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Last active October 24, 2023 23:13
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CARLA 0.9.X API Proposal
# CARLA 0.9.X API Proposal
# ========================
# Core concepts:
# - World: a loaded map.
# - Blueprint: specifications for creating an actor.
# - Actor: anything that plays a role in the simulation.
# - Sensor: an actor that produces a data stream.
# - Agent: an AI that controls an actor.
import carla
from carla import Location, Rotation, Transform
### Use case ###################################################################
client = carla.Client('localhost', 2000)
world = client.get_world()
blueprint_library = world.get_blueprint_library()
vehicle_blueprints = blueprint_library.filter('vehicle.mustang.*')
blueprint = random.choice(vehicle_blueprints)
transform = Transform(Location(50.0, 50.0, 2.0))
player_vehicle = world.spawn_actor(blueprint, transform)
vehicle_camera = carla.Camera('MyCameraDepth', type='Depth')
vehicle_camera.attach_to(player_vehicle, Transform(Location(z=60.0)))
vehicle_camera.listen(lambda image: image.save_to_disk())
static_camera = carla.Camera('SecurityCamera', type='SceneFinal')
static_camera.attach_to(world, Transform(Location(x=30.0), Rotation(yaw=90)))
static_camera.listen(lambda image: image.save_to_disk())
while True:
control = carla.VehicleControl(throttle=0.6, reverse=True)
### Spawning error handling ####################################################
actor = world.try_spawn_actor(blueprint, Transform())
if actor is None:
actor = world.spawn_actor(blueprint, Transform())
except SpawnException as e:
print('cannot spawn actor: %s' % e)
print('try at %s' % e.suggested_transform)
### Spawning multiple actors at once ###########################################
actors = world.try_spawn_actors([
[blueprint, Transform(Location(x=20.0))],
[blueprint, Transform(Location(x=40.0))],
[blueprint, Transform(Location(x=60.0))],
[blueprint, Transform(Location(x=0.0))]])
## Teleporting actors ##########################################################
# Actors' transforms can be set, effectively teleporting the actor without using
# the physics engine.
actor.set_transform(Transform(Location(x=10.0, y=10.0)))
### Control multiple actors at once ############################################
[actor0, carla.VehicleControl(throttle=2.0)],
[actor1, carla.VehicleControl(throttle=4.0)],
[actor2, carla.VehicleControl(throttle=0.0)]])
### Everything is an actor, everything can be controlled #######################
# We will have different kinds of control, and in principle they can be applied
# to any actor. However, there are some that are specific for certain types of
# actors.
bps = blueprint_library.filter('pedestrian.*')
pedestrian = world.spawn_actor(random.choice(bps), Transform())
except InvalidControlType as e:
print('cannot control a pedestrian as a vehicle!')
### Locking actors #############################################################
# When an actor is locked, this client instance is the only one able to control
# the actor.
actor = world.spawn_actor('*', Transform(), lock=True) # Should they start
if not actor.is_locked(): # locked by default?
# However, locking is only relevant if we have methods of retrieving existing
# actors in the scene.
### Sensors are asynchronous ###################################################
# At the server-side, sensors produce data asynchronously, every time a data
# blob arrives (one image, one set of lidar points, etc), the callback
# registered at "listen" is called.
sensor.listen(functor) # function, lambda, callable object.
### Sensor adapters ############################################################
# It would be nice if we can provide sensor adapters, e.g.
# Holding a queue of the data.
data_queue = carla.DataQueue(sensor) # self-registers a listen callback.
# Synchronizing two or more sensors.
composite = carla.CompositeSensor(camera_rgb, camera_depth)
composite.listen(lambda rgb, depth: make_point_cloud(rgb, depth)) # syncs rgb and depth
# with same frame number.
### Current Carla measurements are migrated to sensors #########################
# (temporary names, we need to think about names everywhere)
carla.GroundTruthGPS() # actor's location.
carla.GroundTruthIMU() # actor's transform, speed, acceleration.
carla.LaneDetector() # percentage of actor off-road and opposite lane.
carla.CollisionDetector() # actor's collision accum. for pedestrians, vehicles, other.
carla.AutopilotControlSensor() # this one will be fully moved to client-side eventually.
# TODO: How to migrate current non-player agents info.
# Extra overhead:
# Every sensor data needs to be tagged with time-stamps: platform time, game time, frame number.
# Positionable sensors should also send their world position every frame.
### Positionable sensors can be moved ##########################################
camera = carla.Camera('SecurityCamera')
camera.attach_to(world, Transform(Location(z=4.0), Rotation(pitch=-15)))
camera.listen(lambda image: image.save_to_disk())
current_yaw = 0
while True:
t = Transform(rotation=Rotation(yaw=current_yaw))
current_yaw = (current_yaw + 1) % 360
### Example using current autopilot ############################################
# Using autopilot without modifications.
vehicle = world.spawn_actor(blueprint, Transform())
vehicle.apply_control(carla.AutopilotControl()) # only once.
# Modifying autopilot input.
vehicle = world.spawn_actor(blueprint, Transform())
def add_noise(control):
control.steer += random.uniform(-0.2, 0.2)
return control
sensor = carla.AutopilotControlSensor()
sensor.listen(lambda control: vehicle.apply_control(add_noise(control)))
# My idea on how this will work in the future.
vehicle = world.spawn_actor(blueprint, Transform())
agent = carla.AutopilotAgent() # Users can easily write their agents.
### Synchronous mode ###########################################################
# I'm still not sure if it should be done at actor level or world level.
# Actor level. (this is how it is done pre-0.9).
while True:
vehicle.apply_control(...) # The world does not advance until this message
# is received. (Until control for every
# synchronous actor is received).
# World level.
while True:
world.tick() # The world does not advance until this message is received.
# pros: synchronization in single place.
# cons: two messages (control and tick).
### Spectator ##################################################################
# For debugging and video recording, being able to control the spectator (view
# in the simulator window) it's a plus.
spectator = world.get_spectator()
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I believe leaving the world to set the synchronous mode makes more sense.

