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Last active March 21, 2019 10:58
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Alternative testbench using a lookup table
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;
LIBRARY altera_mf;
USE altera_mf.altera_mf_components.all;
entity fifo_test_v2 is
end fifo_test_v2;
architecture rtl of fifo_test_v2 is
--Component declaration
component scfifo
generic (
add_ram_output_register : string := "OFF";
allow_rwcycle_when_full : string := "OFF";
almost_empty_value : natural := 0;
almost_full_value : natural := 0;
intended_device_family : string := "Cyclone IV";
enable_ecc : string := "FALSE";
lpm_numwords : natural;
lpm_showahead : string := "OFF";
lpm_width : natural;
lpm_widthu : natural := 1;
overflow_checking : string := "ON";
ram_block_type : string := "AUTO";
underflow_checking : string := "ON";
use_eab : string := "ON";
lpm_hint : string := "UNUSED";
lpm_type : string := "scfifo"
aclr : in std_logic := '0';
almost_empty : out std_logic;
almost_full : out std_logic;
clock : in std_logic;
data : in std_logic_vector(lpm_width-1 downto 0);
eccstatus : out std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
empty : out std_logic;
full : out std_logic;
q : out std_logic_vector(lpm_width-1 downto 0);
rdreq : in std_logic;
sclr : in std_logic := '0';
usedw : out std_logic_vector(lpm_widthu-1 downto 0);
wrreq : in std_logic
end component;
-- internal signals
signal aclr : std_logic := '0';
signal almost_empty : std_logic;
signal almost_full : std_logic;
signal clock : std_logic;
signal data : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
signal eccstatus : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
signal empty : std_logic;
signal full : std_logic;
signal q : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
signal rdreq : std_logic;
signal sclr : std_logic := '0';
signal usedw : std_logic_vector(2 downto 0);
signal wrreq : std_logic;
-- String padding with spaces
function pad_string(s : string; strlen : natural) return string is
variable retStr : string(1 to strlen);
assert strlen >= s'LENGTH report "String length must be less than strlen" severity error;
for n in 1 to s'HIGH loop
retStr(n) := s(n);
end loop;
for n in s'HIGH+1 to strlen loop
retStr(n) := ' ';
end loop;
return retStr;
end function pad_string;
function str64(s : string) return string is
return pad_string(s, 64);
end function str64;
--Introduce the record type (similar to a C struct)
type test_vec_t is record
data : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); -- Input data
rdreq : std_logic; -- rdreq input
wrreq : std_logic; -- wrreq input
sclr : std_logic; -- sclr intput
usedw : std_logic_vector(2 downto 0); -- Expected Output - number of used words in fifo
q : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); -- Expected Output - value from last successful read
empty : std_logic; -- Expected Output - High when buffer is empty
full : std_logic; -- Expected Output - High when buffer is full
msg : string(1 to 64); -- Error string on assert failure
end record;
type lookuptable_t is array (0 to 37) of test_vec_t;
constant tests : lookuptable_t := (
(data => "00000000", rdreq => '0', wrreq => '0', sclr => '0', usedw => "000", q => "00000000", empty => '1', full => '0', msg=>str64("Empty buffer - no read or write")),
(data => "00000011", rdreq => '0', wrreq => '1', sclr => '0', usedw => "001", q => "00000000", empty => '0', full => '0', msg=>str64("Write to empty buffer") ),
