2017 14:40
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Python’s lru_cache is sensitive to order of keyword arguments

In case you were wondering, Python’s built-in LRU cache function decorator doesn’t cache function calls with the same keyword arguments written in a different order. That is, if you cache a function and then call it twice, with the same keyword arguments but written in a different order, on the second call you won’t get the cached result and the function will be re-run.


Let’s construct an example. We’re interested in keyword arguments, so we’ll make our function only take keyword arguments (1). We want some side-effect to tell us whether it was a cache hit or miss, so we’ll print each keyword when we iterate over it (2). We want to cache a result, so we’ll return the sum of the values of the keyword arguments (3). Finally, we apply the lru_cache decorator to the function with a maxsize=None to let the cache grow unbounded. Putting all that together, we get:

from functools import lru_cache

def f(**kwargs): # 1
    vs = []
    for k in kwargs:
        print("keyword:", k) # 2
    return sum(vs) # 3

Let’s run it in the interpreter. The first time we run it, we expect f to be called, so we expect it to print the two keywords we pass, x and y, as well as the interpreter printing the result:

>>> f(x=1, y=2)
keyword: x
keyword: y

Great! Now let’s run it again with the same arguments, so that we get a cache hit. In this invocation f should never run, so we expect to not see the keywords printed:

>>> f(x=1, y=2)

Again, this matches our expectations. So now if we call f with the same arguments but written in the reverse order, will it be a cache hit or cache miss?

>>> f(y=1, x=2)
keyword: y
keyword: x

It was a cache miss :( our function f was re-run, which we know because it printed the keywords to the console.

Does this even matter?

Probably not in a small code base, because functions are probably going to be called with the same keyword order and Python tends to have a consistent dictionary ordering. But in a codebase with multiple contributors, this could lead to unexpected behavior. According to the spec, Python dictionaries are unordered, so most tutorials tell you not to rely on dictionary ordering. A cache function that is sensitive to dictionary order feels incorrect.

I looked into this because I was trying to memoize a function with keyword arguments, and was wondering how lru_cache handles the unordered-ness of keyword arguments. It turns out it doesn’t.

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noahlt commented Jul 28, 2017

@pirate I found the issue that motivated the change. Kind of interesting:

Turns out as of PEP-0468, keyword arguments are actually ordered! (which I see, now, that you mentioned in your first comment, but I didn't understand)

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hwayne commented Jul 28, 2017

Here's a simpler example that also shows that the same applies for default keywords:

from functools import lru_cache

def add(a, b):
  print(a, b, a+b)
  return a + b
add(a=1, b=2)
add(1, 2)
add(b=2, a=1) 

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pirate commented Jul 28, 2017

Nice sleuthing @noahlt, you should publish this somewhere as a blog post! I'm sure many people would find it interesting, since it's fairly hard to find info on this issue online at the moment.

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