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Last active January 6, 2018 21:52
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a simple, two-player tic-tac-toe in perl
#!/usr/share/env perl
# a simple, two-player tic-tac-toe game
use strict; use warnings;
my @cells;
my %valid_input = map { $_ => undef } (1..9);
my $who_has_turn = 1; # 1 or 2, for player 1 or 2, respectively
my %str = (
prompt => sub { " Player $_[0]'s turn: " },
win => sub { " Player $_[0] is the winner!\n" },
tie => " Tie! No player has won!\n",
header => " Player 1 (O) v/s Player 2 (X)\n\n",
# drawing the board
cover => " ___ ___ ___ \n",
walls => "| | | |\n",
floor => "|___|___|___|\n",
cells => sub { "| $_[0] | $_[1] | $_[2] |\n" },
leading_space => " ",
1 => "\e[1;34mO\e[m",
2 => "\e[1;33mX\e[m",
while(1) { print_board(); prompt(); check_winner(); }
sub print_board
print $str{header};
local *val = sub {
my $c = $cells[$_[0]];
return (defined $c) ? $str{$c} : $_[0] + 1;
$str{leading_space}, $str{cover},
$str{leading_space}, $str{walls},
$str{leading_space}, $str{cells}(val(6), val(7), val(8)),
$str{leading_space}, $str{floor},
$str{leading_space}, $str{walls},
$str{leading_space}, $str{cells}(val(3), val(4), val(5)),
$str{leading_space}, $str{floor},
$str{leading_space}, $str{walls},
$str{leading_space}, $str{cells}(val(0), val(1), val(2)),
$str{leading_space}, $str{floor}, "\n";
sub prompt
my $res;
do {
print $str{prompt}($who_has_turn);
$res = scalar(<>); chomp($res);
} until (exists $valid_input{$res});
delete $valid_input{$res};
$cells[$res - 1] = $who_has_turn;
$who_has_turn = 2 - $who_has_turn + 1; # swap 1 and 2
sub check_winner
my $w;
# rows:
if ($w = check_cells(0, 1, 2)) { finish($str{win}($w)) }
elsif ($w = check_cells(3, 4, 5)) { finish($str{win}($w)) }
elsif ($w = check_cells(6, 7, 8)) { finish($str{win}($w)) }
# columns:
elsif ($w = check_cells(0, 3, 6)) { finish($str{win}($w)) }
elsif ($w = check_cells(1, 4, 7)) { finish($str{win}($w)) }
elsif ($w = check_cells(2, 5, 8)) { finish($str{win}($w)) }
# diagonals:
elsif ($w = check_cells(0, 4, 8)) { finish($str{win}($w)) }
elsif ($w = check_cells(2, 4, 6)) { finish($str{win}($w)) }
# if no winner and board is full:
else { if (is_board_full()) { finish($str{tie}) } }
sub check_cells
my ($a, $b, $c) = ($cells[$_[0]], $cells[$_[1]], $cells[$_[2]]);
return 0 unless (defined $a && defined $b && defined $c);
return ($a == $b && $b == $c)? $a : 0;
sub finish { print_board(); printf $_[0]; exit(); } #prompt_new_game() #TODO
sub is_board_full { scalar(grep { defined $_ } @cells) == 9 }
sub clear_screen { print "\e[2J\e[H" }
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