(data => "10101010", rdreq => '0', wrreq => '0', sclr => '0', usedw => "001", q => "00000000", empty => '0', full => '0', msg=>str64("Do nothing - output should still be zero") ),
(data => "00001100", rdreq => '0', wrreq => '1', sclr => '0', usedw => "010", q => "00000000", empty => '0', full => '0', msg=>str64("Add one more word") ),
(data => "00110000", rdreq => '0', wrreq => '1', sclr => '0', usedw => "011", q => "00000000", empty => '0', full => '0', msg=>str64("Add one more word") ),
(data => "01010101", rdreq => '0', wrreq => '0', sclr => '0', usedw => "011", q => "00000000", empty => '0', full => '0', msg=>str64("Do nothing - output still the same") ),
(data => "11000000", rdreq => '0', wrreq => '1', sclr => '0', usedw => "100", q => "00000000", empty => '0', full => '0', msg=>str64("Add one more word") ),
(data => "11000000", rdreq => '1', wrreq => '0', sclr => '0', usedw => "011", q => "00000011", empty => '0', full => '0', msg=>str64("Read first word") ),
(data => "11000000", rdreq => '1', wrreq => '0', sclr => '0', usedw => "010", q => "00001100", empty => '0', full => '0', msg=>str64("Read second word") ),
(data => "11111111", rdreq => '1', wrreq => '1', sclr => '0', usedw => "010", q => "00110000", empty => '0', full => '0', msg=>str64("Read third word + write") ),
(data => "11011101", rdreq => '1', wrreq => '0', sclr => '0', usedw => "001", q => "11000000", empty => '0', full => '0', msg=>str64("Read fourth word") ),
(data => "11011101", rdreq => '1', wrreq => '0', sclr => '0', usedw => "000", q => "11111111", empty => '1', full => '0', msg=>str64("Read last word in buffer") ),
(data => "10101010", rdreq => '0', wrreq => '1', sclr => '0', usedw => "001", q => "--------", empty => '0', full => '0', msg=>str64("Add to buffer") ),
(data => "10101010", rdreq => '0', wrreq => '1', sclr => '0', usedw => "010", q => "--------", empty => '0', full => '0', msg=>str64("Add to buffer") ),
(data => "10101010", rdreq => '0', wrreq => '1', sclr => '0', usedw => "011", q => "--------", empty => '0', full => '0', msg=>str64("Add to buffer") ),
(data => "10101010", rdreq => '0', wrreq => '1', sclr => '0', usedw => "100", q => "--------", empty => '0', full => '0', msg=>str64("Add to buffer") ),
(data => "10101010", rdreq => '0', wrreq => '1', sclr => '0', usedw => "101", q => "--------", empty => '0', full => '0', msg=>str64("Add to buffer") ),
(data => "10101010", rdreq => '0', wrreq => '1', sclr => '0', usedw => "110", q => "--------", empty => '0', full => '0', msg=>str64("Add to buffer") ),
(data => "10101010", rdreq => '0', wrreq => '1', sclr => '0', usedw => "111", q => "--------", empty => '0', full => '0', msg=>str64("Add to buffer") ),
(data => "10101010", rdreq => '0', wrreq => '1', sclr => '0', usedw => "000", q => "--------", empty => '0', full => '1', msg=>str64("Buffer now full") ),
(data => "00000000", rdreq => '0', wrreq => '1', sclr => '0', usedw => "000", q => "--------", empty => '0', full => '1', msg=>str64("Add to full buffer") ),
(data => "11110000", rdreq => '1', wrreq => '1', sclr => '0', usedw => "111", q => "10101010", empty => '0', full => '0', msg=>str64("Read + Add with full buffer") ),
(data => "00000000", rdreq => '1', wrreq => '0', sclr => '0', usedw => "110", q => "10101010", empty => '0', full => '0', msg=>str64("Read buffer") ),
(data => "00000000", rdreq => '1', wrreq => '0', sclr => '0', usedw => "101", q => "10101010", empty => '0', full => '0', msg=>str64("Read buffer") ),
(data => "00000000", rdreq => '1', wrreq => '0', sclr => '0', usedw => "100", q => "10101010", empty => '0', full => '0', msg=>str64("Read buffer") ),
