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🕵️‍♀️ MP4 parser / dissector for the command line
#!/usr/bin/env python3
Code by Alba Mendez, manually copied and pasted, had 8 revisions when copied.
Portable* ISO Base Media File Format dissector / parser.
Usage: ./ <file name>
(*) Needs Python 3.8+
Goals / development guidelines:
- Low level. Meant as a dissector, i.e. to obtain info about the structure of the file
rather than high level info.
- Print offsets to every box to let users inspect deeper. If parsing fails, print an
error for that particular box followed by a hexdump.
- Don't parse non-MP4 structures. It is fine to parse the info in the MP4 boxes,
as long as this info is specific to MP4. Examples of things we don't parse:
- Codec-specific structures (SPS, PPS)
- ID3v2 blobs
- H.264 NALUs
- ICC profiles
These blobs are just left as hexdump, with their offsets / length printed in case the
user wants to dive deeper.
The only exception is when this info is needed to dissect other MP4 boxes correctly.
- Focus on dissection, not parsing. First priority is to show the box structure correctly
and to 'dig as deeper as possible' if there are nested boxes; decoding non-box info
(instead of showing hexdumps) is second priority.
- Print *every field on the wire*, with only minimal / mostly obvious postprocessing.
Exception: versions / flags that are restricted to a single value.
Exception: values which have a default (`template`) set by spec, which may be omitted
from output if the value is set to the default, and `show_defaults` was not set.
Exception: big boxes, or long rows of output, may be summarized through the
`max_dump` (for hexdumps) and `max_rows` (for tables) options.
- Option to hide lengths / offset (for i.e. diffs).
- In the future we should have options to make the output interoperable (make it machine
friendly like JSON), don't use global variables for config/state, allow output to a
different file (for programmatic use).
- Parsed fields should be named exactly like in the spec's syntax.
Both in code, and in the output.
- Performance isn't a concern. Correctness is more important, but it's also nice for
the code to be 'hacker-friendly' for people who may want to tweak it.
import sys
import struct
import mmap
import io
import itertools
import re
args = sys.argv[1:]
if len(args) != 1:
print(__doc__.strip(), file=sys.stderr)
fname, = args
mp4file = open(fname, 'rb')
mp4map = mmap.mmap(mp4file.fileno(), 0, prot=mmap.PROT_READ)
mp4mem = memoryview(mp4map)
indent_n = 4
bytes_per_line = 16
max_rows = 7
max_dump = bytes_per_line * max_rows
show_lengths = True
show_offsets = True
show_defaults = False
show_descriptions = True
colorize = sys.stdout.isatty()
mask = lambda n: ~((~0) << n)
get_bits = lambda x, end, start: (x & mask(end)) >> start
split_bits = lambda x, *bits: (get_bits(x, a, b) for a, b in itertools.pairwise(bits))
def main():
parse_boxes(0, mp4mem)
def unique_dict(x):
r = {}
for k, v in x:
assert k not in r, f'duplicate key {repr(k)}: existing {repr(r[k])}, got {repr(v)}'
r[k] = v
return r
# FIXME: give it a proper CLI interface
# FIXME: display errors more nicely (last two frames, type name, you know)
def read_string(stream, optional=False):
result = bytearray()
while True:
b =
if not b:
if optional and not result: return None
raise EOFError('EOF while reading string')
b = b[0]
if not b: break
return result.decode('utf-8')
def unpack(stream, struct_fmt: str) -> tuple:
struct_obj = struct.Struct('>' + struct_fmt) # FIXME: caching
return struct_obj.unpack(
def pad_iter(iterable, size, default=None):
iterator = iter(iterable)
for _ in range(size):
yield next(iterator, default)
def split_in_groups(iterable, size):
iterator = iter(iterable)
while (group := list(itertools.islice(iterator, size))):
yield group
def ansi_sgr(p: str, content: str):
content = str(content)
if not colorize: return content
if not content.endswith('\x1b[m'):
content += '\x1b[m'
return f'\x1b[{p}m' + content
ansi_bold = lambda x: ansi_sgr('1', x)
ansi_dim = lambda x: ansi_sgr('2', x)
ansi_fg0 = lambda x: ansi_sgr('30', x)
ansi_fg1 = lambda x: ansi_sgr('31', x)
ansi_fg2 = lambda x: ansi_sgr('32', x)
ansi_fg3 = lambda x: ansi_sgr('33', x)
ansi_fg4 = lambda x: ansi_sgr('34', x)
ansi_fg5 = lambda x: ansi_sgr('35', x)
ansi_fg6 = lambda x: ansi_sgr('36', x)
ansi_fg7 = lambda x: ansi_sgr('37', x)
def print_hex_dump(data: memoryview, prefix: str):
colorize_byte = lambda x, r: \
ansi_dim(ansi_fg2(x)) if r == 0 else \
ansi_fg3(x) if chr(r).isascii() and chr(r).isprintable() else \
format_hex = lambda x: colorize_byte(f'{x:02x}', x) if x != None else ' '
format_char = lambda x: colorize_byte(x if x.isascii() and (x.isprintable() or x == ' ') else '.', ord(x))
def format_line(line):
groups = split_in_groups(pad_iter(line, bytes_per_line), 4)
hex_part = ' '.join(' '.join(map(format_hex, group)) for group in groups)
char_part = ''.join(format_char(x) for x in map(chr, line))
return hex_part + ' ' + char_part
for line in split_in_groups(data[:max_dump], bytes_per_line):
print(prefix + format_line(line))
if len(data) > max_dump:
print(prefix + '...')
def print_error(exc, prefix: str):
print(prefix + f'{ansi_bold(ansi_fg1("ERROR:"))} {ansi_fg1(exc)}\n')
box_registry = [
'name': 'ISO/IEC 14496-12',
'title': 'Information technology — Coding of audio-visual objects — Part 12: ISO base media file format',
'version': '2015',
'url': '',
}, {
'ftyp': ('FileTypeBox', 'Box'),
'mdat': ('MediaDataBox', 'Box'),
'pdin': ('ProgressiveDownloadInfoBox', 'FullBox'),
'moov': ('MovieBox', 'Box'),
'mvhd': ('MovieHeaderBox', 'FullBox'),
'trak': ('TrackBox', 'Box'),
'tkhd': ('TrackHeaderBox', 'FullBox'),
'tref': ('TrackReferenceBox', 'Box'),
'mdia': ('MediaBox', 'Box'),
'mdhd': ('MediaHeaderBox', 'FullBox'),
'hdlr': ('HandlerBox', 'FullBox'),
'minf': ('MediaInformationBox', 'Box'),
'nmhd': ('NullMediaHeaderBox', 'FullBox'),
'elng': ('ExtendedLanguageBox', 'FullBox'),
'stbl': ('SampleTableBox', 'Box'),
'btrt': ('BitRateBox', 'Box'),
'stsd': ('SampleDescriptionBox', 'FullBox'),
'stdp': ('DegradationPriorityBox', 'FullBox'),
'stts': ('TimeToSampleBox', 'FullBox'),
'ctts': ('CompositionOffsetBox', 'FullBox'),
'cslg': ('CompositionToDecodeBox', 'FullBox'),
'stss': ('SyncSampleBox', 'FullBox'),
'stsh': ('ShadowSyncSampleBox', 'FullBox'),
'sdtp': ('SampleDependencyTypeBox', 'FullBox'),
'edts': ('EditBox', 'Box'),
'elst': ('EditListBox', 'FullBox'),
'dinf': ('DataInformationBox', 'Box'),
'url ': ('DataEntryUrlBox', 'FullBox'),
'urn ': ('DataEntryUrnBox', 'FullBox'),
'dref': ('DataReferenceBox', 'FullBox'),
'stsz': ('SampleSizeBox', 'FullBox'),
'stz2': ('CompactSampleSizeBox', 'FullBox'),
'stsc': ('SampleToChunkBox', 'FullBox'),
'stco': ('ChunkOffsetBox', 'FullBox'),
'co64': ('ChunkLargeOffsetBox', 'FullBox'),
'padb': ('PaddingBitsBox', 'FullBox'),
'subs': ('SubSampleInformationBox', 'FullBox'),
'saiz': ('SampleAuxiliaryInformationSizesBox', 'FullBox'),
'saio': ('SampleAuxiliaryInformationOffsetsBox', 'FullBox'),
'mvex': ('MovieExtendsBox', 'Box'),
'mehd': ('MovieExtendsHeaderBox', 'FullBox'),
'trex': ('TrackExtendsBox', 'FullBox'),
'moof': ('MovieFragmentBox', 'Box'),
'mfhd': ('MovieFragmentHeaderBox', 'FullBox'),
'traf': ('TrackFragmentBox', 'Box'),
'tfhd': ('TrackFragmentHeaderBox', 'FullBox'),
'trun': ('TrackRunBox', 'FullBox'),
'mfra': ('MovieFragmentRandomAccessBox', 'Box'),
'tfra': ('TrackFragmentRandomAccessBox', 'FullBox'),
'mfro': ('MovieFragmentRandomAccessOffsetBox', 'FullBox'),
'tfdt': ('TrackFragmentBaseMediaDecodeTimeBox', 'FullBox'),
'leva': ('LevelAssignmentBox', 'FullBox'),
'trep': ('TrackExtensionPropertiesBox', 'FullBox'),
'assp': ('AlternativeStartupSequencePropertiesBox', 'FullBox'),
'sbgp': ('SampleToGroupBox', 'FullBox'),
'sgpd': ('SampleGroupDescriptionBox', 'FullBox'),
'udta': ('UserDataBox', 'Box'),
'cprt': ('CopyrightBox', 'FullBox'),
'tsel': ('TrackSelectionBox', 'FullBox'),
'kind': ('KindBox', 'FullBox'),
'meta': ('MetaBox', 'FullBox'),
'xml ': ('XMLBox', 'FullBox'),
'bxml': ('BinaryXMLBox', 'FullBox'),
'iloc': ('ItemLocationBox', 'FullBox'),
'pitm': ('PrimaryItemBox', 'FullBox'),
'ipro': ('ItemProtectionBox', 'FullBox'),
'fdel': ('FDItemInfoExtension', 'ItemInfoExtension'),
'infe': ('ItemInfoEntry', 'FullBox'),
'iinf': ('ItemInfoBox', 'FullBox'),
'meco': ('AdditionalMetadataContainerBox', 'Box'),
'mere': ('MetaboxRelationBox', 'FullBox'),
'idat': ('ItemDataBox', 'Box'),
'iref': ('ItemReferenceBox', 'FullBox'),
'sinf': ('ProtectionSchemeInfoBox', 'Box'),
'frma': ('OriginalFormatBox', 'Box'),
'schm': ('SchemeTypeBox', 'FullBox'),
'schi': ('SchemeInformationBox', 'Box'),
'paen': ('PartitionEntry', 'Box'),
'fiin': ('FDItemInformationBox', 'FullBox'),
'fpar': ('FilePartitionBox', 'FullBox'),
'fecr': ('FECReservoirBox', 'FullBox'),
'segr': ('FDSessionGroupBox', 'Box'),
'gitn': ('GroupIdToNameBox', 'FullBox'),
'fire': ('FileReservoirBox', 'FullBox'),
'strk': ('SubTrack', 'Box'),
'stri': ('SubTrackInformation', 'FullBox'),
'strd': ('SubTrackDefinition', 'Box'),
'stsg': ('SubTrackSampleGroupBox', 'FullBox'),
'rinf': ('RestrictedSchemeInfoBox', 'Box'),
'stvi': ('StereoVideoBox', 'FullBox'),
'sidx': ('SegmentIndexBox', 'FullBox'),
'ssix': ('SubsegmentIndexBox', 'FullBox'),
'prft': ('ProducerReferenceTimeBox', 'FullBox'),
'icpv': ('IncompleteAVCSampleEntry', 'VisualSampleEntry'),
'cinf': ('CompleteTrackInfoBox', 'Box'),
'rtp ': ('RtpHintSampleEntry', 'SampleEntry'),
'tims': ('timescaleentry', 'Box'),
'tsro': ('timeoffset', 'Box'),
'snro': ('sequenceoffset', 'Box'),
'srtp': ('SrtpHintSampleEntry', 'SampleEntry'),
'srpp': ('SRTPProcessBox', 'FullBox'),
'hnti': ('moviehintinformation', 'box'),
'rtp ': ('rtpmoviehintinformation', 'box'),
'hnti': ('trackhintinformation', 'box'),
'sdp ': ('rtptracksdphintinformation', 'box'),
'hinf': ('hintstatisticsbox', 'box'),
'trpy': ('hintBytesSent', 'box'),
'nump': ('hintPacketsSent', 'box'),
'tpyl': ('hintBytesSent', 'box'),
'totl': ('hintBytesSent', 'box'),
'npck': ('hintPacketsSent', 'box'),
'tpay': ('hintBytesSent', 'box'),
'maxr': ('hintmaxrate', 'box'),
'dmed': ('hintmediaBytesSent', 'box'),
'dimm': ('hintimmediateBytesSent', 'box'),
'drep': ('hintrepeatedBytesSent', 'box'),
'tmin': ('hintminrelativetime', 'box'),
'tmax': ('hintmaxrelativetime', 'box'),
'pmax': ('hintlargestpacket', 'box'),
'dmax': ('hintlongestpacket', 'box'),
'payt': ('hintpayloadID', 'box'),
'fdp ': ('FDHintSampleEntry', 'SampleEntry'),
'fdsa': ('FDsample', 'Box'),
