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// <First Name> <Last Name>
// <Class period>
// Directions: Fill in the missing variables and methods to create the Store class.
// Their will only be 3 pieces of data for each store: the type of store (pet or grocery), the time the store opens and the time the store closes.
// To simplify the opening and closing times, our stores will only open and close on the hour. The times will be stored in 24-hour format, so we will not be
// storing am or pm. For example, 7 am will be stored as 7. 7pm will be stored as 19 (because 12 + 7 = 19).
// If a store has been created, you can assume that the closing time is after the opening time (and no stores are open 24 hours a day).
/* Prompt the user for the number of coin flips.
Flip the count the designated number of times - displaying the number of the coin flip and the result
Display the number of coin heads and number of tails!
How many flips would you like? 4
1. heads
2. tails
3. heads
4. heads
public class Coin
//These are constants that are provided for your use. For example, using the constant "TAILS" is the same as typing a 1.
private final static int HEADS = 0;
private final static int TAILS = 1;
private final static int UNKNOWN = -1;
//ADD: private instance variables, type (String), year (int), face (int)
/*global TWO_PI,vertex,CLOSE,abs,angleMode,append,background,beginShape,bezier,box,camera,ceil,CENTER,color,cone,cos,createCanvas,createCanvas,createGraphics,curveVertex,cylinder,DEGREES,displayHeight,displayWidth,dist,div,DOWN_ARROW,ellipse,endShape,fill,floor,frameCount,frameRate,height,image,key,keyCode,keyIsDown,keyIsPressed,keyIsPressed,keyPressed,LEFT,LEFT_ARROW,lerpColor,line,loadImage,loadJSON,loadSound,map,mouseIsPressed,mouseX,mouseY,noFill,noLoop,normalMaterial,noStroke,p5,plane,point,pointLight,pop,push,push,RADIANS,radians,random,rect,resizeCanvas,resizeCanvas,RIGHT,RIGHT_ARROW,rotate,rotateX,rotateY,rotateZ,round,round,scale,shuffle,sin,sphere,stroke,strokeWeight,text,textAlign,textFont,textSize,texture,textWidth,torus,translate,triangle,UP_ARROW,WEBGL,width,windowHeight,windowHeight,windowWidth,world */
/*global currentLocation,room,item,currentLocation*/
/*Create an HTML div and give it id="mymap"*/
let myCanvas;
let mappy;
function setup(){ // only when game loads
myCanvas = createCanvas(
ohiofi / colorfulTables.html
Last active October 3, 2018 03:13
some html tables that need some color and style
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Challenge: A picture-perfect trip</title>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<h1>The perfect trip</h1>
<p>I would see scenes like...</p>
public class byteOverflow {
public static void main(String[] args) {
byte foo = 127;
private void OnCollisionEnter2D(Collision2D coll){
if (coll.transform.tag == "Player") {
var audioSource = GetComponent<AudioSource> ();
if (audioSource != null) {
audioSource.PlayOneShot (deathClip);
Instantiate(playerDeathPrefab, coll.contacts[0].point, Quaternion.identity);
sr.sprite = hitSprite;
//GameManager.instance.RestartLevel (1.25f);
public bool IsWallToLeftOrRight(){
bool wallOnLeft = Physics2D.Raycast (new Vector2 (transform.position.x - width, transform.position.y), -Vector2.right, rayCastLengthCheck);
bool wallOnRight = Physics2D.Raycast (new Vector2 (transform.position.x + width, transform.position.y), Vector2.right, rayCastLengthCheck);
if (wallOnLeft || wallOnRight)
return true;
return false;
public int GetWallDirection(){
bool isWallLeft = Physics2D.Raycast (new Vector2 (transform.position.x - width, transform.position.y), -Vector2.right, rayCastLengthCheck);
bool isWallRight = Physics2D.Raycast (new Vector2 (transform.position.x + width, transform.position.y), Vector2.right, rayCastLengthCheck);
if (isWallLeft)
return -1;
else if(isWallRight)
return 1;
return 0;