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Interview with Arie Altena regarding V2_'s history and present situation

Interview with Arie Altena regarding V2_'s history and present situation

This interview was conducted via e-mail communication in December 2016, between Tom Brewe (interviewer) and Arie Altena (interviewee).

Tom B.: Regarding V2_lab: How much is V2_ and V2_lab separated today? Is it basically the same institution nowadays or are there distinct differences like locations, people, projects?

Arie A.: They are not distinct at all. Also when V2_ was still larger the Lab and the rest of V2_ were not really seperated. Of course the Lab used to be on the third floor of the building, and the rest on the first flour and groundfloor, and people had specific job descriptions that meant they either 'belonged' to the lab or to publishing or the whole of V2_, but all was (and is) V2_.

Tom B.: Would you describe V2_lab as a hackerspace, or makerspace or rather something different or in between?

Arie A.: None of those. The old V2_lab was close to a makerspace – before people started to use words like hackerspace and makerspace (or even making a distinction between them). That V2_lab had a couple of people dedicated working on hardware and/or software projects. That's exactly the part of V2_ that was impossible to continue: too expensive, technology changing every five year or so, and specifically because the artist needs just differ too much from project to project. So technology knowledge/skills is now sourced from our extended network instead.

Tom B.: How is the member composition at V2_lab, is it a smaller/bigger main core of people, or is there a big fluctuation between different projects?

Arie A.: The whole of V2_ consists now of about 10 people who have a contract, none of them (including the director) has a contract larger than 67% of the time, almost all are on 40% contracts. So everyone is parttime. Half of those are 'Lab'. Its the core group and that does not fluctuate a lot. (What fluctuates are the freelancers, but they are freelancers and do not work at the office).

Tom B.: What is the general project length at V2_lab and V2, are there big differences (multi-year projects <-> few-day projects) or are the projects similar in duration and amount of collaborators?

Arie A.: It differs totally from projects that take two years (or even longer), to short time things of even a week. The most important projects are now exhibitions, events, (and books), and the residencies/summer sessions.

Tom B.: Why was V2_ moved from s'Hertegenbosch to Rotterdam? Was is alone because of available space, or where there other factors involved? What changed after the move to Rotterdam (in terms of organization, collaborators, financing)?

Arie A.: That happened in 1997. Different time. Long ago. Had to do also with possiblilties to grow, possibilities for funding, interest from Rotterdam to invest in something like V2_. After the move V2_ grew from what was basically an artist-run initiative to a full-blown centre for new media (well: unstable media).

Tom B.: What is the outlook for V2 right now in terms of stability? After the funding cuts after 2013, what (if any) compromises did V2_ have to make to keep existing? What do you expect will the near to midterm future be like for V2_.

Arie A.: Well, it is still very precarious – but we have a four year funding again (4-year funding was reinstated again). That does by far not cover everything we do, so there is a continuing need to bring in additional funding.

Tom B.: Regarding corporate funding, as I understand what the Piccard Fund will partly be, how is it viewed internally? How is the trade-off seen among V2_ members, are there concerns regarding that funding corporations may attempt to exert influence or control certain aspects of V2_ in unwanted ways?

Arie A.: No real concerns there. Acquiring corporate funding is an extremely long term endeveaour especially in the Netherlands were there is not a lot of corporate funding for arts & culture (and what was there has largely disappeared). So if there were concerns about the Piccard Fund then it was more about the issue if it was at all worthwhile to invest time in it. There are good contacts though. The question also plays no role, 1. we would not accept funding from an organizations whose aim it is to exert some form of control; 2. as if we're powerful enough :-)

Tom B.: Have you successfully collected funds via the Piccard Fund already, and if so, which organizations/corporations have pledged to fund V2_ (if you want/are allowed to talk about that)?

Arie A.: There's been some as far as I know. Some amounts from partner organizations, network contacts/friends, organizations that like to be associated with V2_. For the rest I don't really know – I'm not running that project :-)

Tom B.: Do you have any literature recommendations besides the V2_ website and "the book for the unstable media" and the "book for the electronic arts" that could help me for my research?

Arie A.: Not really on the history of V2_. There are small bits on V2_ in many publications, especially on the really early years. The website though has most of that covered as well. So digging around there is the best thing.

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