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Created April 18, 2012 15:03
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Save omangin/2414166 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Module to connect to a kinect through ROS + OpenNI and access the skeleton postures.
# encoding: utf-8
"""Module to connect to a kinect through ROS + OpenNI and access
the skeleton postures.
import roslib
import rospy
import tf
BASE_FRAME = '/openni_depth_frame'
LAST = rospy.Duration()
class Kinect:
def __init__(self, name='kinect_listener', user=1):
rospy.init_node(name, anonymous=True)
self.listener = tf.TransformListener()
self.user = user
def get_posture(self):
"""Returns a list of frames constituted by a translation matrix
and a rotation matrix.
Raises IndexError when a frame can't be found (which happens if
the requested user is not calibrated).
frames = []
for frame in FRAMES:
trans, rot = self.listener.lookupTransform(BASE_FRAME,
"/%s_%d" % (frame, self.user), LAST)
frames.append((trans, rot))
return frames
except (tf.LookupException,
raise IndexError
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when i try to run the following code


Import the kinect class from your file

from yourfile import Kinect

Init the Kinect object

kin = Kinect()

Get values

for i in xrange(10):
print i, kin.posicao_corpo()
i got this error:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/joao/ros_ws/tracking_py/src/", line 64, in
print i, kin.posicao_corpo()
File "/home/joao/ros_ws/tracking_py/src/", line 57, in posicao_corpo
raise IndexError
do you know why?
if i run" rosrun tf tf_echo /openni_depth_frame /head_1" i can see the quartenation and rotation clearly so, i dont know why i have this error.

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It happens because the TF frame may not be available all the time. So its better to wait until the next TF frame is available.
Add the following line :

self.listener.waitForTransform(BASE_FRAME, "/%s_%d" % (frame, self.user), rospy.Time(), rospy.Duration(4.0)

(trans, rot) = self.listener.lookupTransform(BASE_FRAME,"/%s_%d" % (frame, self.user), LAST)

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