'fdpa': ('FDpacketBox', 'Box'),
'extr': ('ExtraDataBox', 'Box'),
'feci': ('FECInformationBox', 'Box'),
'rm2t': ('MPEG2TSReceptionSampleEntry', 'MPEG2TSSampleEntry'),
'sm2t': ('MPEG2TSServerSampleEntry', 'MPEG2TSSampleEntry'),
'tPAT': ('PATBox', 'Box'),
'tPMT': ('PMTBox', 'Box'),
'tOD ': ('ODBox', 'Box'),
'tsti': ('TSTimingBox', 'Box'),
'istm': ('InitialSampleTimeBox', 'Box'),
'pm2t': ('ProtectedMPEG2TransportStreamSampleEntry', 'MPEG2TransportStreamSampleEntry'),
'rrtp': ('ReceivedRtpHintSampleEntry', 'SampleEntry'),
'tssy': ('timestampsynchrony', 'Box'),
'rssr': ('ReceivedSsrcBox', 'Box'),
'rtpx': ('rtphdrextTLV', 'Box'),
'rcsr': ('receivedCSRC', 'Box'),
'rsrp': ('ReceivedSrtpHintSampleEntry', 'SampleEntry'),
'ccid': ('ReceivedCryptoContextIdBox', 'Box'),
'sroc': ('RolloverCounterBox', 'Box'),
'roll': ('VisualRollRecoveryEntry', 'VisualSampleGroupEntry'),
'roll': ('AudioRollRecoveryEntry', 'AudioSampleGroupEntry'),
'prol': ('AudioPreRollEntry', 'AudioSampleGroupEntry'),
'rash': ('RateShareEntry', 'SampleGroupDescriptionEntry'),
'alst': ('AlternativeStartupEntry', 'VisualSampleGroupEntry'),
'rap ': ('VisualRandomAccessEntry', 'VisualSampleGroupEntry'),
'tele': ('TemporalLevelEntry', 'VisualSampleGroupEntry'),
'sap ': ('SAPEntry', 'SampleGroupDescriptionEntry'),
'vmhd': ('VideoMediaHeaderBox', 'FullBox'),
'pasp': ('PixelAspectRatioBox', 'Box'),
'clap': ('CleanApertureBox', 'Box'),
'colr': ('ColourInformationBox', 'Box'),
'smhd': ('SoundMediaHeaderBox', 'FullBox'),
'srat': ('SamplingRateBox', 'FullBox'),
'chnl': ('ChannelLayout', 'FullBox'),
'dmix': ('DownMixInstructions', 'FullBox'),
'tlou': ('TrackLoudnessInfo', 'LoudnessBaseBox'),
'alou': ('AlbumLoudnessInfo', 'LoudnessBaseBox'),
'ludt': ('LoudnessBox', 'Box'),
'metx': ('XMLMetaDataSampleEntry', 'MetaDataSampleEntry'),
'txtC': ('TextConfigBox', 'Fullbox'),
'mett': ('TextMetaDataSampleEntry', 'MetaDataSampleEntry'),
'uri ': ('URIBox', 'FullBox'),
'uriI': ('URIInitBox', 'FullBox'),
'urim': ('URIMetaSampleEntry', 'MetaDataSampleEntry'),
'hmhd': ('HintMediaHeaderBox', 'FullBox'),
'stxt': ('SimpleTextSampleEntry', 'PlainTextSampleEntry'),
'sthd': ('SubtitleMediaHeaderBox', 'FullBox'),
'stpp': ('XMLSubtitleSampleEntry', 'SubtitleSampleEntry'),
'sbtt': ('TextSubtitleSampleEntry', 'SubtitleSampleEntry'),
'free': ('FreeSpaceBox', 'Box'),
'skip': ('FreeSpaceBox', 'Box'),
'name': 'ISO/IEC 14496-14',
'title': 'Information technology — Coding of audio-visual objects — Part 14: MP4 file format',
'version': '2003',
'url': '',
}, {
'iods': ('ObjectDescriptorBox', 'FullBox'),
'esds': ('ESDBox', 'FullBox'),
'mp4v': ('MP4VisualSampleEntry', 'VisualSampleEntry'),
'mp4a': ('MP4AudioSampleEntry', 'AudioSampleEntry'),
'mp4s': ('MpegSampleEntry', 'SampleEntry'),
'name': 'ISO/IEC 14496-15',
'title': 'Information technology — Coding of audio-visual objects — Part 15: Carriage of network abstraction layer (NAL) unit structured video in ISO base media file format',
'version': '2014',
'url': '',
}, {
'avcC': ('AVCConfigurationBox', 'Box'),
'm4ds': ('MPEG4ExtensionDescriptorsBox', 'Box'),
'avc1': ('AVCSampleEntry', 'VisualSampleEntry'),
'avc3': ('AVCSampleEntry', 'VisualSampleEntry'),
'avc2': ('AVC2SampleEntry', 'VisualSampleEntry'),
'avc4': ('AVC2SampleEntry', 'VisualSampleEntry'),
'avcp': ('AVCParameterSampleEntry', 'VisualSampleEntry'),
'avss': ('AVCSubSequenceEntry', 'VisualSampleGroupEntry'),
'avll': ('AVCLayerEntry', 'VisualSampleGroupEntry'),
'svcC': ('SVCConfigurationBox', 'Box'),
'seib': ('ScalabilityInformationSEIBox', 'Box'),
'svcP': ('SVCPriorityAssignmentBox', 'Box'),
'svc1': ('SVCSampleEntry', 'VisualSampleEntry'),
'svc2': ('SVCSampleEntry', 'VisualSampleEntry'),
'tiri': ('TierInfoBox', 'Box'),
'tibr': ('TierBitRateBox', 'Box'),
'svpr': ('PriorityRangeBox', 'Box'),
'svop': ('SVCDependencyRangeBox', 'Box'),
'svip': ('InitialParameterSetBox', 'Box'),
'rrgn': ('RectRegionBox', 'Box'),
'buff': ('BufferingBox', 'Box'),
'ldep': ('TierDependencyBox', 'Box'),
'iroi': ('IroiInfoBox', 'Box'),
'tran': ('TranscodingInfoBox', 'Box'),
'scif': ('ScalableGroupEntry', 'VisualSampleGroupEntry'),
'mvif': ('MultiviewGroupEntry', 'VisualSampleGroupEntry'),
'scnm': ('ScalableNALUMapEntry', 'VisualSampleGroupEntry'),
'dtrt': ('DecodeRetimingEntry', 'VisualSampleGroupEntry'),
'vipr': ('ViewPriorityBox', 'Box'),
'vipr': ('ViewPriorityEntry', 'VisualSampleGroupEntry'),
'sstl': ('SVCSubTrackLayerBox', 'FullBox'),
'mstv': ('MVCSubTrackViewBox', 'FullBox'),
'stti': ('SubTrackTierBox', 'FullBox'),
'stmg': ('MVCSubTrackMultiviewGroupBox', 'FullBox'),
'svmC': ('SVCMetadataSampleConfigBox', 'FullBox'),
'qlif': ('SVCPriorityLayerInfoBox', 'Box'),
'svcM': ('SVCMetadataSampleEntry', 'MetadataSampleEntry'),
'icam': ('IntrinsicCameraParametersBox', 'FullBox'),
'ecam': ('ExtrinsicCameraParametersBox', 'FullBox'),
'vwid': ('ViewIdentifierBox', 'FullBox'),
'mvcC': ('MVCConfigurationBox', 'Box'),
'vsib': ('ViewScalabilityInformationSEIBox', 'Box'),
'mvcg': ('MultiviewGroupBox', 'FullBox'),
'swtc': ('MultiviewGroupRelationBox', 'FullBox'),
'vwdi': ('MultiviewSceneInfoBox', 'Box'),
'mvcP': ('MVCViewPriorityAssignmentBox', 'Box'),
'hvcC': ('HEVCConfigurationBox', 'Box'),
'hvc1': ('HEVCSampleEntry', 'VisualSampleEntry'),
'hev1': ('HEVCSampleEntry', 'VisualSampleEntry'),
'sync': ('SyncSampleEntry', 'VisualSampleGroupEntry'),
'tscl': ('TemporalLayerEntry', 'VisualSampleGroupEntry'),
'tsas': ('TemporalSubLayerEntry', 'VisualSampleGroupEntry'),
'stsa': ('StepwiseTemporalLayerEntry', 'VisualSampleGroupEntry'),
'sdep': ('SampleDependencyBox', 'FullBox'),
'seii': ('SeiInformationBox', 'Box'),
'mvci': ('MultiviewInformationBox', 'FullBox'),
'mvra': ('MultiviewRelationAttributeBox', 'FullBox'),
'name': 'ISO/IEC 23008-12',
'title': 'Information technology — MPEG systems technologies — Part 12: Image File Format',
'version': '17 January 2014 working draft',
'url': '',
}, {
'ccst': ('CodingConstraintsBox', 'FullBox'),
'vsmi': ('VisualSampleToMetadataItemEntry', 'VisualSampleGroupEntry'),
'mint': ('MetadataIntegrityBox', 'FullBox'),
'title': 'Encapsulation of Opus in ISO Base Media File Format',
'version': '0.8.1 (incomplete)',
'url': ''
}, {
'Opus': ('OpusSampleEntry', 'AudioSampleEntry'),
'dOps': ('OpusSpecificBox', 'Box'),
'title': 'AV1 Codec ISO Media File Format Binding',
'version': 'v1.2.0',
'url': '',
}, {
'av01': ('AV1SampleEntry', 'VisualSampleEntry'),
'av1C': ('AV1CodecConfigurationBox', 'Box'),
'av1f': ('AV1ForwardKeyFrameSampleGroupEntry', 'VisualSampleGroupEntry'),
'av1m': ('AV1MultiFrameSampleGroupEntry', 'VisualSampleGroupEntry'),
'av1s': ('AV1SwitchFrameSampleGroupEntry', 'VisualSampleGroupEntry'),
'av1M': ('AV1MetadataSampleGroupEntry', 'VisualSampleGroupEntry'),
'title': '[ad-hoc]',
'url': '',
}, {
'ID32': ('ID3v2Box', 'FullBox'),
info_by_box = {}
for std_desc, boxes in box_registry:
for k, v in boxes.items():
if k in info_by_box:
raise Exception(f'duplicate boxes {k} coming from {std_desc} and {info_by_box[k][0]}')
info_by_box[k] = (std_desc, *v)
def slice_box(mem: memoryview):
assert len(mem) >= 8, f'box too short ({bytes(mem)})'
length, btype = struct.unpack('>I4s', mem[0:8])
btype = btype.decode('latin1')
assert btype.isprintable(), f'invalid type {repr(btype)}'
last_box = False
large_size = False
pos = 8
if length == 0:
length = len(mem)
last_box = True
elif length == 1:
large_size = True
assert len(mem) >= pos + 8, f'EOF while reading largesize'
length, = struct.unpack('>Q', mem[pos:pos + 8])
pos += 8
if btype == 'uuid':
assert len(mem) >= pos + 16, f'EOF while reading UUID'
btype = mem[pos:pos + 16].hex()
pos += 16
assert length >= pos, f'invalid {btype} length: {length}'
assert len(mem) >= length, f'expected {length} {btype}, got {len(mem)}'
return (btype, mem[pos:length], last_box, large_size), length
def parse_boxes(offset: int, mem: memoryview, indent=0, contents_fn=None):
prefix = ' ' * (indent * indent_n)
result = []
while mem:
(btype, data, last_box, large_size), length = slice_box(mem)
offset_text = ansi_fg4(f' @ {offset:#x}, {offset + length - len(data):#x} - {offset + length:#x}') if show_offsets else ''
length_text = ansi_fg4(f' ({len(data)})') if show_lengths else ''
name_text = ''
if show_descriptions and (box_desc := info_by_box.get(btype)):
desc = box_desc[1]
if desc.endswith('Box'): desc = desc[:-3]
name_text = ansi_bold(f' {desc}')
if last_box:
offset_text = ' (last)' + offset_text
if large_size:
offset_text = ' (large size)' + offset_text
type_label = btype
if len(btype) != 4: # it's a UUID
type_label = '-'.join(btype[s:e] for s, e in itertools.pairwise([0, 8, 12, 16, 20, 32]) )
type_label = f'UUID {type_label}'
print(prefix + ansi_bold(f'[{type_label}]') + name_text + offset_text + length_text)
result.append( (contents_fn or parse_contents)(btype, offset + length - len(data), data, indent + 1) )
mem, offset = mem[length:], offset + length
return result
nesting_boxes = { 'moov', 'trak', 'mdia', 'minf', 'dinf', 'stbl', 'mvex', 'moof', 'traf', 'mfra', 'meco', 'edts', 'udta' }
# apple(?) / quicktime metadata
nesting_boxes |= { 'ilst', '\u00a9too', '\u00a9nam', '\u00a9day', '\u00a9ART', 'aART', '\u00a9alb', '\u00a9cmt', '\u00a9day', 'trkn', 'covr', '----' }
def parse_contents(btype: str, offset: int, data: memoryview, indent):
prefix = ' ' * (indent * indent_n)
if (handler := globals().get(f'parse_{btype}_box')):
return handler(offset, data, indent)
if btype in nesting_boxes:
return parse_boxes(offset, data, indent)
except Exception as e:
print_error(e, prefix)
# as fall back (or if error), print hex dump
if not max_dump or not data: return
print_hex_dump(data, prefix)
def parse_fullbox(data: io.BytesIO, prefix: str):
fv =
assert len(fv) == 4
return fv[0], int.from_bytes(fv[1:], 'big')
def parse_skip_box(offset: int, data: memoryview, indent: int):
prefix = ' ' * (indent * indent_n)
if any(bytes(data)):
print_hex_dump(data, prefix)
print(prefix + ansi_dim(ansi_fg2(f'({len(data)} empty bytes)')))
parse_free_box = parse_skip_box
def parse_meta_box(offset: int, data: memoryview, indent: int):
prefix = ' ' * (indent * indent_n)
data = io.BytesIO(data)
version, box_flags = parse_fullbox(data, prefix)
print(prefix + f'version = {version}, flags = {box_flags:06x}')
parse_boxes(offset + data.tell(), memoryview(, indent)
# hack: use a global variable because I'm too lazy to rewrite everything to pass this around
# FIXME: remove this hack, which is sometimes unreliable since there can be inner handlers we don't care about
last_handler_seen = None
