With Ruby 1.8 (default version on MacOS) :
sudo gem install json
curl -s https://api.github.com/orgs/[ORGANIZATION]/repos | ruby -rubygems -e 'require “json”; JSON.load(STDIN.read).each {|repo| %x[git clone #{repo["ssh_url"]} ]}'
With Ruby 1.9+, the json library is by default thus you just use :
curl -s https://api.github.com/orgs/[ORGANIZATION]/repos | ruby -rjson -e 'JSON.load(STDIN.read).each {|repo| %x[git clone #{repo["ssh_url"]} ]}'
curl -u [[USERNAME]] -s https://api.github.com/orgs/[[ORGANIZATION]]/repos?per_page=200 | ruby -rubygems -e 'require "json"; JSON.load(STDIN.read).each { |repo| %x[git clone #{repo["ssh_url"]} ]}'
For enterprise github:
curl -H "Authorization: token [YourPersonalToken]" -s https://[YourCompanyHostname]/api/v3/orgs/[YourOrganisation]/repos?per_page=200 | ruby -rubygems -e 'require "json"; JSON.load(STDIN.read).each { |repo| %x[git clone #{repo["ssh_url"]} ]}'
You can generate your personal token at Settings/Developer Settings or directly to this url:
(make sure you select the right scope repo/public_repo)