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Last active July 13, 2024 23:11
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Simple deployment using git's post-receive hook

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Simple automated deployment using git hooks

Here are the simple steps needed to push your local git repository directly to a remote (e.g. prod) server over ssh. This is based on Digital Ocean's Tutorial.


You are developing in a working-directory on your local machine, let's say on the master branch. Usually people push code to a remote server like or and pull or export it to a production server. Or you use GitHub's webhooks to send a POST request to a webserver to take appropriate actions such as cloning/checking out a branch on the remote (prod) server.

But here you could simply use a bare git repository on the production server and publish a branch of your choice (e.g. master) directly to that server. This remote repo on the server acts upon the push event using a 'git hook' (in this case, the post-receive git hook) to put the files into a deployment directory on your server. No need for any intermediary such as GitHub.

This creates a scenario where there is no middle-man, high security with encrypted communication (using ssh keys, only authorized people get access to the server) and high flexibility from using a shell script (in the post-receive hook) for the deployment.


  1. Know how to use GIT, ssh etc.
  2. Have a local working-directory ready to deploy, with AT LEAST 2 commits in the git log.
  3. Have SSH access to your server using private/public key

TLDR: Procedure

  • Have the local workspace dir ready to deploy

  • Create a directory on your remote server to receive the deployment (e.g. /var/www/html)

  • Add a bare git repository on the remote server

  • Add the post-receive hook (shell script) to the bare repository, make it executable

  • Add the remote-repository as a 'git remote' to your local git repository

  • Push to the production server, relax.

1. Have a local working-directory ready to push

Nuf said. I assume we are working on master – but you could work on any branch. Ensure there are at least 2 commits.

2. Create a directory for deployment on the remote server

ssh into your remote (e.g. production) server.

We'll assume that your username is webuser on and you access it (for "security-through-obscurity" reasons) over port 234 instead of the usual 22:

$ ssh -p234
$ mkdir ~/deploy-dir  

(Note: If you ssh in over the default ssh port of 22, then you can also just use the regular ssh instead of ssh -p22, but let's assume you use port 234)

3. Add a bare git repository on the remote server

Now we'll create a "bare" git repository – one that does not contain any working copy files. It only has the contents of the .git directory in a normal working copy such as refs, hooks, branches etc. Call it whatever you like, but for our purposes, let's call it bare-project.git:

$ git init --bare ~/bare-project.git

4. Add the post-receive hook into the bare git repo

The post-receive hook is a shell script that is executed when the push from the local machine has been received. We will write this script so that it deploys the files into required deployment directory (~/deploy-dir in this example). The post-receive file is located at this path: ~/bare-project.git/hooks/post-receive. It must be named exactly as post-receive. Normally, it is not present by default, so use a text editor such as vim to create and edit it.

The script we will use does check if the correct branch is being pushed (it won't deploy a develop branch, e.g.)

See the post-receive file for details.

Ensure it is executable: chmod a+x ~/bare-project.git/hooks/post-receive

5. Add a remote to your local git repo

Now we'll add the bare repository (on the remote server) to your local system as a 'git remote'. For this example, prod is what we'll call this remote. This could also be called "staging" or "live" or "test" etc if you want to deploy to a different system or multiple systems.

$ cd ~/path/to/working-copy/on-your-local-system/

# assuming you ssh over port 234 instead of 22, 
# otherwise if you use the default port (22), you can just omit the `:234` part of the following url:
$ git remote add prod ssh://

Make sure bare-project.git corresponds to the name of the bare repo you used in step 3.

6. Deploy!

Now you can push the master branch to the remote server:

$ git push prod master

That's it.

You should see something like:

$ git push prod master

Enumerating objects: 4, done.
Counting objects: 100% (4/4), done.
Delta compression using up to 4 threads.
Compressing objects: 100% (2/2), done.
Writing objects: 100% (3/3), 948 bytes | 948.00 KiB/s, done.
Total 3 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0)
remote: Ref refs/heads/master received. Deploying master branch on server...
remote: Already on 'master'
To ssh://
   d2b8c82..ac8be14  master -> master

7. Roll-backs

If you pushed a "bad" deployment to the remote server and need to roll it back, fret not! It's easy to roll-back to an earlier, "good" commit using a forced push:

# on your local machine

# assuming that HEAD~1 is the commit you want to roll-back to
$ git reset --hard HEAD~1   # or git revert if you prefer that

# force push to the remote server
$ git push -f prod master
#for debugging
#set -ex
# the work tree, where the checkout/deploy should happen
# the location of the .git directory
while read oldrev newrev ref
# only checking out the master (or whatever branch you would like to deploy)
if [ "$ref" = "refs/heads/$BRANCH" ];
echo "Ref $ref received. Deploying ${BRANCH} branch on server..."
git --work-tree="${TARGET}" --git-dir="${GIT_DIR}" checkout -f ${BRANCH}
echo "Ref $ref received. Doing nothing: only the ${BRANCH} branch may be deployed on this server."
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nonbeing commented Oct 14, 2023

@shanerigsby the hook script (post-receive) is just an ordinary shell script.

You can do whatever you want inside it, including build steps, running tests, making API calls etc; whatever is possible on the CLI can be done.

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@AkshayHere thanks for your comments and updating how you solved your issue. Spot on! 👍

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