def parse_hdlr_box(offset: int, data: memoryview, indent: int):
prefix = ' ' * (indent * indent_n)
data = io.BytesIO(data)
version, box_flags = parse_fullbox(data, prefix)
assert version == 0 and box_flags == 0, 'invalid version / flags'
pre_defined, handler_type = unpack(data, 'I4s')
handler_type = handler_type.decode('latin1')
reserved = * 3)
# FIXME: a lot of videos seem to break the second assertion (apple metadata?), some break the first
assert not pre_defined, f'invalid pre-defined: {pre_defined}'
assert not any(reserved), f'invalid reserved: {reserved}'
name ='utf-8')
print(prefix + f'handler_type = {repr(handler_type)}, name = {repr(name)}')
global last_handler_seen
last_handler_seen = handler_type
def parse_stsd_box(offset: int, data: memoryview, indent: int):
prefix = ' ' * (indent * indent_n)
data = io.BytesIO(data)
version, box_flags = parse_fullbox(data, prefix)
entry_count, = unpack(data, 'I')
print(prefix + f'version = {version}, entry_count = {entry_count}')
assert box_flags == 0, f'invalid flags: {box_flags:06x}'
contents_fn = lambda *a, **b: parse_sample_entry_contents(*a, **b, version=version)
boxes = parse_boxes(offset + data.tell(), memoryview(, indent, contents_fn=contents_fn)
assert len(boxes) == entry_count, f'entry_count not matching boxes present'
def parse_sample_entry_contents(btype: str, offset: int, data: memoryview, indent: int, version: int):
prefix = ' ' * (indent * indent_n)
assert len(data) >= 6 + 2, 'entry too short'
assert data[:6] == b'\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00', f'invalid reserved field: {data[:6]}'
data_reference_index, = struct.unpack('>H', data[6:8])
data = data[8:]; offset += 8
print(prefix + f'data_reference_index = {data_reference_index}')
if last_handler_seen == 'vide':
return parse_video_sample_entry_contents(btype, offset, data, indent, version)
if last_handler_seen == 'soun':
return parse_audio_sample_entry_contents(btype, offset, data, indent, version)
if last_handler_seen in {'meta', 'text', 'subt'}:
return parse_text_sample_entry_contents(btype, offset, data, indent, version)
except Exception as e:
print_error(e, prefix)
# as fall back (or if error), print hex dump
if not max_dump or not data: return
print_hex_dump(data, prefix)
def parse_video_sample_entry_contents(btype: str, offset: int, data: memoryview, indent: int, version: int):
prefix = ' ' * (indent * indent_n)
data = io.BytesIO(data)
assert version == 0, 'invalid version'
reserved =
assert not any(reserved), f'invalid reserved / pre-defined data: {reserved}'
width, height, horizresolution, vertresolution, reserved_2, frame_count, compressorname, depth, pre_defined_3 = unpack(data, 'HHIIIH 32s Hh')
print(prefix + f'size = {width} x {height}')
if show_defaults or horizresolution != 0x00480000 or vertresolution != 0x00480000:
print(prefix + f'resolution = {horizresolution} x {vertresolution}')
if show_defaults or frame_count != 1:
print(prefix + f'frame count = {frame_count}')
compressorname_len, compressorname = compressorname[0], compressorname[1:]
assert compressorname_len <= len(compressorname)
assert not any(compressorname[compressorname_len:]), 'invalid compressorname padding'
compressorname = compressorname[:compressorname_len].decode('utf-8')
print(prefix + f'compressorname = {repr(compressorname)}')
if show_defaults or depth != 0x0018:
print(prefix + f'depth = {depth}')
assert not reserved_2, f'invalid reserved: {reserved_2}'
assert pre_defined_3 == -1, f'invalid reserved: {pre_defined_3}'
parse_boxes(offset + data.tell(), memoryview(, indent)
def parse_audio_sample_entry_contents(btype: str, offset: int, data: memoryview, indent: int, version: int):
prefix = ' ' * (indent * indent_n)
data = io.BytesIO(data)
assert version <= 1, 'invalid version'
if version == 0:
reserved_1, channelcount, samplesize, pre_defined_1, reserved_2, samplerate = unpack(data, '8sHHHHI')
assert not any(reserved_1), f'invalid reserved_1: {reserved_1}'
assert not reserved_2, f'invalid reserved_2: {reserved_2}'
assert not pre_defined_1, f'invalid pre_defined_1: {pre_defined_1}'
if show_defaults or channelcount != 2:
print(prefix + f'channelcount = {channelcount}')
if show_defaults or samplesize != 16:
print(prefix + f'samplesize = {samplesize}')
print(prefix + f'samplerate = {samplerate / (1 << 16)}')
entry_version, reserved_1, channelcount, samplesize, pre_defined_1, reserved_2, samplerate = unpack(data, 'H6sHHHHI')
assert entry_version == 1, f'invalid entry_version: {entry_version}'
assert not any(reserved_1), f'invalid reserved_1: {reserved_1}'
assert not reserved_2, f'invalid reserved_2: {reserved_2}'
assert not pre_defined_1, f'invalid pre_defined_1: {pre_defined_1}'
print(prefix + f'channelcount = {channelcount}')
if show_defaults or samplesize != 16:
print(prefix + f'samplesize = {samplesize}')
if show_defaults or samplerate != (1 << 16):
print(prefix + f'samplerate = {samplerate / (1 << 16)}')
parse_boxes(offset + data.tell(), memoryview(, indent)
def parse_text_sample_entry_contents(btype: str, offset: int, data: memoryview, indent: int, version: int):
prefix = ' ' * (indent * indent_n)
data = io.BytesIO(data)
assert version == 0, 'invalid version'
fields = {
# meta
'metx': ('content_encoding', 'namespace', 'schema_location'),
'mett': ('content_encoding', 'mime_format'),
'urim': (),
# text
'stxt': ('content_encoding', 'mime_format'),
# subt
'sbtt': ('content_encoding', 'mime_format'),
'stpp': ('namespace', 'schema_location', 'auxiliary_mime_types'),
}.get(btype, [])
for field_name in fields:
print(prefix + f'{field_name} = {repr(read_string(data))}')
parse_boxes(offset + data.tell(), memoryview(, indent)
def parse_ftyp_box(offset: int, data: memoryview, indent: int):
prefix = ' ' * (indent * indent_n)
data = io.BytesIO(data)
major_brand, minor_version = unpack(data, '4sI')
major_brand = major_brand.decode('latin1')
print(prefix + f'major_brand = {repr(major_brand)}')
print(prefix + f'minor_version = {minor_version:08x}')
while (compatible_brand :=
assert len(compatible_brand), 'invalid brand length'
print(prefix + f'- compatible: {repr(compatible_brand.decode("latin1"))}')
parse_styp_box = parse_ftyp_box
def parse_matrix(data: io.BytesIO, prefix: str):
matrix = [ x / (1 << 16) for x in unpack(data, '9i') ]
if show_defaults or matrix != [1,0,0, 0,1,0, 0,0,0x4000]:
print(prefix + f'matrix = {matrix}')
def parse_language(data: io.BytesIO, prefix: str):
language, = unpack(data, 'H')
if not language:
print(prefix + 'language = (null)') # FIXME: log a warning or something
pad, *language = split_bits(language, 16, 15, 10, 5, 0)
assert all(0 <= (x - 1) < 26 for x in language), f'invalid language characters: {language}'
language = ''.join(chr((x - 1) + ord('a')) for x in language)
print(prefix + f'language = {language}')
assert not pad, f'invalid pad: {pad}'
def parse_mfhd_box(offset: int, data: memoryview, indent: int):
prefix = ' ' * (indent * indent_n)
data = io.BytesIO(data)
version, box_flags = parse_fullbox(data, prefix)
assert version == 0, f'invalid version: {version}'
assert box_flags == 0, f'invalid flags: {box_flags}'
sequence_number, = unpack(data, 'I')
print(prefix + f'sequence_number = {sequence_number}')
left =
assert not left, f'{len(left)} bytes of trailing data'
def parse_mvhd_box(offset: int, data: memoryview, indent: int):
prefix = ' ' * (indent * indent_n)
data = io.BytesIO(data)
version, box_flags = parse_fullbox(data, prefix)
assert version <= 1, f'invalid version: {version}'
assert not box_flags, f'invalid flags: {box_flags}'
print(prefix + f'version = {version}')
creation_time, modification_time, timescale, duration, rate, volume, reserved_1, reserved_2, reserved_3 = \
unpack(data, ('QQIQ' if version == 1 else 'IIII') + 'ih' + 'HII')
print(prefix + f'creation_time = {creation_time}')
print(prefix + f'modification_time = {modification_time}')
print(prefix + f'timescale = {timescale}')
print(prefix + f'duration = {duration}')
rate /= 1 << 16
if show_defaults or rate != 1: print(prefix + f'rate = {rate}')
volume /= 1 << 8
if show_defaults or volume != 1: print(prefix + f'volume = {volume}')
assert not reserved_1, f'invalid reserved_1: {reserved_1}'
assert not reserved_2, f'invalid reserved_1: {reserved_2}'
assert not reserved_3, f'invalid reserved_1: {reserved_3}'
parse_matrix(data, prefix)
pre_defined = * 4)
assert not any(pre_defined), f'invalid pre_defined: {pre_defined}'
next_track_ID, = unpack(data, 'I')
print(prefix + f'next_track_ID = {next_track_ID}')
left =
assert not left, f'{len(left)} bytes of trailing data'
def parse_tkhd_box(offset: int, data: memoryview, indent: int):
prefix = ' ' * (indent * indent_n)
data = io.BytesIO(data)
version, box_flags = parse_fullbox(data, prefix)
assert version <= 1, f'invalid version: {version}'
print(prefix + f'version = {version}, flags = {box_flags:06x}')
creation_time, modification_time, track_ID, reserved_1, duration, reserved_2, reserved_3, layer, alternate_group, volume, reserved_4 = \
unpack(data, ('QQIIQ' if version == 1 else 'IIIII') + 'II' + 'hhh' + 'H')
print(prefix + f'creation_time = {creation_time}')
print(prefix + f'modification_time = {modification_time}')
print(prefix + f'track_ID = {track_ID}')
print(prefix + f'duration = {duration}')
if show_defaults or layer != 0:
print(prefix + f'layer = {layer}')
if show_defaults or alternate_group != 0:
print(prefix + f'alternate_group = {alternate_group}')
volume /= 1 << 8
print(prefix + f'volume = {volume}')
assert not reserved_1, f'invalid reserved_1: {reserved_1}'
assert not reserved_2, f'invalid reserved_1: {reserved_2}'
assert not reserved_3, f'invalid reserved_1: {reserved_3}'
assert not reserved_4, f'invalid reserved_1: {reserved_4}'
parse_matrix(data, prefix)
width, height = unpack(data, 'II')
width /= 1 << 16
height /= 1 << 16
print(prefix + f'size = {width} x {height}')
left =
assert not left, f'{len(left)} bytes of trailing data'
def parse_mdhd_box(offset: int, data: memoryview, indent: int):
prefix = ' ' * (indent * indent_n)
data = io.BytesIO(data)
version, box_flags = parse_fullbox(data, prefix)
assert version <= 1, f'invalid version: {version}'
assert not box_flags, f'invalid flags: {box_flags}'
print(prefix + f'version = {version}')
creation_time, modification_time, timescale, duration = \
unpack(data, 'QQIQ' if version == 1 else 'IIII')
print(prefix + f'creation_time = {creation_time}')
print(prefix + f'modification_time = {modification_time}')
print(prefix + f'timescale = {timescale}')