Agree, seems more intuitive but it has its down-sides.

When A client connects into the server,this client would have to search the vehicles and check
the one that is synchronous in order to know if this process is running in synchronous mode.

Not really, there won't be a synchronous mode really, just synchronous actors. The way I see it, you wouldn't care if other clients are using this, you just care that your actor is not missing any control messages. Using a world tick you have a sort of special client that is synchronizing the simulation. They're just two different approaches.

Why should we have an specific spectator agent ? How is it different from a camera.
An spectator is basically a camera that you could apply control ?

It's not a camera, it's the view in the simulator's main window, it doesn't send any data. It's not relevant for the client, it's more like a debugging feature.

Another thing. Are we setting that accessing physical information such as position or velocity from every vehicle is only possible to be made through sensors ?

Yes. 1) Sending data has an overhead, if you have to create a sensor the overhead is explicit; and you only attach sensors that you really need. 2) There is no concept of frame anymore in the client-side, so you don't have a way to know if and when a position has changed; unless you start listening to a sensor. 3) We can start creating more complex sensors that e.g. do not update each frame, or do some sort of interpolation to reduce the number of calls to the server.

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I think the blueprint objects are a good choice because you can see the relation between Unreal and the client better and how they work.
But right now I only see one attribute that can be passed to this blueprint, the color of the car ('vehicle.mustang.*').
This is really easy to use, but limits the number of attributes or possible attributes of blueprints. Also, in Unreal, '' will be the same blueprint as '' with different parameters, but in the client won't.

I was thinking on something more like:

bp_library = world.get_blueprint_library()
mustang_list = [bp_library.filter('vehicle.mustang') for _ in range(5)]
for must in mustang_list:
    # must.rand_color() calls a function of that blueprint in UE
    # that returns specific prefab colors for this blueprint
    must.set_attribute('color', must.rand_color())
    must.set_attribute('spoiler', random.choice([True, False])) # other possible BP modifications
    must.set_attribute('convertible', random.choice([True, False]))

Also we could add some debug blueprints, mostly for transformations. Something that only affect the simulator camera (or not) and allows you to spawn certain visual debug information like a sphere given a position, a string given a position or a line given 2 positions. I think this could be really helpful to quickly understand the simulated world.

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