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Created July 12, 2019 16:57
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Code for tutorial "How to add a new sensor to CARLA Simulator"
// Copyright (c) 2019 Computer Vision Center (CVC) at the Universitat Autonoma
// de Barcelona (UAB).
// This work is licensed under the terms of the MIT license.
// For a copy, see <>.
#pragma once
#include "carla/rpc/ActorId.h"
#include "carla/sensor/data/Array.h"
namespace carla {
namespace sensor {
namespace data {
class SafeDistanceEvent : public Array<rpc::ActorId> {
explicit SafeDistanceEvent(RawData &&data)
: Array<rpc::ActorId>(std::move(data)) {}
} // namespace data
} // namespace sensor
} // namespace carla
// Copyright (c) 2019 Computer Vision Center (CVC) at the Universitat Autonoma
// de Barcelona (UAB).
// This work is licensed under the terms of the MIT license.
// For a copy, see <>.
#include "Carla.h"
#include "Carla/Sensor/SafeDistanceSensor.h"
#include "Carla/Actor/ActorBlueprintFunctionLibrary.h"
#include "Carla/Game/CarlaEpisode.h"
#include "Carla/Util/BoundingBoxCalculator.h"
#include "Carla/Vehicle/CarlaWheeledVehicle.h"
ASafeDistanceSensor::ASafeDistanceSensor(const FObjectInitializer &ObjectInitializer)
: Super(ObjectInitializer)
Box = CreateDefaultSubobject<UBoxComponent>(TEXT("BoxOverlap"));
Box->SetHiddenInGame(true); // Disable for debugging.
PrimaryActorTick.bCanEverTick = true;
FActorDefinition ASafeDistanceSensor::GetSensorDefinition()
auto Definition = UActorBlueprintFunctionLibrary::MakeGenericSensorDefinition(
FActorVariation Front;
Front.Id = TEXT("safe_distance_front");
Front.Type = EActorAttributeType::Float;
Front.RecommendedValues = { TEXT("1.0") };
Front.bRestrictToRecommended = false;
FActorVariation Back;
Back.Id = TEXT("safe_distance_back");
Back.Type = EActorAttributeType::Float;
Back.RecommendedValues = { TEXT("0.5") };
Back.bRestrictToRecommended = false;
FActorVariation Lateral;
Lateral.Id = TEXT("safe_distance_lateral");
Lateral.Type = EActorAttributeType::Float;
Lateral.RecommendedValues = { TEXT("0.5") };
Lateral.bRestrictToRecommended = false;
Definition.Variations.Append({ Front, Back, Lateral });
return Definition;
void ASafeDistanceSensor::Set(const FActorDescription &Description)
float Front = UActorBlueprintFunctionLibrary::RetrieveActorAttributeToFloat(
float Back = UActorBlueprintFunctionLibrary::RetrieveActorAttributeToFloat(
float Lateral = UActorBlueprintFunctionLibrary::RetrieveActorAttributeToFloat(
constexpr float M_TO_CM = 100.0f; // Unit conversion.
float LocationX = M_TO_CM * (Front - Back) / 2.0f;
float ExtentX = M_TO_CM * (Front + Back) / 2.0f;
float ExtentY = M_TO_CM * Lateral;
Box->SetRelativeLocation(FVector{LocationX, 0.0f, 0.0f});
Box->SetBoxExtent(FVector{ExtentX, ExtentY, 0.0f});
void ASafeDistanceSensor::SetOwner(AActor *Owner)
auto BoundingBox = UBoundingBoxCalculator::GetActorBoundingBox(Owner);
Box->SetBoxExtent(BoundingBox.Extent + Box->GetUnscaledBoxExtent());
void ASafeDistanceSensor::Tick(float DeltaSeconds)
TSet<AActor *> DetectedActors;
Box->GetOverlappingActors(DetectedActors, ACarlaWheeledVehicle::StaticClass());
if (DetectedActors.Num() > 0)
auto Stream = GetDataStream(*this);
Stream.Send(*this, GetEpisode(), DetectedActors);
// Copyright (c) 2019 Computer Vision Center (CVC) at the Universitat Autonoma
// de Barcelona (UAB).
// This work is licensed under the terms of the MIT license.
// For a copy, see <>.
#pragma once
#include "Carla/Sensor/Sensor.h"
#include "Carla/Actor/ActorDefinition.h"
#include "Carla/Actor/ActorDescription.h"
#include "Components/BoxComponent.h"
#include "SafeDistanceSensor.generated.h"
class CARLA_API ASafeDistanceSensor : public ASensor
ASafeDistanceSensor(const FObjectInitializer &ObjectInitializer);
static FActorDefinition GetSensorDefinition();
void Set(const FActorDescription &ActorDescription) override;
void SetOwner(AActor *Owner) override;
void Tick(float DeltaSeconds) override;
UBoxComponent *Box = nullptr;
// Copyright (c) 2019 Computer Vision Center (CVC) at the Universitat Autonoma
// de Barcelona (UAB).
// This work is licensed under the terms of the MIT license.
// For a copy, see <>.
#include "carla/sensor/s11n/SafeDistanceSerializer.h"
#include "carla/sensor/data/SafeDistanceEvent.h"
namespace carla {
namespace sensor {
namespace s11n {
SharedPtr<SensorData> SafeDistanceSerializer::Deserialize(RawData &&data) {
return SharedPtr<SensorData>(new data::SafeDistanceEvent(std::move(data)));
} // namespace s11n
} // namespace sensor
} // namespace carla
// Copyright (c) 2019 Computer Vision Center (CVC) at the Universitat Autonoma
// de Barcelona (UAB).
// This work is licensed under the terms of the MIT license.
// For a copy, see <>.
#pragma once
#include "carla/Memory.h"
#include "carla/rpc/ActorId.h"
#include "carla/sensor/RawData.h"
#include <cstdint>
#include <cstring>
namespace carla {
namespace sensor {
class SensorData;
namespace s11n {
class SafeDistanceSerializer {
template <typename SensorT, typename EpisodeT, typename ActorListT>
static Buffer Serialize(
const SensorT &,
const EpisodeT &episode,
const ActorListT &detected_actors) {
const uint32_t size_in_bytes = sizeof(ActorId) * detected_actors.Num();
Buffer buffer{size_in_bytes};
unsigned char *it =;
for (auto *actor : detected_actors) {
ActorId id = episode.FindActor(actor).GetActorId();
std::memcpy(it, &id, sizeof(ActorId));
it += sizeof(ActorId);
return buffer;
static SharedPtr<SensorData> Deserialize(RawData &&data);
} // namespace s11n
} // namespace sensor
} // namespace carla
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@replica6 delete final in Sensor.h and try again.

