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Last active October 4, 2023 14:26
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Check the fullness of a block
import requests
import argparse
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from termcolor import colored
def time_ago(epoch_timestamp, current_time=None):
timestamp = datetime.utcfromtimestamp(
) # Convert epoch to UTC datetime
# Use datetime.fromtimestamp(epoch_timestamp) for local time
if current_time is None:
current_time = (
) # Use UTC time; use for local time
delta = current_time - timestamp
if delta.days >= 1:
# If it's been more than a day, return the full date and time
return timestamp.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
elif delta.seconds < 60:
# If it's been less than a minute, return the seconds
return f"{delta.seconds} seconds ago"
elif delta.seconds < 3600:
# If it's been less than an hour, return the minutes
minutes = delta.seconds // 60
return f"{minutes} minutes ago"
# If it's been less than a day, return the hours
hours = delta.seconds // 3600
return f"{hours} hours ago"
def get_block(block_height):
url = f"{block_height}"
response = requests.get(url)
if response.status_code != 200:
raise Exception(f"Failed to retrieve data: {response.text}")
data = response.json()
return data
def get_costs(x):
# Filter out keys that don't begin with 'execution_cost_'
return {
k.removeprefix("execution_cost_"): v
for k, v in x.items()
if k.startswith("execution_cost_")
def get_tip_height():
url = ""
response = requests.get(url)
if response.status_code != 200:
raise Exception(f"Failed to retrieve data: {response.text}")
data = response.json()
return data["stacks_tip_height"]
block_limits = {
"read_count": 15000,
"read_length": 100000000,
"runtime": 5000000000,
"write_count": 15000,
"write_length": 15000000,
def get_all_transactions(block_height):
url = f"{block_height}"
offset = 0
limit = 20 # The default limit as per the provided object structure
all_transactions = []
while True:
params = {"offset": offset, "limit": limit}
response = requests.get(url, params=params)
if response.status_code != 200:
raise Exception(f"Failed to retrieve data: {response.text}")
data = response.json()
# Check if there are more pages
if offset + limit < data["total"]:
offset += limit
return all_transactions
def get_total_fees(transactions):
return sum(int(transaction["fee_rate"]) for transaction in transactions)
def get_total_costs(transactions):
block_txs = 0
block_costs = {
"read_count": 0,
"read_length": 0,
"runtime": 0,
"write_count": 0,
"write_length": 0,
microblock_txs = 0
microblock_costs = {
"read_count": 0,
"read_length": 0,
"runtime": 0,
"write_count": 0,
"write_length": 0,
for transaction in transactions:
# This tx is in the anchor block
if transaction["microblock_hash"] == "0x":
block_txs += 1
costs = get_costs(transaction)
for key, value in costs.items():
block_costs[key] += value
microblock_txs += 1
costs = get_costs(transaction)
for key, value in costs.items():
microblock_costs[key] += value
return {
"block_txs": block_txs,
"block_costs": block_costs,
"microblock_txs": microblock_txs,
"microblock_costs": microblock_costs,
def print_block_fullness(costs, percentages, color=None):
max_label_length = max(len(cost_type) for cost_type in costs.keys())
# Print header
f"\n{'Cost Type'.ljust(max_label_length)} {'Cost Limit':>12} {'Total Cost':>12} {'%':>7}",
f"{'---------'.ljust(max_label_length)} {'----------':>12} {'----------':>12} {'-----':>7}",
# Print data
for cost_type in block_limits.keys():
f"{cost_type.ljust(max_label_length)} {block_limits[cost_type]:>12} {costs[cost_type]:>12} {percentages[cost_type]:>7.2f}",
def get_cost_percentages(costs):
return {
cost_type: (value / block_limits[cost_type]) * 100
for cost_type, value in costs.items()
def print_block_fullness_bars(percentages, color=None):
max_bar_length = 50
max_label_length = max(len(cost_type) for cost_type in percentages.keys())
for cost_type, percentage in percentages.items():
bar_length = int((percentage / 100) * max_bar_length)
bar = "#" * bar_length
label = cost_type.replace("execution_cost_", "").ljust(max_label_length)
print(colored(f"{label} [{bar:<{max_bar_length}}] {percentage:.2f}%", color))
def print_fee_summary(total_fees, percentages):
# There is not a clear way to do this, given the 5 dimensional cost model
# Take the highest dimension of the cost model and use that as the total cost.
# The fee rate is then the total fees divided by the total cost, so the units
# are uSTX per % of the block.
highest_cost = max(percentages.items(), key=lambda x: x[1])[1]
fee_rate = total_fees / highest_cost
print(f"Total fees: {total_fees/1_000_000:<8} STX")
print(f"Avg. fee rate: {int(fee_rate):<8} uSTX/%\n")
if __name__ == "__main__":
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Calculate and display block costs.")
help="The block height to analyze (default to tip).",
"--details", action="store_true", help="Display detailed costs."
args = parser.parse_args()
if args.block_height is None:
block_height = get_tip_height()
block_height = args.block_height
block = get_block(block_height)
transactions = get_all_transactions(block_height)
costs = get_total_costs(transactions)
colored("x\u0336 ", "magenta")
+ str(block_height)
+ colored(" \u2192 \u20BF ", "yellow")
+ str(block["burn_block_height"])
+ " "
+ colored(time_ago(block["burn_block_time"]), "grey")
+ "\n"
print(f"{colored(str(costs['block_txs']), 'light_blue')} transactions\n")
if len(block["microblocks_accepted"]) > 0:
f"Microblocks confirmed: {len(block['microblocks_accepted'])} ({colored(str(costs['microblock_txs']), 'light_blue')} txs)\n"
block_percentages = get_cost_percentages(costs["block_costs"])
total_fees = get_total_fees(transactions)
print_fee_summary(total_fees, block_percentages)
if args.details:
print_block_fullness(costs["block_costs"], block_percentages)
if len(block["microblocks_accepted"]) > 0:
print(colored("\n\nMicroblocks:", "dark_grey"))
microblock_percentages = get_cost_percentages(costs["microblock_costs"])
print_block_fullness_bars(microblock_percentages, "dark_grey")
if args.details:
costs["microblock_costs"], microblock_percentages, "dark_grey"
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