print(prefix + f'duration = {duration}')
parse_language(data, prefix)
pre_defined_1, = unpack(data, 'H')
assert not pre_defined_1, f'invalid reserved_1: {pre_defined_1}'
left =
assert not left, f'{len(left)} bytes of trailing data'
def parse_mehd_box(offset: int, data: memoryview, indent: int):
prefix = ' ' * (indent * indent_n)
data = io.BytesIO(data)
version, box_flags = parse_fullbox(data, prefix)
assert version <= 1, f'invalid version: {version}'
assert not box_flags, f'invalid flags: {box_flags}'
print(prefix + f'version = {version}')
fragment_duration, = unpack(data, ('Q' if version == 1 else 'I'))
print(prefix + f'fragment_duration = {fragment_duration}')
left =
assert not left, f'{len(left)} bytes of trailing data'
def parse_smhd_box(offset: int, data: memoryview, indent: int):
prefix = ' ' * (indent * indent_n)
data = io.BytesIO(data)
version, box_flags = parse_fullbox(data, prefix)
assert version == 0, f'invalid version: {version}'
assert box_flags == 0, f'invalid flags: {box_flags}'
balance, reserved = unpack(data, 'hH')
if show_defaults or balance != 0:
print(prefix + f'balance = {balance}')
assert not reserved, f'invalid reserved: {reserved}'
left =
assert not left, f'{len(left)} bytes of trailing data'
def parse_vmhd_box(offset: int, data: memoryview, indent: int):
prefix = ' ' * (indent * indent_n)
data = io.BytesIO(data)
version, box_flags = parse_fullbox(data, prefix)
assert version == 0, f'invalid version: {version}'
assert box_flags == 1, f'invalid flags: {box_flags}'
graphicsmode, *opcolor = unpack(data, 'HHHH')
if show_defaults or graphicsmode != 0:
print(prefix + f'graphicsmode = {graphicsmode}')
if show_defaults or opcolor != [0, 0, 0]:
print(prefix + f'opcolor = {opcolor}')
left =
assert not left, f'{len(left)} bytes of trailing data'
def parse_trex_box(offset: int, data: memoryview, indent: int):
prefix = ' ' * (indent * indent_n)
data = io.BytesIO(data)
version, box_flags = parse_fullbox(data, prefix)
assert version == 0, f'invalid version: {version}'
assert box_flags == 0, f'invalid flags: {box_flags}'
track_ID, default_sample_description_index, default_sample_duration, default_sample_size, default_sample_flags = \
unpack(data, 'IIIII')
print(prefix + f'track_ID = {track_ID}')
print(prefix + f'default_sample_description_index = {default_sample_description_index}')
print(prefix + f'default_sample_duration = {default_sample_duration}')
print(prefix + f'default_sample_size = {default_sample_size}')
print(prefix + f'default_sample_flags = {default_sample_flags:08x}')
left =
assert not left, f'{len(left)} bytes of trailing data'
# TODO: mvhd, trhd, mdhd
# FIXME: vmhd, smhd, hmhd, sthd, nmhd
# FIXME: mehd
def parse_ID32_box(offset: int, data: memoryview, indent: int):
prefix = ' ' * (indent * indent_n)
data = io.BytesIO(data)
version, box_flags = parse_fullbox(data, prefix)
assert version == 0, f'invalid version: {version}'
print(prefix + f'flags = {box_flags:06x}')
parse_language(data, prefix)
print(prefix + f'ID3v2 data =')
print_hex_dump(, prefix + ' ')
def parse_dref_box(offset: int, data: memoryview, indent: int):
prefix = ' ' * (indent * indent_n)
data = io.BytesIO(data)
version, box_flags = parse_fullbox(data, prefix)
entry_count, = unpack(data, 'I')
assert version == 0, f'invalid version: {version}'
assert box_flags == 0, f'invalid flags: {box_flags:06x}'
print(prefix + f'version = {version}, entry_count = {entry_count}')
boxes = parse_boxes(offset + data.tell(), memoryview(, indent)
assert len(boxes) == entry_count, f'entry_count not matching boxes present'
def parse_url_box(offset: int, data: memoryview, indent: int):
prefix = ' ' * (indent * indent_n)
data = io.BytesIO(data)
version, box_flags = parse_fullbox(data, prefix)
assert version == 0, f'invalid version: {version}'
print(prefix + f'flags = {box_flags:06x}')
if (location := read_string(data, optional=True)) != None:
print(prefix + f'location = {repr(location)}')
left =
assert not left, f'{len(left)} bytes of trailing data'
def parse_urn_box(offset: int, data: memoryview, indent: int):
prefix = ' ' * (indent * indent_n)
data = io.BytesIO(data)
version, box_flags = parse_fullbox(data, prefix)
assert version == 0, f'invalid version: {version}'
print(prefix + f'flags = {box_flags:06x}')
if (location := read_string(data, optional=True)) != None:
print(prefix + f'location = {repr(location)}')
if (name := read_string(data, optional=True)) != None:
print(prefix + f'name = {repr(name)}')
left =
assert not left, f'{len(left)} bytes of trailing data'
globals()['parse_url _box'] = parse_url_box
globals()['parse_urn _box'] = parse_urn_box
def parse_colr_box(offset: int, data: memoryview, indent: int):
prefix = ' ' * (indent * indent_n)
data = io.BytesIO(data)
colour_type, = unpack(data, '4s')
colour_type = colour_type.decode('latin1')
descriptions = {
'nclx': 'on-screen colours',
'rICC': 'restricted ICC profile',
'prof': 'unrestricted ICC profile',
description = f' ({descriptions[colour_type]})' if show_descriptions and colour_type in descriptions else ''
print(prefix + f'colour_type = {repr(colour_type)}' + description)
if colour_type == 'nclx':
colour_primaries, transfer_characteristics, matrix_coefficients, flags = unpack(data, 'HHHB')
print(prefix + f'colour_primaries = {colour_primaries}')
print(prefix + f'transfer_characteristics = {transfer_characteristics}')
print(prefix + f'matrix_coefficients = {matrix_coefficients}')
full_range_flag, reserved = split_bits(flags, 8, 7, 0)
assert not reserved, f'invalid reserved: {reserved}'
print(prefix + f'full_range_flag = {bool(full_range_flag)}')
name = 'ICC_profile' if colour_type in { 'rICC', 'prof' } else 'data'
print(prefix + f'{name} =')
print_hex_dump(, prefix + ' ')
left =
assert not left, f'{len(left)} bytes of trailing data'
def parse_btrt_box(offset: int, data: memoryview, indent: int):
prefix = ' ' * (indent * indent_n)
data = io.BytesIO(data)
bufferSizeDB, maxBitrate, avgBitrate = unpack(data, 'III')
print(prefix + f'bufferSizeDB = {bufferSizeDB}')
print(prefix + f'maxBitrate = {maxBitrate}')
print(prefix + f'avgBitrate = {avgBitrate}')
left =
assert not left, f'{len(left)} bytes of trailing data'
def parse_pasp_box(offset: int, data: memoryview, indent: int):
prefix = ' ' * (indent * indent_n)
data = io.BytesIO(data)
hSpacing, vSpacing = unpack(data, 'II')
print(prefix + f'pixel aspect ratio = {hSpacing}/{vSpacing}')
left =
assert not left, f'{len(left)} bytes of trailing data'
def parse_clap_box(offset: int, data: memoryview, indent: int):
prefix = ' ' * (indent * indent_n)
data = io.BytesIO(data)
cleanApertureWidthN, cleanApertureWidthD, cleanApertureHeightN, cleanApertureHeightD, horizOffN, horizOffD, vertOffN, vertOffD = unpack(data, 'II II II II')
print(prefix + f'cleanApertureWidth = {cleanApertureWidthN}/{cleanApertureWidthD}')
print(prefix + f'cleanApertureHeight = {cleanApertureHeightN}/{cleanApertureHeightD}')
print(prefix + f'horizOff = {horizOffN}/{horizOffD}')
print(prefix + f'vertOff = {vertOffN}/{vertOffD}')
left =
assert not left, f'{len(left)} bytes of trailing data'
def parse_avcC_box(offset: int, data: memoryview, indent: int):
prefix = ' ' * (indent * indent_n)
data = io.BytesIO(data)
configurationVersion, =
assert configurationVersion == 1, f'invalid configuration version: {configurationVersion}'
avcProfileCompFlags =
print(prefix + f'profile / compat / level = {avcProfileCompFlags.hex()}')
composite_1, composite_2 =
reserved_1, lengthSizeMinusOne = split_bits(composite_1, 8, 2, 0)
reserved_2, numOfSequenceParameterSets = split_bits(composite_2, 8, 5, 0)
assert reserved_1 == mask(6), f'invalid reserved_1: {reserved_1}'
assert reserved_2 == mask(3), f'invalid reserved_2: {reserved_2}'
print(prefix + f'lengthSizeMinusOne = {lengthSizeMinusOne}')
for i in range(numOfSequenceParameterSets):
size, = unpack(data, 'H')
sps =
assert len(sps) == size, f'not enough SPS data: expected {size}, found {len(sps)}'
print(prefix + f'- SPS: {sps.hex()}')
numOfPictureParameterSets, =
for i in range(numOfPictureParameterSets):
size, = unpack(data, 'H')
pps =
assert len(pps) == size, f'not enough PPS data: expected {size}, found {len(pps)}'
print(prefix + f'- PPS: {pps.hex()}')
# FIXME: parse extensions
left =
assert not left, f'{len(left)} bytes of trailing data'
def parse_svcC_box(offset: int, data: memoryview, indent: int):
prefix = ' ' * (indent * indent_n)
data = io.BytesIO(data)
configurationVersion, =
assert configurationVersion == 1, f'invalid configuration version: {configurationVersion}'
avcProfileCompFlags =
print(prefix + f'profile / compat / level = {avcProfileCompFlags.hex()}')
composite_1, composite_2 =
complete_represenation, reserved_1, lengthSizeMinusOne = split_bits(composite_1, 8, 7, 2, 0)
reserved_2, numOfSequenceParameterSets = split_bits(composite_2, 8, 7, 0)
assert reserved_1 == mask(5), f'invalid reserved_1: {reserved_1}'
assert reserved_2 == 0, f'invalid reserved_2: {reserved_2}'
print(prefix + f'complete_represenation = {bool(complete_represenation)}')
print(prefix + f'lengthSizeMinusOne = {lengthSizeMinusOne}')
for i in range(numOfSequenceParameterSets):
size, = unpack(data, 'H')
sps =
assert len(sps) == size, f'not enough SPS data: expected {size}, found {len(sps)}'
print(prefix + f'- SPS: {sps.hex()}')
numOfPictureParameterSets, =
for i in range(numOfPictureParameterSets):
size, = unpack(data, 'H')
pps =
assert len(sps) == size, f'not enough PPS data: expected {size}, found {len(pps)}'
print(prefix + f'- PPS: {pps.hex()}')
left =
assert not left, f'{len(left)} bytes of trailing data'
def parse_hvcC_box(offset: int, data: memoryview, indent: int):
prefix = ' ' * (indent * indent_n)
data = io.BytesIO(data)
configurationVersion, =
assert configurationVersion == 1, f'invalid configuration version: {configurationVersion}'
composite_1, general_profile_compatibility_flags, general_constraint_indicator_flags, general_level_idc, min_spatial_segmentation_idc, \
parallelismType, chromaFormat, bitDepthLumaMinus8, bitDepthChromaMinus8, \
avgFrameRate, composite_2 = \
unpack(data, 'B I 6s B H B B B B H B')
general_constraint_indicator_flags = int.from_bytes(general_constraint_indicator_flags, 'big')
general_profile_space, general_tier_flag, general_profile_idc = split_bits(composite_1, 8, 6, 5, 0)
constantFrameRate, numTemporalLayers, temporalIdNested, lengthSizeMinusOne = split_bits(composite_2, 8, 6, 3, 2, 0)
print(prefix + f'general_profile_space = {general_profile_space}')
