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Unity Editor Font Size Changer -- EditorStyles

Unity Editor font size editor for the editor styles and skins

Change the variable RESIZE_ON_LAUNCH to true or false. Enable resize on launch to set a default font size , using this option will disable the ability to have the window accessible from the context menu ( Window > Editor Font Size ) - because this is a hacky way to enforce default global font size on application launch ( on script assembly reload and on application enter / exit play mode )

Preview Added custom styles ( 600+ ) Added Global Zoom ( increment all styles in the same time )


using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEditor;
using System.Reflection;
public class EditorFontSize : EditorWindow
// enable resize on launch to set a default font size , using this option will disable the ability to have the window accassible
// from the context menu ( Window > Editor Font Size ) - bc this is a hacky way to enforce default global font size on application
// launch , on script assembly reload and on application enter / exit play mode
public static bool RESIZE_ON_LAUNCH = true;
public static int DEFAULT_GLOBAL_FONT_SIZE = 14;
[InitializeOnLoadMethod] static void DefaultSize()
var w = GetWindow<EditorFontSize>();
w.GUICallback = () => {
[MenuItem("Window/Editor Font Size")]
static void Open()
if( RESIZE_ON_LAUNCH ) return;
GetWindow<EditorFontSize>("Editor Font Size").minSize = new Vector2(180, 30);
Dictionary<string, bool> foldouts;
bool Header(string s)
if (foldouts == null) foldouts = new Dictionary<string, bool>();
if (!foldouts.ContainsKey(s)) foldouts.Add(s, true);
var foldout = EditorGUILayout.Foldout(!foldouts[s], s, true);
foldouts[s] = !foldout;
return foldout;
private void OnDisable()
guiSkins = null;
editorStyles = null;
propFontSizevalidity = null;
static List<GUIStyle> styles;
PropertyInfo[] editorStyles;
PropertyInfo[] guiSkins;
void GrabProperties()
if (editorStyles == null || editorStyles.Length < 1)
var flags = BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.GetProperty;
editorStyles = typeof(EditorStyles).GetProperties(flags);
if (guiSkins == null || guiSkins.Length < 1)
guiSkins =;
Vector2 scroll;
System.Action GUICallback;
private void OnGUI()
rowCount = -1;
var delta = FontSizeRow("Global Zoom", EditorStyles.miniLabel.fontSize.ToString());
if (delta != 0 && EditorStyles.miniLabel.fontSize + delta > 0)
Resize( delta );
using (var scope = new GUILayout.ScrollViewScope(scroll))
scroll = scope.scrollPosition;
if (Header("Editor Styles"))
foreach (var x in editorStyles)
ModifyProp(x, null);
if (Header("GUI skins"))
foreach (var x in guiSkins)
if (Header("Custom Styles"))
foreach (var x in
if( GUICallback != null ) GUICallback.Invoke();
void Resize( int delta )
// Keep watch for duplicates ( Prevent double modifications )
styles = new List<GUIStyle>();
foreach (var x in editorStyles)
if (!ValidFontProp(x, null)) continue;
var s = (GUIStyle)x.GetValue(null, null);
if (styles.Contains(s)) continue;
s.fontSize += delta;
foreach (var x in guiSkins)
if (!ValidFontProp(x, continue;
var s = (GUIStyle)x.GetValue(, null);
if (styles.Contains(s)) continue;
s.fontSize += delta;
foreach (var x in
if (!ValidFontStyle(x) || styles.Contains(x)) continue;
x.fontSize += delta;
void RepaintAll() { foreach (var w in Resources.FindObjectsOfTypeAll<EditorWindow>()) w.Repaint(); }
Dictionary<PropertyInfo, bool> propFontSizevalidity;
bool ValidFontProp(PropertyInfo x, object item)
if (propFontSizevalidity == null) propFontSizevalidity = new Dictionary<PropertyInfo, bool>();
if (propFontSizevalidity.ContainsKey(x)) return propFontSizevalidity[x];
propFontSizevalidity.Add(x, true);
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(x.Name)) propFontSizevalidity[x] = false;
else if (x.PropertyType != typeof(GUIStyle)) propFontSizevalidity[x] = false;
else if (x.GetValue(item, null) == null) propFontSizevalidity[x] = false;
else if (((GUIStyle)x.GetValue(item, null)).fontSize < 1) propFontSizevalidity[x] = false;
return propFontSizevalidity[x];
void ModifyProp(PropertyInfo x, object item)
if (!ValidFontProp(x, item)) return;
var style = ((GUIStyle)x.GetValue(item, null));
var val = style.fontSize;
int ret = FontSizeRow(x.Name, val.ToString());
if (ret == 0 || val + ret <= 0) return;
style.fontSize = val + ret;
GUIStyle evenBG;
GUIStyle oddBG;
void InitStyles()
if (evenBG != null) return;
GUIStyle s = "CN EntryBackEven";
evenBG = new GUIStyle(s);
s = "CN EntryBackodd";
oddBG = new GUIStyle(s);
evenBG.contentOffset = oddBG.contentOffset = new Vector2();
evenBG.clipping = oddBG.clipping = TextClipping.Clip;
evenBG.margin = oddBG.margin =
evenBG.padding = oddBG.padding = new RectOffset();
int rowCount = 0;
void FixZeroSize(GUIStyle s) => s.fontSize = s.fontSize < 1 ? 11 : s.fontSize;
bool ValidFontStyle(GUIStyle s) => !(s == null || string.IsNullOrEmpty(;
void FontSizeRow(GUIStyle s)
if (!ValidFontStyle(s)) return;
var x = FontSizeRow(, s.fontSize.ToString());
if (x != 0 && x + s.fontSize > 0) s.fontSize += x;
int FontSizeRow(string name, string size)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(name) || size == "0") return 0;
var width = GUILayout.MaxWidth(Screen.width);
using (new GUILayout.HorizontalScope(rowCount % 2 == 0 ? evenBG : oddBG, width))
if (GUILayout.Button("-", EditorStyles.miniButtonLeft)) return -1;
using (new EditorGUI.DisabledGroupScope(true))
GUILayout.Label(size, EditorStyles.miniButtonMid, GUILayout.Width(30));
if (GUILayout.Button("+", EditorStyles.miniButtonRight)) return +1;
return 0;
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derwaldgeist commented Mar 21, 2023