(data => "00000000", rdreq => '1', wrreq => '0', sclr => '0', usedw => "011", q => "10101010", empty => '0', full => '0', msg=>str64("Read buffer") ),
(data => "00000000", rdreq => '1', wrreq => '0', sclr => '0', usedw => "010", q => "10101010", empty => '0', full => '0', msg=>str64("Read buffer") ),
(data => "00000000", rdreq => '1', wrreq => '0', sclr => '0', usedw => "001", q => "10101010", empty => '0', full => '0', msg=>str64("Read buffer") ),
(data => "00000000", rdreq => '1', wrreq => '0', sclr => '0', usedw => "000", q => "10101010", empty => '1', full => '0', msg=>str64("Read and empty buffer") ),
(data => "11110000", rdreq => '1', wrreq => '1', sclr => '0', usedw => "001", q => "10101010", empty => '0', full => '0', msg=>str64("Read and write to an empty buffer") ),
(data => "10111010", rdreq => '1', wrreq => '0', sclr => '0', usedw => "000", q => "11110000", empty => '1', full => '0', msg=>str64("Read last sample from buffer") ),
(data => "00001111", rdreq => '1', wrreq => '0', sclr => '0', usedw => "000", q => "11110000", empty => '1', full => '0', msg=>str64("Read from empty buffer") ),
-- Test sclr
(data => "00000001", rdreq => '0', wrreq => '1', sclr => '0', usedw => "001", q => "--------", empty => '0', full => '0', msg=>str64("Write 00000001") ),
(data => "00000010", rdreq => '0', wrreq => '1', sclr => '0', usedw => "010", q => "--------", empty => '0', full => '0', msg=>str64("Write 00000010") ),
(data => "00000100", rdreq => '0', wrreq => '1', sclr => '0', usedw => "011", q => "--------", empty => '0', full => '0', msg=>str64("Write 00000100") ),
(data => "00000111", rdreq => '0', wrreq => '0', sclr => '1', usedw => "000", q => "--------", empty => '1', full => '0', msg=>str64("sclr") ),
--Does sclr take precedent over wrreq?
(data => "00000001", rdreq => '0', wrreq => '1', sclr => '0', usedw => "001", q => "--------", empty => '0', full => '0', msg=>str64("Write 00000001") ),
(data => "00000111", rdreq => '0', wrreq => '1', sclr => '1', usedw => "000", q => "--------", empty => '1', full => '0', msg=>str64("sclr with write") )
--instantiate a scfifo
fifo : scfifo
generic map
almost_empty_value => 2,
almost_full_value => 6,
lpm_numwords => 8,
lpm_showahead => "OFF",
lpm_width => 8,
lpm_widthu => 3,
overflow_checking => "ON",
underflow_checking => "ON",
use_eab => "ON"
port map
aclr => aclr,
almost_empty => almost_empty,
almost_full => almost_full,
clock => clock,
data => data,
eccstatus => eccstatus,
empty => empty,
full => full,
q => q,
rdreq => rdreq,
sclr => sclr,
usedw => usedw,
wrreq => wrreq
--Generate the clock
clk: process
clock <= '0';
wait for 10 ns;
for n in 1 to 64 loop
clock <= '1';
wait for 10 ns;
clock <= '0';
wait for 10 ns;
end loop;
end process;
--Perform tests
testv: process
for n in tests'RANGE loop
data <= tests(n).data;
rdreq <= tests(n).rdreq;
wrreq <= tests(n).wrreq;
sclr <= tests(n).sclr;
wait until rising_edge(clock);
wait until falling_edge(clock);
assert false report tests(n).msg severity note;
assert std_match(usedw,tests(n).usedw) report "Unexpected number of words " & to_string(usedw) & " used in buffer" severity error;
assert std_match(q, tests(n).q) report "Unexpected output: " & to_string(q) severity error;
assert std_match(empty,tests(n).empty) report "Unexpected empty bit state" severity error;
assert std_match(full, tests(n).full) report "Unexpected full bit state" severity error;
end loop;
end process;
end rtl;
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