print(prefix + f'general_tier_flag = {general_tier_flag}')
print(prefix + f'general_profile_idc = {general_profile_idc:02x}')
print(prefix + f'general_profile_compatibility_flags = {general_profile_compatibility_flags:08x}')
print(prefix + f'general_constraint_indicator_flags = {general_constraint_indicator_flags:012x}')
print(prefix + f'general_level_idc = {general_level_idc:02x}')
reserved, min_spatial_segmentation_idc = split_bits(min_spatial_segmentation_idc, 16, 12, 0)
assert reserved == mask(4), f'invalid reserved: {reserved}'
print(prefix + f'min_spatial_segmentation_idc = {min_spatial_segmentation_idc}')
reserved, parallelismType = split_bits(parallelismType, 8, 2, 0)
assert reserved == mask(6), f'invalid reserved: {reserved}'
print(prefix + f'parallelismType = {parallelismType}')
reserved, chromaFormat = split_bits(chromaFormat, 8, 2, 0)
assert reserved == mask(6), f'invalid reserved: {reserved}'
print(prefix + f'chromaFormat = {chromaFormat}')
reserved, bitDepthLumaMinus8 = split_bits(bitDepthLumaMinus8, 8, 3, 0)
assert reserved == mask(5), f'invalid reserved: {reserved}'
print(prefix + f'bitDepthLumaMinus8 = {bitDepthLumaMinus8}')
reserved, bitDepthChromaMinus8 = split_bits(bitDepthChromaMinus8, 8, 3, 0)
assert reserved == mask(5), f'invalid reserved: {reserved}'
print(prefix + f'bitDepthChromaMinus8 = {bitDepthChromaMinus8}')
print(prefix + f'avgFrameRate = {avgFrameRate}')
print(prefix + f'constantFrameRate = {constantFrameRate}')
print(prefix + f'numTemporalLayers = {numTemporalLayers}')
print(prefix + f'temporalIdNested = {bool(temporalIdNested)}')
print(prefix + f'lengthSizeMinusOne = {lengthSizeMinusOne}')
numOfArrays, = unpack(data, 'B')
#print(prefix + f'numOfArrays = {numOfArrays}')
for i in range(numOfArrays):
print(prefix + f'- array {i}:')
composite, numNalus = unpack(data, 'BH')
array_completeness, reserved, NAL_unit_type = split_bits(composite, 8, 7, 6, 0)
assert reserved == 0, f'invalid reserved: {reserved}'
print(prefix + f' array_completeness = {bool(array_completeness)}')
print(prefix + f' NAL_unit_type = {NAL_unit_type}')
#print(prefix + f' numNalus = {numNalus}')
for n in range(numNalus):
entry_start = offset + data.tell()
nalUnitLength, = unpack(data, 'H')
data_start = offset + data.tell()
nalData =
assert len(nalData) == nalUnitLength, f'EOF when reading NALU: expected {nalUnitLength}, got {len(nalData)}'
offset_text = ansi_fg4(f' @ {entry_start:#x}, {data_start:#x} - {data_start + nalUnitLength:#x}') if show_offsets else ''
length_text = ansi_fg4(f' ({nalUnitLength})') if show_lengths else ''
print(prefix + f' - NALU {n}' + offset_text + length_text)
print_hex_dump(nalData, prefix + ' ')
left =
assert not left, f'{len(left)} bytes of trailing data'
# FIXME: implement av1C
def parse_esds_box(offset: int, data: memoryview, indent: int):
prefix = ' ' * (indent * indent_n)
data = io.BytesIO(data)
version, box_flags = parse_fullbox(data, prefix)
assert version == 0, f'invalid version: {version}'
assert box_flags == 0, f'invalid flags: {box_flags:06x}'
parse_descriptor(data, indent, expected=3)
left =
assert not left, f'{len(left)} bytes of trailing data'
parse_iods_box = parse_esds_box
def parse_m4ds_box(offset: int, data: memoryview, indent: int):
data = io.BytesIO(data)
parse_descriptors(data, indent)
left =
assert not left, f'{len(left)} bytes of trailing data'
def parse_dOps_box(offset: int, data: memoryview, indent: int):
prefix = ' ' * (indent * indent_n)
data = io.BytesIO(data)
Version, OutputChannelCount, PreSkip, InputSampleRate, OutputGain, ChannelMappingFamily = unpack(data, 'BBHIhB')
assert Version == 0, f'invalid Version: {Version}'
OutputGain /= 1 << 8
print(prefix + f'OutputChannelCount = {OutputChannelCount}')
print(prefix + f'PreSkip = {PreSkip}')
print(prefix + f'InputSampleRate = {InputSampleRate}')
print(prefix + f'OutputGain = {OutputGain}')
print(prefix + f'ChannelMappingFamily = {ChannelMappingFamily}')
if ChannelMappingFamily != 0:
StreamCount, CoupledCount =
print(prefix + f'StreamCount = {StreamCount}')
print(prefix + f'CoupledCount = {CoupledCount}')
ChannelMapping =
assert len(ChannelMapping) == OutputChannelCount, 'invalid ChannelMapping length'
print(prefix + f'ChannelMapping = {ChannelMapping}')
left =
assert not left, f'{len(left)} bytes of trailing data'
def parse_elst_box(offset: int, data: memoryview, indent: int):
prefix = ' ' * (indent * indent_n)
data = io.BytesIO(data)
version, box_flags = parse_fullbox(data, prefix)
assert not box_flags, f'invalid box_flags: {box_flags}'
assert version <= 1, f'invalid version: {version}'
print(prefix + f'version = {version}')
entry_count, = unpack(data, 'I')
print(prefix + f'entry_count = {entry_count}')
for i in range(entry_count):
segment_duration, media_time, media_rate = \
unpack(data, ('Qq' if version == 1 else 'Ii') + 'i')
media_rate /= 1 << 16
if i < max_rows:
print(prefix + f'[edit segment {i:3}] duration = {segment_duration:6}, media_time = {media_time:6}, media_rate = {media_rate}')
if entry_count > max_rows:
print(prefix + '...')
left =
assert not left, f'{len(left)} bytes of trailing data'
def parse_sidx_box(offset: int, data: memoryview, indent: int):
prefix = ' ' * (indent * indent_n)
data = io.BytesIO(data)
version, box_flags = parse_fullbox(data, prefix)
assert not box_flags, f'invalid box_flags: {box_flags}'
assert version <= 1, f'invalid version: {version}'
print(prefix + f'version = {version}')
reference_ID, timescale, earliest_presentation_time, first_offset, reserved_1, reference_count = \
unpack(data, 'II' + ('II' if version == 0 else 'QQ') + 'HH')
print(prefix + f'reference_ID = {reference_ID}')
print(prefix + f'timescale = {timescale}')
print(prefix + f'earliest_presentation_time = {earliest_presentation_time}')
print(prefix + f'first_offset = {first_offset}')
print(prefix + f'reference_count = {reference_count}')
assert not reserved_1, f'invalid reserved_1 = {reserved_1}'
for i in range(reference_count):
composite_1, subsegment_duration, composite_2 = unpack(data, 'III')
reference_type, referenced_size = split_bits(composite_1, 32, 31, 0)
starts_with_SAP, SAP_type, SAP_delta_time = split_bits(composite_2, 32, 31, 28, 0)
if i < max_rows:
print(prefix + f'[reference {i:3}] type = {reference_type}, size = {referenced_size}, duration = {subsegment_duration}, starts_with_SAP = {starts_with_SAP}, SAP_type = {SAP_type}, SAP_delta_time = {SAP_delta_time}')
if reference_count > max_rows:
print(prefix + '...')
left =
assert not left, f'{len(left)} bytes of trailing data'
def parse_stts_box(offset: int, data: memoryview, indent: int):
prefix = ' ' * (indent * indent_n)
data = io.BytesIO(data)
version, box_flags = parse_fullbox(data, prefix)
assert not box_flags, f'invalid box_flags: {box_flags}'
assert version == 0, f'invalid version: {version}'
sample, time = 1, 0
entry_count, = unpack(data, 'I')
print(prefix + f'entry_count = {entry_count}')
for i in range(entry_count):
sample_count, sample_delta = unpack(data, 'II')
if i < max_rows:
print(prefix + f'[entry {i:3}] [sample = {sample:6}, time = {time:6}] sample_count = {sample_count:5}, sample_delta = {sample_delta:5}')
sample += sample_count
time += sample_count * sample_delta
if entry_count > max_rows:
print(prefix + '...')
print(prefix + f'[samples = {sample-1:6}, time = {time:6}]')
left =
assert not left, f'{len(left)} bytes of trailing data'
def parse_ctts_box(offset: int, data: memoryview, indent: int):
prefix = ' ' * (indent * indent_n)
data = io.BytesIO(data)
version, box_flags = parse_fullbox(data, prefix)
assert not box_flags, f'invalid box_flags: {box_flags}'
assert version <= 1, f'invalid version: {version}'
print(prefix + f'version = {version}')
sample = 1
entry_count, = unpack(data, 'I')
print(prefix + f'entry_count = {entry_count}')
for i in range(entry_count):
sample_count, sample_offset = unpack(data, 'I' + ('i' if version==1 else 'I'))
if i < max_rows:
print(prefix + f'[entry {i:3}] [sample = {sample:6}] sample_count = {sample_count:5}, sample_offset = {sample_offset:5}')
sample += sample_count
if entry_count > max_rows:
print(prefix + '...')
print(prefix + f'[samples = {sample-1:6}]')
left =
assert not left, f'{len(left)} bytes of trailing data'
def parse_stsc_box(offset: int, data: memoryview, indent: int):
prefix = ' ' * (indent * indent_n)
data = io.BytesIO(data)
version, box_flags = parse_fullbox(data, prefix)
assert not box_flags, f'invalid box_flags: {box_flags}'
assert version == 0, f'invalid version: {version}'
sample, last_chunk, last_spc = 1, None, None
entry_count, = unpack(data, 'I')
print(prefix + f'entry_count = {entry_count}')
for i in range(entry_count):
first_chunk, samples_per_chunk, sample_description_index = unpack(data, 'III')
if last_chunk != None:
assert first_chunk > last_chunk
sample += last_spc * (first_chunk - last_chunk)
if i < max_rows:
print(prefix + f'[entry {i:3}] [sample = {sample:6}] first_chunk = {first_chunk:5}, samples_per_chunk = {samples_per_chunk:4}, sample_description_index = {sample_description_index}')
last_chunk, last_spc = first_chunk, samples_per_chunk
if entry_count > max_rows:
print(prefix + '...')
left =
assert not left, f'{len(left)} bytes of trailing data'
def parse_stsz_box(offset: int, data: memoryview, indent: int):
prefix = ' ' * (indent * indent_n)
data = io.BytesIO(data)
version, box_flags = parse_fullbox(data, prefix)
assert not box_flags, f'invalid box_flags: {box_flags}'
assert version == 0, f'invalid version: {version}'
sample_size, sample_count = unpack(data, 'II')
if show_defaults or sample_size != 0:
print(prefix + f'sample_size = {sample_size}')
print(prefix + f'sample_count = {sample_count}')
if sample_size == 0:
for i in range(sample_count):
sample_size, = unpack(data, 'I')
if i < max_rows:
print(prefix + f'[sample {i+1:6}] sample_size = {sample_size:5}')
if sample_count > max_rows:
print(prefix + '...')
left =
assert not left, f'{len(left)} bytes of trailing data'
def parse_stco_box(offset: int, data: memoryview, indent: int):
prefix = ' ' * (indent * indent_n)
data = io.BytesIO(data)
version, box_flags = parse_fullbox(data, prefix)
assert not box_flags, f'invalid box_flags: {box_flags}'
assert version == 0, f'invalid version: {version}'
entry_count, = unpack(data, 'I')
print(prefix + f'entry_count = {entry_count}')
for i in range(entry_count):
chunk_offset, = unpack(data, 'I')
if i < max_rows:
print(prefix + f'[chunk {i+1:5}] offset = {chunk_offset:#08x}')
if entry_count > max_rows:
print(prefix + '...')
