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Created May 23, 2024 00:15
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import Foundation
struct TimeoutError: Error {}
extension Result where Failure == any Error {
init(catching: () async throws -> Success) async {
do {
self = .success(try await catching())
} catch {
self = .failure(error)
func myAsyncProc() async {
// continuationで実装する自由な処理
await withCheckedContinuation { (c) in
// 中身は5秒かかる非同期処理を模した無意味な例
Task {
try await Task.sleep(for: .seconds(5))
final class SingleSink<T>: @unchecked Sendable {
init(con: CheckedContinuation<T, any Error>) {
self.con = con
let lock = NSLock()
let con: CheckedContinuation<T, any Error>
var isCompleted = false
func send(result: Result<T, any Error>) {
lock.withLock {
if isCompleted { return }
isCompleted = true
con.resume(with: result)
func runWithTimeout2<T>(
timeout: Duration,
_ operation: @escaping @Sendable () async throws -> T
) async throws -> T {
return try await withCheckedThrowingContinuation { (con) in
let sink = SingleSink(con: con)
Task {
let result = await Result {
try await operation()
sink.send(result: result)
Task {
try await Task.sleep(for: timeout)
sink.send(result: .failure(TimeoutError()))
func main() async throws {
// 自由な処理に、タイムアウトを設定して呼び出す
do {
try await runWithTimeout2(timeout: .seconds(1)) {
await myAsyncProc()
print("proc completed")
} catch {
if error is TimeoutError {
// 1秒後にこれが呼ばれて嬉しい
} else {
fatalError("error: \(error)")
try await main()
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