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after make rebuild , I got this problem:

x86_64-linux-gnu-gcc: error: /home/ikaros/carla/PythonAPI/carla/dependencies/lib/libxerces-c.a:  No such file or directory
x86_64-linux-gnu-gcc: error: /home/ikaros/carla/PythonAPI/carla/dependencies/lib/libproj.a:  No such file or directory
x86_64-linux-gnu-gcc: error: /home/ikaros/carla/PythonAPI/carla/dependencies/lib/libsqlite3.a:  No such file or directory

and the solution is:
DO NOT make rebuild
just make clean and make PythonAPI and make launch

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kaermorhen97 commented Mar 5, 2022

C:\CARLA\carla\Unreal\CarlaUE4\Plugins\Carla\Source\Carla\Sensor\SafeDistanceSensor.h(33) error C3248: 'ASensor::Tick': function declared as 'final' cannot be overridden by 'ASafeDistanceSensor::Tick'

Hi @replica6, do you solve your issue? I also have this issue.
Thanks for help

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when i was trying to add a safe distance sensor in Carla (as per the doc : I'm facing some issue

WARNING: Version mismatch detected: You are trying to connect to a simulator that might be incompatible with this API
WARNING: Client API version = 0.9.13
WARNING: Simulator API version = 0.9.13-1-g8854804f4-dirty
INFO: Found the required file in cache! Carla/Maps/TM/Town10HD_Opt.bin
INFO: Found the required file in cache! Carla/Maps/Nav/Town10HD_Opt.bin
basic agent set destination
ActorBlueprint(id=sensor.other.safe_distance,tags=[sensor, other, safe_distance])
Assertion failed: px != 0, file C:\workspace\carla\Build\boost-1.72.0-install\include\boost/smart_ptr/shared_ptr.hpp, line 734

and the server crashed

Could anyone please help us to figure out what we need to do? Thanks for your work and best regards.

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jyb01124 commented Apr 5, 2023

@replica6 delete final in Sensor.h and try again.

It is better to replace Tick in the example with PrePhysTick.

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yor-b commented Jun 14, 2023

I got this error.
source/libcarla/SensorData.cpp:578:10: error: no member named 'SafeDistanceEvent' in namespace 'carla::sensor::data'
csd::SafeDistanceEvent, // actual type.
1 error generated.
error: command 'clang-10' failed with exit status 1
make: *** [Util/BuildTools/ PythonAPI] Error 1

Could anyone help with this?

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I got this error. source/libcarla/SensorData.cpp:578:10: error: no member named 'SafeDistanceEvent' in namespace 'carla::sensor::data' csd::SafeDistanceEvent, // actual type. ~~~~~^ 1 error generated. error: command 'clang-10' failed with exit status 1 make: *** [Util/BuildTools/ PythonAPI] Error 1

Could anyone help with this?

You might need to include the head files in SensorData.cpp:
#include <carla/sensor/data/SafeDistanceEvent.h>

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yor-b commented Jul 31, 2023

When I try to run the .py file (as given in the guide) to test this sensor, I get this error. Why can it not find this blueprint_library?

NameError Traceback (most recent call last)
Cell In[10], line 4
1 blueprint = bp_lib.find('sensor.other.safe_distance')
2 sensor = world.spawn_actor(blueprint, carla.Transform(), attach_to=vehicle)
----> 4 world_ref = weakref.ref(world)
6 def callback(event):
7 for actor_id in event:

NameError: name 'weakref' is not defined

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Nishanth15151 commented Aug 23, 2023

bp_lib = world.get_blueprint_library

For the weakref is not defined issue:
import weakref

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