left =
assert not left, f'{len(left)} bytes of trailing data'
def parse_co64_box(offset: int, data: memoryview, indent: int):
prefix = ' ' * (indent * indent_n)
data = io.BytesIO(data)
version, box_flags = parse_fullbox(data, prefix)
assert not box_flags, f'invalid box_flags: {box_flags}'
assert version == 0, f'invalid version: {version}'
entry_count, = unpack(data, 'I')
print(prefix + f'entry_count = {entry_count}')
for i in range(entry_count):
chunk_offset, = unpack(data, 'Q')
if i < max_rows:
print(prefix + f'[chunk {i+1:5}] offset = {chunk_offset:#016x}')
if entry_count > max_rows:
print(prefix + '...')
left =
assert not left, f'{len(left)} bytes of trailing data'
def parse_stss_box(offset: int, data: memoryview, indent: int):
prefix = ' ' * (indent * indent_n)
data = io.BytesIO(data)
version, box_flags = parse_fullbox(data, prefix)
assert not box_flags, f'invalid box_flags: {box_flags}'
assert version == 0, f'invalid version: {version}'
entry_count, = unpack(data, 'I')
print(prefix + f'entry_count = {entry_count}')
for i in range(entry_count):
sample_number, = unpack(data, 'I')
if i < max_rows:
print(prefix + f'[sync sample {i:5}] sample_number = {sample_number:6}')
if entry_count > max_rows:
print(prefix + '...')
left =
assert not left, f'{len(left)} bytes of trailing data'
def parse_sbgp_box(offset: int, data: memoryview, indent: int):
prefix = ' ' * (indent * indent_n)
data = io.BytesIO(data)
version, box_flags = parse_fullbox(data, prefix)
assert not box_flags, f'invalid box_flags: {box_flags}'
assert version <= 1, f'invalid version: {version}'
print(prefix + f'version = {version}')
grouping_type, = unpack(data, '4s')
grouping_type = grouping_type.decode('latin1')
print(prefix + f'grouping_type = {repr(grouping_type)}')
if version == 1:
grouping_type_parameter, = unpack(data, 'I')
print(prefix + f'grouping_type_parameter = {grouping_type_parameter}')
sample = 1
entry_count, = unpack(data, 'I')
print(prefix + f'entry_count = {entry_count}')
for i in range(entry_count):
sample_count, group_description_index = unpack(data, 'II')
if i < max_rows:
print(prefix + f'[entry {i+1:5}] [sample = {sample:6}] sample_count = {sample_count:5}, group_description_index = {group_description_index:5}')
sample += sample_count
if entry_count > max_rows:
print(prefix + '...')
print(prefix + f'[samples = {sample-1:6}]')
left =
assert not left, f'{len(left)} bytes of trailing data'
def parse_tfdt_box(offset: int, data: memoryview, indent: int):
prefix = ' ' * (indent * indent_n)
data = io.BytesIO(data)
version, box_flags = parse_fullbox(data, prefix)
assert version <= 1, f'invalid version: {version}'
base_media_decode_time, = unpack(data, 'I' if version == 0 else 'Q')
print(prefix + f'version = {version}, flags = {box_flags:06x}')
print(prefix + f'baseMediaDecodeTime = {base_media_decode_time}')
def parse_tfhd_box(offset: int, data: memoryview, indent: int):
prefix = ' ' * (indent * indent_n)
data = io.BytesIO(data)
version, box_flags = parse_fullbox(data, prefix)
assert version == 0, f'invalid version: {version}'
print(prefix + f'version = {version}, flags = {box_flags:06x}')
track_ID, = unpack(data, 'I')
print(prefix + f'track_ID = {track_ID}')
if box_flags & 0x10000: # duration‐is‐empty
print(prefix + 'duration-is-empty flag set')
if box_flags & 0x20000: # default-base-is-moof
print(prefix + 'default-base-is-moof flag set')
if box_flags & 0x1: # base‐data‐offset‐present
base_data_offset, = unpack(data, 'Q')
print(prefix + f'base_data_offset = {base_data_offset}')
if box_flags & 0x2: # sample-description-index-present
sample_description_index, = unpack(data, 'I')
print(prefix + f'sample_description_index = {sample_description_index}')
if box_flags & 0x8: # default‐sample‐duration‐present
default_sample_duration, = unpack(data, 'I')
print(prefix + f'default_sample_duration = {default_sample_duration}')
if box_flags & 0x10: # default‐sample‐size‐present
default_sample_size, = unpack(data, 'I')
print(prefix + f'default_sample_size = {default_sample_size}')
def parse_trun_box(offset: int, data: memoryview, indent: int):
prefix = ' ' * (indent * indent_n)
data = io.BytesIO(data)
version, box_flags = parse_fullbox(data, prefix)
sample_count, = unpack(data, 'I')
print(prefix + f'version = {version}, flags = {box_flags:06x}, sample_count = {sample_count}')
if box_flags & (1 << 0):
data_offset, = unpack(data, 'i')
print(prefix + f'data_offset = {data_offset:#x}')
if box_flags & (1 << 2):
first_sample_flags, = unpack(data, 'I')
print(prefix + f'first_sample_flags = {first_sample_flags:08x}')
s_offset = 0
s_time = 0
for s_idx in range(sample_count):
s_text = []
if box_flags & (1 << 8):
sample_duration, = unpack(data, 'I')
s_text.append(f'time={s_time:7} + {sample_duration:5}')
s_time += sample_duration
if box_flags & (1 << 9):
sample_size, = unpack(data, 'I')
s_text.append(f'offset={s_offset:#9x} + {sample_size:5}')
s_offset += sample_size
if box_flags & (1 << 10):
sample_flags, = unpack(data, 'I')
if box_flags & (1 << 11):
sample_composition_time_offset, = unpack(data, 'I' if version == 0 else 'i')
if s_idx < max_rows:
print(prefix + f'[sample {s_idx:4}] {", ".join(s_text)}')
if sample_count > max_rows:
print(prefix + '...')
left =
assert not left, f'{len(left)} bytes of trailing data'
# FIXME: describe handlers, boxes (from RA, also look at the 'handlers' and 'unlisted' pages), brands
# MPEG-4 part 1 DESCRIPTORS (based on 2010 edition)
# (these aren't specific to ISOBMFF and so we shouldn't parse them buuuut
# they're still part of MPEG-4 and not widely known so we'll make an exception)
def parse_descriptor(data, indent: int, expected=None, namespace='default', contents_fn=None, optional=False):
tag =
if optional and not tag: return None
tag, = tag
assert tag != 0x00 and tag != 0xFF, f'forbidden tag number: {tag}'
size = 0
n_size_bytes = 0
while True:
b =
assert b, f'unexpected EOF when reading descriptor size'
next_byte, size_byte = split_bits(b[0], 8, 7, 0)
size = (size << 7) | size_byte
n_size_bytes += 1
if not next_byte: break
payload =
assert len(payload) == size, f'unexpected EOF within descriptor data: expected {size}, got {len(payload)}'
data = io.BytesIO(payload)
prefix = ' ' * (indent * indent_n)
size_text = ''
if size.bit_length() <= (n_size_bytes - 1) * 7:
size_text = ansi_fg4(f' ({n_size_bytes} length bytes)')
def get_class_chain(k):
r = [k]
while k['base_class'] != None:
k = class_registry[k['base_class']][1]
return r
nsdata = descriptor_namespaces[namespace]
labels = []
if tag in nsdata['tag_registry']:
klasses = get_class_chain(nsdata['tag_registry'][tag])
labels.append(ansi_fg4('reserved for ISO use' if tag < nsdata['user_private'] else 'user private'))
if k := next((k for (s, e, k) in nsdata['ranges'] if s <= tag < e), None):
klasses = get_class_chain(class_registry[k][1])
labels += [ ansi_bold(k['name']) for k in klasses ]
print(prefix + ansi_bold(f'[{tag}]') + (' ' + ' -> '.join(labels) if show_descriptions else '') + size_text)
(contents_fn or parse_descriptor_contents)(tag, klasses, data, indent + 1)
left =
assert not left, f'{len(left)} bytes of trailing descriptor data'
return tag,
def parse_descriptors(data, indent: int, **kwargs):
while parse_descriptor(data, indent, **kwargs, optional=True) != None:
def parse_descriptor_contents(tag: int, klasses, data, indent: int):
prefix = ' ' * (indent * indent_n)
for k in klasses[::-1]:
if 'handler' not in k: break
k['handler'](data, indent)
except Exception as e:
print_error(e, prefix)
# FIXME: should we backtrack here a bit? or too much? when a non-indented hexdump is printed, make it clear what it represents
# as fall back (or if error), print hex dump
data =
if not max_dump or not data: return
print_hex_dump(data, prefix)
def parse_BaseDescriptor_descriptor(data, indent: int):
def parse_ObjectDescriptorBase_descriptor(data, indent: int):
def parse_ExtensionDescriptor_descriptor(data, indent: int):
def parse_OCI_Descriptor_descriptor(data, indent: int):
def parse_IP_IdentificationDataSet_descriptor(data, indent: int):
def parse_ES_Descriptor_descriptor(data, indent: int):
prefix = ' ' * (indent * indent_n)
ES_ID, composite_1 = unpack(data, 'HB')
streamDependenceFlag, URL_Flag, OCRstreamFlag, streamPriority = split_bits(composite_1, 8, 7, 6, 5, 0)
print(prefix + f'ES_ID = {ES_ID}')
print(prefix + f'streamPriority = {streamPriority}')
if streamDependenceFlag:
dependsOn_ES_ID, = unpack(data, 'H')
print(prefix + f'dependsOn_ES_ID = {dependsOn_ES_ID}')
if URL_Flag:
URLlength, = unpack(data, 'B')
URLstring =
assert len(URLstring) == URLlength, f'unexpected EOF while reading URL, expected {URLlength}, found {len(URLstring)}'
URLstring = URLstring.decode('utf-8')
print(prefix + f'URL = {repr(URLstring)}')
if OCRstreamFlag:
OCR_ES_ID, = unpack(data, 'H')
print(prefix + f'OCR_ES_ID = {OCR_ES_ID}')
parse_descriptors(data, indent)
def parse_DecoderConfigDescriptor_descriptor(data, indent: int):
prefix = ' ' * (indent * indent_n)
objectTypeIndication, composite, maxBitrate, avgBitrate = unpack(data, 'BIII')
streamType, upStream, reserved, bufferSizeDB = split_bits(composite, 32, 26, 25, 24, 0)
print(prefix + f'objectTypeIndication = {objectTypeIndication}' + (f' ({format_object_type(objectTypeIndication)})' if show_descriptions else ''))
print(prefix + f'streamType = {streamType}' + (f' ({format_stream_type(streamType)})' if show_descriptions else ''))
print(prefix + f'upStream = {bool(upStream)}')
print(prefix + f'bufferSizeDB = {bufferSizeDB}')
print(prefix + f'maxBitrate = {maxBitrate}')
print(prefix + f'avgBitrate = {avgBitrate}')
assert reserved == 1, f'invalid reserved: {reserved}'
parse_descriptors(data, indent)
def parse_SLConfigDescriptor_descriptor(data, indent: int):
prefix = ' ' * (indent * indent_n)
predefined, = unpack(data, 'B')
predefined_description = {
0x00: 'Custom',
0x01: 'null SL packet header',
