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obycode /
Last active March 8, 2024 14:12
Epoch 3 testnet boot up
  1. The stacks-node mines blocks up to epoch 2.5 height at which point, pox-4 is deployed (along with other new boot contracts)
  • Look for:
    Applying epoch transition, new_epoch_id: 2.5, old_epoch_id: 2.4
  • Note: This happens during reward cycle 6 with the default test config (20 block cycles with 5 block prepare phases)
  1. Before the prepare phase starts, stackers must successfully call stack-stx
  • Look for something similar to:
    Contract-call successfully processed, txid: adc91171be4f7edb614f80d3707f75f3cc29650f88ff791133f55ebd71e24108, origin: STRYYQQ9M8KAF4NS7WNZQYY59X93XEKR31JP64CP, origin_nonce: 0, contract_name: ST000000000000000000002AMW42H.pox-4, function_name: stack-stx, function_args: [u1000080000000000, (tuple (hashbytes 0x31ef5ee9a226a792b93f2bfbfbc54f523eba7818) (version 0x00)), u109, u2, (some 0x331cb6e41dcb335f6851bb42e6dc39816ad4a2fe3bda4c8836f43e51fec9c2e401a35ef7b676af27214716ce8e22e57fdc60b1a29f087b031a6486e2989d5fcc01), 0x038e3c4529395611be9abf6fa3b6
obycode / block-checker.js
Last active January 19, 2024 21:49
Block Fee Analysis
const axios = require("axios");
async function fetchTransactionsAndFeeRates(baseUrl, blockHeight) {
let offset = 0;
const limit = 50; // Batch size
let totalCount = 0;
let isFirstRequest = true;
let feeRates = [];
while (isFirstRequest || offset < totalCount) {
obycode /
Last active October 4, 2023 14:26
Check the fullness of a block
import requests
import argparse
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from termcolor import colored
def time_ago(epoch_timestamp, current_time=None):
timestamp = datetime.utcfromtimestamp(
) # Convert epoch to UTC datetime
obycode /
Last active October 20, 2022 14:57
How to run a Stacks mock miner

First, build stacks-node:

cd testnet/stacks-node
cargo build --features monitoring_prom,slog_json --release
# if build is successful, stacks-node is in stacks-blockchain/target/release/

Then, make sure you have the chainstate. A snapshot can be downloaded from the Hiro Archiver.

obycode / DAP
Created May 18, 2022 19:26
This is a sample series of DAP packets to test the clarinet DAP debugger
Content-Length: 412
{"command":"initialize","arguments":{"clientID":"vscode","clientName":"Visual Studio Code","adapterID":"clarinet","pathFormat":"path","linesStartAt1":true,"columnsStartAt1":true,"supportsVariableType":true,"supportsVariablePaging":true,"supportsRunInTerminalRequest":true,"locale":"en-us","supportsProgressReporting":true,"supportsInvalidatedEvent":true,"supportsMemoryReferences":true},"type":"request","seq":1}Content-Length: 304
{"command":"launch","arguments":{"type":"clarinet","request":"launch","name":"Call","manifest":"/home/brice/work/debugger-demo/Clarinet.toml","expression":"(contract-call? .foo hello .bar)","__configurationTarget":5,"__sessionId":"a76fc891-252b-4982-9a2c-3780e76afc50"},"type":"request","seq":2}Content-Length: 219
{"command":"setBreakpoints","arguments":{"source":{"name":"bar.clar","path":"/home/brice/work/debugger-demo/contracts/bar.clar"},"lines":[19],"breakpoints":[{"line":19}],"sourceModified":false},"type":"request","seq":3}Content-Length: 89
Verifying my Blockstack ID is secured with the address 1JYJoyBvMkqNvnmK8NaD18SwLsMpXUCqEM
Verifying my Blockstack ID is secured with the address 1JYJoyBvMkqNvnmK8NaD18SwLsMpXUCqEM
Verifying my Blockstack ID is secured with the address 1GrN9mLeqtHsTX9a15vDT7wXinVQHF7VYX

Keybase proof

I hereby claim:

  • I am obycode on github.
  • I am obycode ( on keybase.
  • I have a public key ASAMBtx_fzUcmRnprB8YqwISnj3igGDJ2TCUpIN1dlRrbgo

To claim this, I am signing this object: