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Last active May 10, 2020 17:07
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package Mock::RelationalData;
use Moo 2;
my $reldata= Mock::RelationalData->new;
# Define custom mock data generators
$reldata->add_generator("words" => ...);
# Define relational schema
# you can import a whole DBIC schema
# or import specific tables from a DBIC schema
# or define tables on your own
artist => [
id => { type => 'integer', default => 'auto_inc', pk => 1 },
name => { type => 'varchar(99)', default => 'words' },
formed => { type => 'datetime' },
disbanded => { type => 'datetime', null => 1 },
album => [
id => { type => 'integer', default => 'auto_inc', pk => 1 },
artist_id => { type => 'integer', fk => [artist => 'id'] },
name => { type => 'varchar(99)', default => 'words' },
released => { type => 'datetime', null => 1 },
# Then create a record
$reldata->add_records(album => { name => 'Test' });
# has the effect of:
# push @artist, [ my $artist_id= auto_inc(...), words(...), datetime(...), undef ];
# push @album, [ auto_inc(...), $artist_id, varchar(...), undef ];
# Then use the data:
for my $dataset ($reldata->get_populate_sequence(as_array => 1)) {
This module assists you with creating data that adheres to a relational schema
with a minimal amount of manually-specified data. This is primarily useful for
generating test cases of complicated schemas where you only want to declare the
few fields that are applicable to the test, but need to have many fields filled
out in order for the code to run correctly.
It is primarily meant to be used with L<DBIx::Class>, but does not depend on that
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