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Created February 1, 2022 19:22
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import re
import sys
import praw
import time
from datetime import datetime as dt, timedelta as td, date
# This is a file in the same folder (called
import config
# Set Variables
RGX_CHAR_200 = r'.{200}' # Don't touch if you don't understand
SUB_NAME = 'truecrime' # Set subreddit here
USER_AGENT = f'Top Comment Enforcer Bot for /r/{SUB_NAME} - v0.2' # Info for reddit API
MINIMUM_HOURS = 1 # Number of hours a post must be old
SLEEP_SECONDS = 2400 # Number of seconds to sleep between scans (1200 = 20 minutes)
#REMOVAL_REPLY = f'Hello u/{}.\nYour post to r/{submission.subreddit} has been removed. Our rules require a [submission statement]({submission.subreddit}/wiki/submissions) of at least 100 characters within one hour of posting a link or image post. This is done to encourage more user participation in the community. This post cannot be restored, but you may resubmit it and then post the required submission comment. Please [see here for more info.]({submission.subreddit}/wiki/submissions) I am a bot. Replies and chats will not receive responses. *If you feel this was done in error, or would like better clarification or need further assistance, please [message the moderators.]({submission.subreddit}&subject=Question regarding the removal of this submission by /u/{}&message=I have a question regarding the removal of this submission: {submission.permalink})'
def reddit_login():
print('Connecting to reddit...')
reddit = praw.Reddit( client_id= config.client_id,
client_secret= config.client_secret,
except Exception as e:
print(f'\t### ERROR - Could not login.\n\t{e}')
print(f'Logged in as: {}')
return reddit
def get_latest_submissions(subreddit):
print(f'Getting posts from {SUB_NAME}...')
submissions = subreddit.mod.unmoderated(limit=30)
return submissions
def check_submissions(submissions, valid_posts):
for submission in submissions:
# Set up a removal reply
REMOVAL_REPLY = f'Hello u/{}.\nYour post to r/{submission.subreddit} has been removed. Our rules require that you make a [submission statement]({submission.subreddit}/wiki/submissions) of at least 200 characters within one hour of posting a link or image post. This is simply a comment on your own post that explains the post. You will have to resubmit this post and then make the required submission comment. Please [see here for more info.]({submission.subreddit}/wiki/submissions) As an example, this message is about 588 characters. \n\n*I am a bot. Replies and chats will not receive replies.* If you feel this was done in error, or would like better clarification or need further assistance, please [message the moderators.]({submission.subreddit}&subject=Question regarding the removal of this submission by /u/{}&message=I have a question regarding the removal of this submission: {submission.permalink})'
# Ignore self posts
if submission.is_self:
# Get the UTC unix timestamp
ts = submission.created_utc
# Convert to datetime format
post_time = dt.utcfromtimestamp(ts)
# Skip any post before today
if post_time <= dt(2020, 7, 23, 0, 0):
# Print a line break between each post
# Current the current UTC time
current_time = dt.utcnow()
# Number of whole hours (seconds / 60 / 60) between posts
hours_since_post = int((current_time - post_time).seconds / 3600)
print(f'{post_time} - ({hours_since_post} min) - {submission.title}')
# Check if we've already marked this as valid
if in valid_posts:
print('\t # Already checked - post valid.')
# Go to next loop
# Check if passed the minimum
if hours_since_post >= MINIMUM_HOURS:
# Once the minimum has passed
# Create a flag, if this stays False, post to be removed
op_left_correct_comment = False
# Get all top level comments from the post
for top_level_comment in submission.comments:
# Look for a comment by the author
if top_level_comment.is_submitter:
print('\t# OP has commented')
# Reset the variable
match_found = None
# Grab the body
comment_body = top_level_comment.body
# Check if it matches our regex - multiline not required as it displays \n line breaks
match_found =, comment_body)
# If there is no match found
if not match_found is None:
# Flag as correct
op_left_correct_comment = True
# Leave this loop
# Check if the flag has changed
if not op_left_correct_comment:
print('\t# OP has NOT left a valid comment!')
# # Remove and lock the post
# # Leave a comment and remove it
removal_comment = submission.reply(REMOVAL_REPLY)
removal_comment.mod.distinguish(how='yes', sticky=True)
print('\t# Post removed.')
# If correct, add to exceptions list
print('\t # Post valid')
# Send back the posts we've marked as valid
return valid_posts
# Bot starts here
if __name__ == "__main__":
# Connect to reddit and return the object
r = reddit_login()
# Connect to the sub
subreddit = r.subreddit(SUB_NAME)
except Exception as e:
print('\t\n### ERROR - Could not connect to reddit.')
# A list of posts already valid, keep this in memory so we don't keep checking these
valid_posts = []
# Loop the bot
while True:
# Get the latest submissions after emptying variable
submissions = None
submissions = get_latest_submissions(subreddit)
except Exception as e:
print('\t### ERROR - Could not get posts from reddit')
# If there are posts, start scanning
if not submissions is None:
# Once you have submissions, check valid posts
valid_posts = check_submissions(submissions, valid_posts)
# Loop every X seconds (20 minutes)
sleep_until = ( + td(0, SLEEP_SECONDS)).strftime('%H:%M:%S') # Add 0 days, 1200 seconds
print(f'\nSleeping until {sleep_until}') #%Y-%m-%d
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