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Last active May 5, 2018 11:48
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Save okay-type/9060558 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Ventriloquist: insert a dummy dsig table (with serials)
# Ventriloquist - Build 0.1
# insert a dummy dsig table with unique numbers into .otf fonts
# the idea is to kill two birds with one stone
# this idea needs lots of testing
# to do: add SerialDump[] to a txt file for record keeping
from fontTools.ttLib import TTFont
from mojo.compile import *
from robofab.interface.all.dialogs import GetFolder
import os
import datetime
from time import sleep
from os.path import exists
# number of serials to generate
# notification center, so you can get coffee
def notify(title, subtitle, message):
from os import system
t = '-title {!r}'.format(title)
s = '-subtitle {!r}'.format(subtitle)
m = '-message {!r}'.format(message)
a = '-sender {!r}'.format("com.typemytype.robofont")
system('terminal-notifier {}'.format(' '.join([m, t, s, a])))
if exists("/usr/bin/terminal-notifier"):
use_notifications = True
use_notifications = False
print "In order to use notifications, install the command line program with:"
print "$ sudo gem install terminal-notifier"
# make up the serials, based on the time
for x in range(0, packageNos):
b = "1""%m%d%H%M%S%f")
b = b[:-1]
# cull list to just .otf files
def collectSources(root):
files = []
ext = ['.otf']
names = os.listdir(root)
for n in names:
if os.path.splitext(n)[1] in ext:
files.append(os.path.join(root, n))
return files
# set target folder
def makeDestination(root, z):
macPath = os.path.join(root, 'Serialized', z)
if not os.path.exists(macPath):
return macPath
# insert table into temp xml file
def seriaLize(savetemp, q):
xbefor = '</ttFont>'
xafter = ' <DSIG>\n <tableHeader flag="0x1" numSigs="1" version="1"/>\n <SignatureRecord format="1">\n'+q+'\n </SignatureRecord>\n </DSIG>\n\n</ttFont>'
ttxf = open(savetemp, 'r')
ttxfread =
ttxfreplaced = ttxfread.replace(xbefor, xafter)
ttxf = open(savetemp, 'w')
# iterate through selected files
def doStuff(f):
if f is not None:
# cut f to just .otf files
paths = collectSources(f)
for x in range(0, len(SerialDump)):
currentNo = str(SerialDump[x])
makeDestination(f, currentNo)
for i in paths:
instanceFolder, instanceName = os.path.split(i)
q = TTFont(i)
serialfolder = instanceFolder + "/Serialized/" + currentNo + "/"
savetemp = serialfolder + instanceName + "-" + currentNo + ".ttx"
savetemp = savetemp.replace(".otf", "")
newfile = serialfolder + instanceName.replace(".otf", ".ttx")
seriaLize(savetemp, currentNo)
os.rename(savetemp, newfile)
stderr, stdout = executeCommand(['ttx', newfile])
#print i, "finished serializing as", currentNo
# select fonts
f = GetFolder("Select Folder")
# run shit
notify("Ventriloquist is Done", "", "Check your output folders")
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Worth mentioning that I'm not sure if the dummy DSIG tables will actually work in applications that enforce DSIG.

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Worth mentioning that I'm not sure if the dummy DSIG tables will actually work in applications 
that enforce DSIG.

Hah, those being? I've never run across one. Plus the process for obtaining a legal DSIG is a nightmare... have you ever tried?

What are the "two birds" you refer to killing in the comments? Tracking down font pirates and...?

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MS Office 2010 Windows doesn't implement OpenType features in TTF fonts without a DSIG table, real or dummied.

The usefulness of unique font numbers is questionable though. It would help tracking where rogue files came from but that doesn't necessarily translate into license enforcement IRL.

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I knew about the Office thing, which is puzzling (are OT features that dangerous that you need to verify the font?) but I meant I've only come across programs (Office) that checks for the presence of the DSIG table, but never a program that actually needs a real signature.

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