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Naomi Ware nware1066

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nware1066 /
Created February 12, 2020 22:36
Capstone checklist reflection

What is the Value of a Checklist?

Checklists are valuable for several reasons. They can help with organization, completion and collaboration.

To begin, the act of creating a checklist helps us to break down a task and ensure that we have the tools or skills needed to accomplish the task. As we list the steps of the task, we are thinking about how to accomplish the task; if we are going to build a bookshelf, then as we think about assembling the pieces, we are going to realize that we need a hammer, nails, etc.

A checklist is valuable as a tool for making certain that we are not missing a step along the way, this can be especially valuable if the task cannot be completed in one session; the checklist will allow us to see where we were in the process when we stopped the last time. For this reason, a checklist can be invaluable if we have to hand a project over to another person.

If we are working with others to complete a task, a checklist allows us to easily assign portions of the project so that we

nware1066 /
Created March 24, 2020 23:55
DTR for hangInThereNWLW

DTR: Define the Relationship Use this template when conducting DTR with your project partners. It's recommended that you copy/paste this template into your own gist each time you conduct a DTR to take notes on the conversation.

Guiding Questions to Define The Relationship: What are each of our learning goals for this project? Being able to confidently integrate JavaScript with HTML. Being able to effictively manage Git workflow. Being able to confidently navigate the DOM.

What drives us in this project? actually building something instead of just writing random code.

What is your collaboration style? How do you feel about pair programming vs. divide-and-conquer approaches? I think that at this stage, I am more comfortable with pair programming, even though my nature inclination is more divide and conquor.

nware1066 /
Created March 24, 2020 23:55
DTR for hangInThereNWLW

DTR: Define the Relationship Use this template when conducting DTR with your project partners. It's recommended that you copy/paste this template into your own gist each time you conduct a DTR to take notes on the conversation.

Guiding Questions to Define The Relationship: What are each of our learning goals for this project? Being able to confidently integrate JavaScript with HTML. Being able to effictively manage Git workflow. Being able to confidently navigate the DOM.

What drives us in this project? actually building something instead of just writing random code.

What is your collaboration style? How do you feel about pair programming vs. divide-and-conquer approaches? I think that at this stage, I am more comfortable with pair programming, even though my nature inclination is more divide and conquor.

nware1066 / magic 8
Last active March 30, 2020 17:45
pseudocode exercise for mod 1
  1. use css to create a round, black background shape
  2. centered in that shape, create a grey triangle with a box to display a string that will be returned
  3. above the circle, have a user input box that will accept text
  4. user input should be required
  5. the user input box should continue to display that text after the submit button is clicked
  6. create a submit button for the user input box
  7. create an array of at least 8 answers that are suitable for any question (could check actual magic 8 ball for suggestions)
  8. create a function that randomly selects an element from the array when the user input text field
  9. return the selected element from the array in the text box within the black circle
  10. create an event listener that will invoke the function to select and return the array element into the display box within the 'ball' when the submit button is clicked
nware1066 / Naomi's
Last active June 10, 2020 16:40
Reflection on Paired Project Hang in There

Project SlapJack

Solo Project

For this project, I worked on my own (with supoort from peers and mentors) to create a computer version of a popular cardgame. The game had to shuffle and deal cards, force players to alternate turns in specific ways depending on the rules of the game, and move cards to and from the player's hands and another pile (array) of cards. The game has fairly complex rules, and uses keydown events to determine when moves happen; many of the moves within the game are announced on a header that changes to reflect the action of the game. Player wins are counted and persist within local storage when the page is refreshed.

Throughout this inning, I have been taking more of a leadership role in projects, so I felt confident in my ability to accomplish this task. I was able to break the project down into smaller steps and had a pretty clear vision of what how to approach the challenges. When I reached a block, I had the ability to use dev tools, MDN docs, peers and mentors to work thro

nware1066 / Pseudo-code
Last active November 20, 2022 18:40
Code Wars pseudo-code

The Code Wars site allows users to practice coding in the language of their choice. I have included in this gist the pseudocode for three challenges that I completed. I have included a brief explination of the challenge, as well as the steps that I felt would be useful in solving the problems

  1. Count the Monkeys

  • a number is passed as an argument; return an array including each number from 1 to the stated number.
  • assign a value of an empty array to a variable to hold the solution
  • create for loop to add 1 number to the array for each iteration (based on number provided in argument)
  • set for loop to begin count at 1, rather than 0
  • push count to array
  • return array
nware1066 / PD
Last active November 11, 2020 00:25
PD Journal

Mod 1 Week 1: Understanding your strengths Describe one of your strengths: I am tenacious.

What is something you have learned to do well (list a skill)?: One thing that I have learned to do well advocating for myself and others

I am an expert in Special Education rights, and have worked both professionally and as a volunterr as a Special Education Advocae

I am good at putting thoughts into words

I can use my ability to articulate and my knowledge of Special Education law to help people get educational services

nware1066 /
Last active May 12, 2020 23:56
DTR for RomCOm

Learning Goals

  • Ian would like to become more fluent with JS
  • Naomi would like to improve pseudocoding and confidence in her own coding ability


  • Ian is more familiar with Divide and Conquor, but is open to using Driver Navigator as well
  • Naomi prefers Driver Navigator for projects, so that the whole project is collaborative

Communication Styles

  • we agree that communicating through messages is valuable for relating minor issues or details or to confirm something we have agreed to, but we both prefer speaking directly and preferably where we can the other person's face
nware1066 /
Last active May 19, 2020 23:20
draft of readme

Project Romcom: Romance Novel Generator

Paired project by Naomi Ware & Ian Holladay

Turing's 2005FE week 2 paired projects

The link to our project can be found here:

Project Overview

We designed a webpage using primarily JavaScript (the HTML and CSS were provided by our instructors) that generates a random romcom novel cover, and has functionality to create and save custom covers based on user input. In short, this webpage will:

nware1066 /
Created August 14, 2020 21:50
Pre-work for Turing Mod 3

1a. The data model is a construct that defines the properties, behaviors and default values for objects within our code. 1b. This relates to the DOM by providing information that is displayed on the DOM and providing a 'source of truth' for the code. Users can interact with the data, modifying the values within one instance of the object, but they do not change the data model, so that multiple instances of the model can be used by several users without altering the purpose or usefulness of the code.

  1. Frameworks and Libraries both provide reusable, pre-written code. Libraries are less structured, and can be used when and where the coder chooses. Frameworks are more stuctured and strictly define how the code will be written.

  2. A major consideration in using a framework is the ease with which it updates the DOM. Since a framework (such as React) will monitor changes in the DOM and update only those parts of the DOM that have changed, it is economical in terms of time and energy, and also ensures that the us