Unfortunately, this script is rather unreliable. Sometimes, it does not work at all, sometimes it only increases the size of some of the fonts (Unity 2021). Would love to see a native solution for macOS and Linux by the Unity team, but they seem to just ignore the request. It's so hard to use Unity if you don't have perfect eyesight. It's a shame.

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RIvance commented Mar 22, 2023

There is a compromise solution to make the ui size 2x bigger on linux (works well for me on gnome):
Screenshot from 2023-03-22 18-41-56

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I really wish this was possible on macOS, too.

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This script doesn't seem to work on Arch Linux, even when I put it in the editor folder of my Unity Project.

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I don't have arch to try it on , but if you include info about which unity editor version & linux version u r using someone might drop a hint here ?

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mquaker commented May 4, 2023

Simply adding a script in OSX 2021.3.24f1 (LTS) will increase the font size properly without any warnings or errors.
However, the Editor Font Size window does not open, and there are no errors or warnings displayed for this issue either.

Anyway, I am happy with this result. My eyes are a little more comfortable now.

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It works in a great way!There is one issue is that the script preview size in the inspector is now looks too big. Is there a way to manipulate the font size of the script preview in Inspector?
Screenshot 2023-09-28 at 14 49 59

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@OlesiaUsTwo No clue , I don't use this script myself anymore since the scaling works for me , but I think I exposed all the possible styles the unity-editor application is using when drawing with ImGUI , so maybe one of them should be exclusive for the script preview ? Personally i never use the script preview thing , you can install VSCode or visual studio which has syntax highlighting

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@mquaker set RESIZE_ON_LAUNCH to false in the script if you want to use the popup window - its explained up there in the comments , maybe i should edit the readme , been a while since i touched this gist

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I tried this script on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS with unity editor 2022.3.14f1, but it still doesn't work. However, I do find a way to address the problem of small font size.
go to /usr/share/applications and find unityhub.desktop, edit
Exec=env GDK_SCALE=2 GDK_DPI_SCALE=0.5 /path/to/unityhub %U
then it works for me.
Only need to change env when running unityhub, and is still accessable via desktop icon.
Thanks for the posts above that inspired me this solution.

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The-Maize commented Mar 2, 2024

For those looking for the editor font size on LINUX:
Go to window option at the top, take a quick gander there. (This is where it is, for 2023.3.0b9). Once this script is installed.

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