0x02: 'Reserved for use in MP4 files',
}.get(predefined, 'Reserved for ISO use')
print(prefix + f'predefined = {predefined}' + (f' ({predefined_description})' if show_descriptions else ''))
if predefined != 0: return
flags, timeStampResolution, OCRResolution, timeStampLength, OCRLength, AU_Length, instantBitrateLength, composite = \
unpack(data, 'BIIBBBBH')
useAccessUnitStartFlag, useAccessUnitEndFlag, useRandomAccessPointFlag, hasRandomAccessUnitsOnlyFlag, usePaddingFlag, useTimeStampsFlag, useIdleFlag, durationFlag = \
split_bits(flags, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0)
print(prefix + f'useAccessUnitStartFlag = {bool(useAccessUnitStartFlag)}')
print(prefix + f'useAccessUnitEndFlag = {bool(useAccessUnitEndFlag)}')
print(prefix + f'useRandomAccessPointFlag = {bool(useRandomAccessPointFlag)}')
print(prefix + f'hasRandomAccessUnitsOnlyFlag = {bool(hasRandomAccessUnitsOnlyFlag)}')
print(prefix + f'usePaddingFlag = {bool(usePaddingFlag)}')
print(prefix + f'useTimeStampsFlag = {bool(useTimeStampsFlag)}')
print(prefix + f'useIdleFlag = {bool(useIdleFlag)}')
print(prefix + f'durationFlag = {bool(durationFlag)}')
print(prefix + f'timeStampResolution = {timeStampResolution}')
print(prefix + f'OCRResolution = {OCRResolution}')
print(prefix + f'timeStampLength = {timeStampLength}')
assert timeStampLength <= 64, f'invalid timeStampLength: {timeStampLength}'
print(prefix + f'OCRLength = {OCRLength}')
assert OCRLength <= 64, f'invalid OCRLength: {OCRLength}'
print(prefix + f'AU_Length = {AU_Length}')
assert AU_Length <= 32, f'invalid AU_Length: {AU_Length}'
print(prefix + f'instantBitrateLength = {instantBitrateLength}')
degradationPriorityLength, AU_seqNumLength, packetSeqNumLength, reserved = split_bits(composite, 16, 12, 7, 2, 0)
print(prefix + f'degradationPriorityLength = {degradationPriorityLength}')
print(prefix + f'AU_seqNumLength = {AU_seqNumLength}')
assert AU_seqNumLength <= 16, f'invalid AU_seqNumLength: {AU_seqNumLength}'
print(prefix + f'packetSeqNumLength = {packetSeqNumLength}')
assert packetSeqNumLength <= 16, f'invalid packetSeqNumLength: {packetSeqNumLength}'
assert reserved == 0b11, f'invalid reserved: {reserved}'
if durationFlag:
timeScale, accessUnitDuration, compositionUnitDuration = unpack(data, 'IHH')
print(prefix + f'timeScale = {timeScale}')
print(prefix + f'accessUnitDuration = {accessUnitDuration}')
print(prefix + f'compositionUnitDuration = {compositionUnitDuration}')
if not useTimeStampsFlag:
assert False, 'FIXME: not implemented yet'
# bit(timeStampLength) startDecodingTimeStamp;
# bit(timeStampLength) startCompositionTimeStamp;
def parse_ES_ID_Inc_descriptor(data, indent: int):
prefix = ' ' * (indent * indent_n)
Track_ID, = unpack(data, 'I')
print(prefix + f'Track_ID = {Track_ID}')
def parse_ES_ID_Ref_descriptor(data, indent: int):
prefix = ' ' * (indent * indent_n)
ref_index, = unpack(data, 'H')
print(prefix + f'ref_index = {ref_index}')
def parse_ExtendedSLConfigDescriptor_descriptor(data, indent: int):
parse_descriptors(data, indent)
def parse_QoS_Descriptor_descriptor(data, indent: int):
prefix = ' ' * (indent * indent_n)
predefined, = unpack(data, 'B')
predefined_description = {
0x00: 'Custom',
}.get(predefined, 'Reserved')
print(prefix + f'predefined = {predefined}' + (f' ({predefined_description})' if show_descriptions else ''))
if predefined != 0: return
parse_descriptors(data, indent, namespace='QoS')
def parse_QoS_Qualifier_descriptor(data, indent: int):
def parse_BaseCommand_descriptor(data, indent: int):
class Namespace(TypedDict):
# classes defined within this namespace
classes: list[ClassEntry]
# ranges for this namespace, if any
ranges: list[NamespaceRange]
# number over which entries are user private, otherwise reserved for ISO
user_private: int
NamespaceRange = tuple[
int, # start (inclusive)
int, # end (noninclusive)
str, # class name
class ClassEntry(TypedDict):
# tag number, if any (unset on some base classes)
tag: Optional[int]
# identifier used to refer to the tag number, if any
# (if typos are found, we prefer the name in the tag list)
tag_name: Optional[str]
# class name (will be used to look up handler)
name: str
# name of base class (None for root class)
base_class: Optional[str]
# handler function to parse this class (will be set automatically from globals)
handler: Callable[...]
descriptor_namespaces: dict[str, Namespace]
descriptor_namespaces = {
'default': {
'classes': [
{ 'name': 'BaseDescriptor', 'base_class': None },
{ 'tag': 0x03, 'base_class': 'BaseDescriptor', 'name': 'ES_Descriptor', 'tag_name': 'ES_DescrTag' },
{ 'tag': 0x05, 'base_class': 'BaseDescriptor', 'name': 'DecoderSpecificInfo', 'tag_name': 'DecSpecificInfoTag' },
{ 'tag': 0x04, 'base_class': 'BaseDescriptor', 'name': 'DecoderConfigDescriptor', 'tag_name': 'DecoderConfigDescrTag' },
{ 'tag': 0x09, 'base_class': 'BaseDescriptor', 'name': 'IPI_DescrPointer', 'tag_name': 'IPI_DescrPointerTag' },
{ 'tag': 0x0a, 'base_class': 'BaseDescriptor', 'name': 'IPMP_DescriptorPointer', 'tag_name': 'IPMP_DescrPointerTag' },
{ 'tag': 0x0b, 'base_class': 'BaseDescriptor', 'name': 'IPMP_Descriptor', 'tag_name': 'IPMP_DescrTag' },
{ 'tag': 0x60, 'base_class': 'BaseDescriptor', 'name': 'IPMP_ToolListDescriptor', 'tag_name': 'IPMP_ToolsListDescrTag' },
{ 'tag': 0x61, 'base_class': 'BaseDescriptor', 'name': 'IPMP_Tool', 'tag_name': 'IPMP_ToolTag' },
{ 'tag': 0x0c, 'base_class': 'BaseDescriptor', 'name': 'QoS_Descriptor', 'tag_name': 'QoS_DescrTag' },
{ 'tag': 0x0d, 'base_class': 'BaseDescriptor', 'name': 'RegistrationDescriptor', 'tag_name': 'RegistrationDescrTag' },
{ 'name': 'ObjectDescriptorBase', 'base_class': 'BaseDescriptor' },
{ 'tag': 0x01, 'base_class': 'ObjectDescriptorBase', 'name': 'ObjectDescriptor', 'tag_name': 'ObjectDescrTag' },
{ 'tag': 0x02, 'base_class': 'ObjectDescriptorBase', 'name': 'InitialObjectDescriptor', 'tag_name': 'InitialObjectDescrTag' },
{ 'name': 'IP_IdentificationDataSet', 'base_class': 'BaseDescriptor' },
{ 'tag': 0x07, 'base_class': 'IP_IdentificationDataSet', 'name': 'ContentIdentificationDescriptor', 'tag_name': 'ContentIdentDescrTag' },
{ 'tag': 0x08, 'base_class': 'IP_IdentificationDataSet', 'name': 'SupplementaryContentIdentificationDescriptor', 'tag_name': 'SupplContentIdentDescrTag' },
{ 'name': 'OCI_Descriptor', 'base_class': 'BaseDescriptor' },
{ 'tag': 0x40, 'base_class': 'OCI_Descriptor', 'name': 'ContentClassificationDescriptor', 'tag_name': 'ContentClassificationDescrTag' },
{ 'tag': 0x41, 'base_class': 'OCI_Descriptor', 'name': 'KeyWordDescriptor', 'tag_name': 'KeyWordDescrTag' },
{ 'tag': 0x42, 'base_class': 'OCI_Descriptor', 'name': 'RatingDescriptor', 'tag_name': 'RatingDescrTag' },
{ 'tag': 0x43, 'base_class': 'OCI_Descriptor', 'name': 'LanguageDescriptor', 'tag_name': 'LanguageDescrTag' },
{ 'tag': 0x44, 'base_class': 'OCI_Descriptor', 'name': 'ShortTextualDescriptor', 'tag_name': 'ShortTextualDescrTag' },
{ 'tag': 0x45, 'base_class': 'OCI_Descriptor', 'name': 'ExpandedTextualDescriptor', 'tag_name': 'ExpandedTextualDescrTag' },
{ 'tag': 0x46, 'base_class': 'OCI_Descriptor', 'name': 'ContentCreatorNameDescriptor', 'tag_name': 'ContentCreatorNameDescrTag' },
{ 'tag': 0x47, 'base_class': 'OCI_Descriptor', 'name': 'ContentCreationDateDescriptor', 'tag_name': 'ContentCreationDateDescrTag' },
{ 'tag': 0x48, 'base_class': 'OCI_Descriptor', 'name': 'OCICreatorNameDescriptor', 'tag_name': 'OCICreatorNameDescrTag' },
{ 'tag': 0x49, 'base_class': 'OCI_Descriptor', 'name': 'OCICreationDateDescriptor', 'tag_name': 'OCICreationDateDescrTag' },
{ 'tag': 0x4a, 'base_class': 'OCI_Descriptor', 'name': 'SmpteCameraPositionDescriptor', 'tag_name': 'SmpteCameraPositionDescrTag' },
{ 'tag': 0x4b, 'base_class': 'OCI_Descriptor', 'name': 'SegmentDescriptor', 'tag_name': 'SegmentDescrTag' },
{ 'tag': 0x4c, 'base_class': 'OCI_Descriptor', 'name': 'MediaTimeDescriptor', 'tag_name': 'MediaTimeDescrTag' },
{ 'name': 'ExtensionDescriptor', 'base_class': 'BaseDescriptor' },
{ 'tag': 0x13, 'base_class': 'ExtensionDescriptor', 'name': 'ExtensionProfileLevelDescriptor', 'tag_name': 'ExtensionProfileLevelDescrTag' },
{ 'tag': 0x14, 'base_class': 'BaseDescriptor', 'name': 'ProfileLevelIndicationIndexDescriptor', 'tag_name': 'ProfileLevelIndicationIndexDescrTag' },
{ 'tag': 0x06, 'base_class': 'BaseDescriptor', 'name': 'SLConfigDescriptor', 'tag_name': 'SLConfigDescrTag' },
{ 'tag': 0x64, 'base_class': 'SLConfigDescriptor', 'name': 'ExtendedSLConfigDescriptor', 'tag_name': 'ExtSLConfigDescrTag' },
{ 'name': 'SLExtensionDescriptor', 'base_class': 'BaseDescriptor' }, # quirk, this class doesn't have a base class in the spec
{ 'tag': 0x67, 'base_class': 'SLExtensionDescriptor', 'name': 'DependencyPointer', 'tag_name': 'DependencyPointerTag' },
{ 'tag': 0x68, 'base_class': 'SLExtensionDescriptor', 'name': 'MarkerDescriptor', 'tag_name': 'DependencyMarkerTag' },
{ 'tag': 0x69, 'base_class': 'BaseDescriptor', 'name': 'M4MuxChannelDescriptor', 'tag_name': 'M4MuxChannelDescrTag' },
{ 'tag': 0x65, 'base_class': 'BaseDescriptor', 'name': 'M4MuxBufferSizeDescriptor', 'tag_name': 'M4MuxBufferSizeDescrTag' },
{ 'tag': 0x62, 'base_class': 'BaseDescriptor', 'name': 'M4MuxTimingDescriptor', 'tag_name': 'M4MuxTimingDescrTag' },
{ 'tag': 0x63, 'base_class': 'BaseDescriptor', 'name': 'M4MuxCodeTableDescriptor', 'tag_name': 'M4MuxCodeTableDescrTag' },
{ 'tag': 0x66, 'base_class': 'BaseDescriptor', 'name': 'M4MuxIdentDescriptor', 'tag_name': 'M4MuxIdentDescrTag' },
# defined in ISO/IEC 14496-14. names for the last two are made up as not defined formally anywhere
{ 'tag': 0x0e, 'base_class': 'BaseDescriptor', 'name': 'ES_ID_Inc', 'tag_name': 'ES_ID_IncTag' },
{ 'tag': 0x0f, 'base_class': 'BaseDescriptor', 'name': 'ES_ID_Ref', 'tag_name': 'ES_ID_RefTag' },
{ 'tag': 0x11, 'base_class': 'ObjectDescriptor', 'name': '<MP4ObjectDescriptor>', 'tag_name': 'MP4_OD_Tag' },
