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Bucky notesbot

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# Usernotes Notifier Bot v 2.0 by u/BuckRowdy
from datetime import datetime
import praw
import time
import pmtw
import re
import json
reddit = praw.Reddit(
def run_bot():
unread_conversations = reddit.subreddit(sub_name).modmail.conversations(state="highlighted")
for conversation in unread_conversations:
if (len(conversation.authors) > 1 and len(conversation.messages) > 1 and "find_last" in conversation.messages[-1].body_markdown):
print(f'Match Found: {}')
username = conversation.user
target_sub = conversation.owner
api = PushshiftAPI()
# modeled off of user_history_bot
import praw
import traceback
import time
import sys
#!/usr/bin/env python
"""This example demonstrates the flow for retrieving a refresh token.
In order for this example to work your application's redirect URI must be set to
This tool can be used to conveniently create refresh tokens for later use with your web
application OAuth2 credentials.
# Automod comment killer bot for r/sourdough
# Import modules needed for the bot to run.
import praw
import sys
import time
# Define subreddit and bot's comment reply
sub_name = 'sourdough'
import praw
import time
from datetime import datetime as datetime
def login():
reddit = praw.Reddit(
user_agent = "USER_AGENT",
client_id = 'CLIENT_ID',
client_secret = 'CIENT_SECRET',
refresh_token = 'TOKEN'
import re
import sys
import praw
import time
from datetime import datetime as dt, timedelta as td, date
# This is a file in the same folder (called
import config