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Last active October 29, 2024 13:41
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Code snippet for the one-shot imitation learning phase of DINOBot (alignment + replay).
In this script, we demonstrate how to use DINOBot to do one-shot imitation learning.
You first need to install the following repo and its requirements:
You can then run this file inside that repo.
There are a few setup-dependent functions you need to implement, like getting an RGBD observation from the camera
or moving the robot, that you will find on top of this file.
import torch
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from torchvision import transforms,utils
from PIL import Image
import torchvision.transforms as T
import warnings
import glob
import time
#Install this DINO repo to extract correspondences:
from correspondences import find_correspondences, draw_correspondences
#Hyperparameters for DINO correspondences extraction
num_pairs = 8
load_size = 224
layer = 9
facet = 'key'
#Deployment hyperparameters
ERR_THRESHOLD = 50 #A generic error between the two sets of points
#Here are the functions you need to create based on your setup.
def camera_get_rgbd():
Outputs a tuple (rgb, depth) taken from a wrist camera.
The two observations should have the same dimension.
raise NotImplementedError
def project_to_3d(points, depth, intrinsics):
Inputs: points: list of [x,y] pixel coordinates,
depth (H,W,1) observations from camera.
intrinsics: intrinsics of the camera, used to
project pixels to 3D space.
Outputs: point_with_depth: list of [x,y,z] coordinates.
Projects the selected pixels to 3D space using intrinsics and
depth value. Based on your setup the implementation may vary,
but here you can find a simple example or the explicit formula:
raise NotImplementedError
def robot_move(t_meters,R):
Inputs: t_meters: (x,y,z) translation in end-effector frame
R: (3x3) array - rotation matrix in end-effector frame
Moves and rotates the robot according to the input translation and rotation.
raise NotImplementedError
def record_demo()
Record a demonstration by moving the end-effector, and stores velocities
that can then be replayed by the "replay_demo" function.
raise NotImplementedError
def replay_demo(demo)
Inputs: demo: list of velocities that can then be executed by the end-effector.
Replays a demonstration by moving the end-effector given recorded velocities.
raise NotImplementedError
def find_transformation(X, Y):
Inputs: X, Y: lists of 3D points
Outputs: R - 3x3 rotation matrix, t - 3-dim translation array.
Find transformation given two sets of correspondences between 3D points.
# Calculate centroids
cX = np.mean(X, axis=0)
cY = np.mean(Y, axis=0)
# Subtract centroids to obtain centered sets of points
Xc = X - cX
Yc = Y - cY
# Calculate covariance matrix
C =, Yc)
# Compute SVD
U, S, Vt = np.linalg.svd(C)
# Determine rotation matrix
R =, U.T)
# Determine translation vector
t = cY -, cX)
return R, t
def compute_error(points1, points2):
return np.linalg.norm(np.array(points1) - np.array(points2))
if __name__ == “__main__”:
# Move the end-effector to the bottleneck pose and store observation.
#Get rgbd from wrist camera.
rgb_bn, depth_bn = camera_get_rgbd()
#Record demonstration.
demo_vels = record_demo()
# Move/change the object and move the end-effector to the home (or a random) pose.
while 1:
error = 100000
while error > ERR_THRESHOLD:
#Collect observations at the current pose.
rgb_live, depth_live = camera_get_rgbd()
#Compute pixel correspondences between new observation and bottleneck observation.
with torch.no_grad():
#This function from an external library takes image paths as input. Therefore, store the paths of the
#observations and then pass those
points1, points2, image1_pil, image2_pil = find_correspondences(rgb_bn, rgb_live, num_pairs, load_size, layer,
facet, bin, thresh, model_type, stride)
#Given the pixel coordinates of the correspondences, and their depth values,
#project the points to 3D space.
points1 = project_to_3d(points1, depth_bn, intrinsics)
points2 = project_to_3d(points2, depth_live, intrinsics)
#Find rigid translation and rotation that aligns the points by minimising error, using SVD.
R, t = find_transformation(points1, points2)
#Move robot
error = compute_error(points1, points2)
#Once error is small enough, replay demo.
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Thanks for you great job. I think dino v2 is better than dino, will you implement using dinov2?

An other question, how if we don't have depth_bn(like using DALLE3 to generate goal image), how to find the transformation?

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@Bailey-24 thank you for your comment.
Regarding DINOv2, we did not find particular improvements using it, and furthermore its larger patch size can hinder the granularity of pixel matching unless you compute more overlapping patches. We do plan to keep exploring the Vision Foundation Models space (e.g. the use of registers in DINO, and will update our code if noteworthy improvements are achieved.

If you do not have depth, you can approximate the needed movement along z by allowing for scaling the 2D points when matching those. You can then compute how much to move closer to the object based on how much you needed to scale the live points to match the bottleneck points. However, this is an approximation and cannot take into account things like different object dimensions.

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qidihan commented Apr 25, 2024

This is a great project. I recently viewed a demo on your website featuring an experiment where a cup is placed on a tree branch. The multi-stage task involving bottleneck images caught my attention.

I am curious to know if the technique involves sequentially reading a bottleneck image and then identifying and focusing on the corresponding object in the current image for each stage of the task. Could you please confirm if my understanding is correct? Additionally, I would appreciate any further details or documentation on this method

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@qidihan For a multistage task like the one you mentioned, we do store a bottleneck observation per each stage, and then use them sequentially for the alignment and replay parts. So yes, your understanding seems correct

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Hello. Impressive work! Could you please share a full code on github? e.g. the full script for grabbing a bottle. Thanks.

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Is the find_correspondences function running very slow? it takes around 30 seconds on my Tesla P100 GPU.

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Is the find_correspondences function running very slow? it takes around 30 seconds on my Tesla P100 GPU.

It can be slow if the input size you select is large. Try this implementation if you need to find correspondences in many images.

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