{ 'tag': 0x10, 'base_class': 'InitialObjectDescriptor', 'name': '<MP4InitialObjectDescriptor>', 'tag_name': 'MP4_IOD_Tag' },
# was unable to find where this is defined
{ 'tag': 0x12, 'base_class': 'BaseDescriptor', 'name': '<IPL_DescrPointerRef>', 'tag_name': 'IPL_DescrPointerRefTag' },
'ranges': [
(0x40, 0x60, 'OCI_Descriptor'),
(0x6A, 0xFF, 'ExtensionDescriptor'),
'user_private': 0xC0,
'command': {
'classes': [
{ 'name': 'BaseCommand', 'base_class': None },
{ 'tag': 0x01, 'base_class': 'BaseCommand', 'name': 'ObjectDescriptorUpdate', 'tag_name': 'ObjectDescrUpdateTag' },
{ 'tag': 0x02, 'base_class': 'BaseCommand', 'name': 'ObjectDescriptorRemove', 'tag_name': 'ObjectDescrRemoveTag' },
{ 'tag': 0x03, 'base_class': 'BaseCommand', 'name': 'ES_DescriptorUpdate', 'tag_name': 'ES_DescrUpdateTag' },
{ 'tag': 0x04, 'base_class': 'BaseCommand', 'name': 'ES_DescriptorRemove', 'tag_name': 'ES_DescrRemoveTag' },
{ 'tag': 0x05, 'base_class': 'BaseCommand', 'name': 'IPMP_DescriptorUpdate', 'tag_name': 'IPMP_DescrUpdateTag' },
{ 'tag': 0x06, 'base_class': 'BaseCommand', 'name': 'IPMP_DescriptorRemove', 'tag_name': 'IPMP_DescrRemoveTag' },
{ 'tag': 0x08, 'base_class': 'BaseCommand', 'name': 'ObjectDescriptorExecute', 'tag_name': 'ObjectDescrExecuteTag' },
# defined in ISO/IEC 14496-14. names is made up as not defined formally anywhere
{ 'tag': 0x07, 'base_class': 'ES_DescriptorRemove', 'name': '<ES_DescriptorRemoveRef>', 'tag_name': 'ES_DescrRemoveRefTag' },
'user_private': 0xC0,
'QoS': {
'classes': [
{ 'name': 'QoS_Qualifier', 'base_class': None },
{ 'tag': 0x01, 'base_class': 'QoS_Qualifier', 'name': 'QoS_Qualifier_MAX_DELAY' },
{ 'tag': 0x02, 'base_class': 'QoS_Qualifier', 'name': 'QoS_Qualifier_PREF_MAX_DELAY' },
{ 'tag': 0x03, 'base_class': 'QoS_Qualifier', 'name': 'QoS_Qualifier_LOSS_PROB' },
{ 'tag': 0x04, 'base_class': 'QoS_Qualifier', 'name': 'QoS_Qualifier_MAX_GAP_LOSS' },
{ 'tag': 0x41, 'base_class': 'QoS_Qualifier', 'name': 'QoS_Qualifier_MAX_AU_SIZE' },
{ 'tag': 0x42, 'base_class': 'QoS_Qualifier', 'name': 'QoS_Qualifier_AVG_AU_SIZE' },
{ 'tag': 0x43, 'base_class': 'QoS_Qualifier', 'name': 'QoS_Qualifier_MAX_AU_RATE' },
{ 'tag': 0x44, 'base_class': 'QoS_Qualifier', 'name': 'QoS_Qualifier_REBUFFERING_RATIO' },
'user_private': 0x80,
'IPMP': {
'classes': [
{ 'name': 'IPMP_Data_BaseClass', 'base_class': None }, # <- keep in mind this has fields
{ 'tag': 0x10, 'base_class': 'IPMP_Data_BaseClass', 'name': 'IPMP_ParamtericDescription', 'tag_name': 'IPMP_ParamtericDescription_tag' },
# tag numbers defined in ISO/IEC 14496-13
# FIXME: define them here, and set user_private
def init_descriptors():
global class_registry
# do sanity checks on the data defined above. for every namespace, make sure:
# - class names are globally unique
class_registry = unique_dict((k['name'], (nsname, k)) for nsname, ns in descriptor_namespaces.items() for k in ns['classes'])
for nsname, ns in descriptor_namespaces.items():
# - there's exactly one root class
assert len({ k['name'] for k in ns['classes'] if k['base_class'] == None }) == 1, f'namespace {nsname} must have 1 root'
# - tags are unique
ns['tag_registry'] = unique_dict(( k['tag'], k ) for k in ns['classes'] if 'tag' in k)
# - range class names are valid
assert all(class_registry.get(klname, (None,))[0] == nsname for (_, _, klname) in ns.get('ranges', [])), f'namespace {nsname} has invalid ranges'
# - base classes are valid, and there are no cycles
for k in ns['classes']:
while k['base_class'] != None:
assert class_registry.get(k['base_class'], (None,))[0] == nsname, f'class {k["base_class"]} not defined'
k = class_registry[k['base_class']][1]
# register handlers defined above
for k, v in globals().items():
if m := re.fullmatch(r'parse_(.+)_descriptor', k):
k =
assert k in class_registry, f'descriptor {k} not defined'
class_registry[k][1]['handler'] = v
# check base classes of defined handlers also have a defined handler
for k in class_registry.items():
if 'handler' in k:
while k['base_class'] != None:
k = class_registry[k['base_class']][1]
assert 'handler' in k
# FIXME: implement decoder specific info:
# - ISO/IEC 14496-2 Annex K
# - ISO/IEC 14496-3 1.1.6
# - ISO/IEC 14496-11
# - ISO/IEC 13818-7 „adif_header()“
# - ISO/IEC 11172-3 or ISO/IEC 13818-3 -> empty
# - defined locally:
# - IPMPDecoderConfiguration
# - OCIDecoderConfiguration
# - JPEG_DecoderConfig
# - UIConfig
# - BIFSConfigEx
# - AFXConfig
# - JPEG2000_DecoderConfig
# - AVCDecoderSpecificInfo
# FIXME: Implements AFXExtDescriptor, which has its own namespace
# based on <>
# kind: Optional[Literal['audio', 'video', 'image', 'text', 'font']
# name: str # full name
# notes: Optional[list[str]] # notes indicated in CSV, if any
# short: Optional[str] # short / common name
# withdrawn: Optional[bool] # true if removed and shouldn't be used
object_types = {
0x01: { 'name': 'Systems ISO/IEC 14496-1', 'notes': ['a'] },
0x02: { 'name': 'Systems ISO/IEC 14496-1', 'notes': ['b'] },
0x03: { 'name': 'Interaction Stream', },
0x04: { 'name': 'Extended BIFS', 'notes': ['h'] },
0x05: { 'name': 'AFX Stream', 'notes': ['i'] },
0x06: { 'kind': 'font', 'name': 'Font Data Stream', },
0x07: { 'name': 'Synthetised Texture', },
0x08: { 'kind': 'text', 'name': 'Text Stream', },
0x09: { 'name': 'LASeR Stream', },
0x0A: { 'name': 'Simple Aggregation Format (SAF) Stream', },
0x20: { 'kind': 'video', 'name': 'Visual ISO/IEC 14496-2', 'short': 'MPEG-4 Video', 'notes': ['c'] },
0x21: { 'kind': 'video', 'name': 'Visual ITU-T Recommendation H.264 | ISO/IEC 14496-10', 'short': 'H.264 / AVC', 'notes': ['g'] },
0x22: { 'kind': 'video', 'name': 'Parameter Sets for ITU-T Recommendation H.264 | ISO/IEC 14496-10', 'short': 'H.264 / AVC (PPS / SPS)', 'notes': ['g'] },
0x23: { 'kind': 'video', 'name': 'Visual ISO/IEC 23008-2 | ITU-T Recommendation H.265', 'short': 'H.265 / HEVC', },
0x40: { 'kind': 'audio', 'name': 'Audio ISO/IEC 14496-3', 'short': 'AAC', 'notes': ['d'] },
0x60: { 'kind': 'video', 'name': 'Visual ISO/IEC 13818-2 Simple Profile', 'short': 'MPEG-2 Video (Simple Profile)', },
0x61: { 'kind': 'video', 'name': 'Visual ISO/IEC 13818-2 Main Profile', 'short': 'MPEG-2 Video (Main Profile)', },
0x62: { 'kind': 'video', 'name': 'Visual ISO/IEC 13818-2 SNR Profile', 'short': 'MPEG-2 Video (SNR Profile)', },
0x63: { 'kind': 'video', 'name': 'Visual ISO/IEC 13818-2 Spatial Profile', 'short': 'MPEG-2 Video (Spatial Profile)', },
0x64: { 'kind': 'video', 'name': 'Visual ISO/IEC 13818-2 High Profile', 'short': 'MPEG-2 Video (High Profile)', },
0x65: { 'kind': 'video', 'name': 'Visual ISO/IEC 13818-2 422 Profile', 'short': 'MPEG-2 Video (422 Profile)', },
0x66: { 'kind': 'audio', 'name': 'Audio ISO/IEC 13818-7 Main Profile', 'short': 'MPEG-2 AAC', },
0x67: { 'kind': 'audio', 'name': 'Audio ISO/IEC 13818-7 LowComplexity Profile', 'short': 'MPEG-2 AAC-LC', },
0x68: { 'kind': 'audio', 'name': 'Audio ISO/IEC 13818-7 Scaleable Sampling Rate Profile', 'short': 'MPEG-2 AAC-SSR', },
0x69: { 'kind': 'audio', 'name': 'Audio ISO/IEC 13818-3', 'short': 'MPEG-2 BC Audio', },
0x6A: { 'kind': 'video', 'name': 'Visual ISO/IEC 11172-2', 'short': 'MPEG-1 Video', },
0x6B: { 'kind': 'audio', 'name': 'Audio ISO/IEC 11172-3', 'short': 'MPEG-1 Audio (usually MP3)', },
0x6C: { 'kind': 'image', 'name': 'Visual ISO/IEC 10918-1', 'short': 'JPEG', },
0x6D: { 'kind': 'image', 'name': 'Portable Network Graphics', 'short': 'PNG', 'notes': ['f'] },
0x6E: { 'kind': 'image', 'name': 'Visual ISO/IEC 15444-1 (JPEG 2000)', 'short': 'JPEG 2000', },
0xA0: { 'kind': 'audio', 'name': 'EVRC Voice', },
0xA1: { 'kind': 'audio', 'name': 'SMV Voice', },
0xA2: { 'name': '3GPP2 Compact Multimedia Format (CMF)', 'short': 'CMF', },
0xA3: { 'kind': 'video', 'name': 'SMPTE VC-1 Video', },
0xA4: { 'kind': 'video', 'name': 'Dirac Video Coder', },
0xA5: { 'kind': 'audio', 'name': 'AC-3', 'withdrawn': True, },
0xA6: { 'kind': 'audio', 'name': 'Enhanced AC-3', 'withdrawn': True, },
0xA7: { 'kind': 'audio', 'name': 'DRA Audio', },
0xA8: { 'kind': 'audio', 'name': 'ITU G.719 Audio', },
0xA9: { 'name': 'Core Substream', },
0xAA: { 'name': 'Core Substream + Extension Substream', },
0xAB: { 'name': 'Extension Substream containing only XLL', },
0xAC: { 'name': 'Extension Substream containing only LBR', },
0xAD: { 'kind': 'audio', 'name': 'Opus audio', 'short': 'Opus', },
0xAE: { 'kind': 'audio', 'name': 'AC-4', 'withdrawn': True, },
0xAF: { 'kind': 'audio', 'name': 'Auro-Cx 3D audio', },
0xB0: { 'kind': 'video', 'name': 'RealVideo Codec 11', },
0xB1: { 'kind': 'video', 'name': 'VP9 Video', 'short': 'VP9', },
0xB2: { 'kind': 'audio', 'name': 'DTS-UHD profile 2', },
0xB3: { 'kind': 'audio', 'name': 'DTS-UHD profile 3 or higher', },
0xE1: { 'kind': 'audio', 'name': '13K Voice', },
def format_object_type(oti: int) -> str:
assert 0 <= oti < 0x100
if oti == 0x00:
raise AssertionError('forbidden object type')
elif oti == 0xFF:
return ansi_dim('no object type specified')
elif e := (object_types.get(oti)):
description = e.get('short') or e['name']
if e.get('withdrawn'):
description += ansi_fg1(' (withdrawn, unused, do not use)')
return description
return ansi_fg4('reserved for ISO use' if oti < 0xC0 else 'user private')
stream_types = {
0x01: 'ObjectDescriptorStream',
0x02: 'ClockReferenceStream',
0x03: 'SceneDescriptionStream',
0x04: 'VisualStream',
0x05: 'AudioStream',
0x06: 'MPEG7Stream',
0x07: 'IPMPStream',
0x08: 'ObjectContentInfoStream',
0x09: 'MPEGJStream',
0x0A: 'Interaction Stream',
0x0B: 'IPMPToolStream',
0x0C: 'FontDataStream',
0x0D: 'StreamingText',
def format_stream_type(sti: int) -> str:
assert 0 <= sti < 0x40
if sti == 0x00:
raise AssertionError('forbidden stream type')
elif e := (stream_types.get(sti)):
return e
return ansi_fg4('reserved for ISO use' if sti < 0x20 else 'user private')
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