Think of what you can build with Python and an always-installed, always-authenticated, extensible connection directly into Azure
- Extension documentation
- Azure/azure-cli-extensions - most (not all) official extensions live here
- Available extensions (official list)
- All Azure users have access to azure-cli (and therefore extensions!) via Azure Cloud Shell
- Extensions are wheels!
- You have full power to hijack the CLI command pipeline, hook into pre/post commands, add/remove parameters or overwrite commands completely
- There are folks at MS dedicated to azure-cli and tooling around it. Check out azure-cli-dev-tools
- Official extensions should definitely follow the guidelines :)
I wanted to share some non-official extensions to spark your creativity
- noelbundick/azure-cli-extension-noelbundick - a very UNofficial extension that does some cool things
- azure-kube-cli - migrate storage from an ACS cluster to AKS
- Azure CLI extension docs
- Write good help/docs
- Make sure to test on Linux/Mac/Windows
- Have fun!