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Created May 10, 2017 04:51
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protocol Consumer {
associatedtype Element
func consume(_ x: Element)
protocol Provider {
associatedtype Element
func provide() -> Element
func connect<C: Consumer, P: Provider>(_ p: P, _ c: C) where P.Element == C.Element {
struct IntConsumer : Consumer {
typealias Element = Int
func consume(_ x: Int) {
print("consume Int: \(x)")
struct IntProvider : Provider {
typealias Element = Int
func provide() -> Int {
return 333
connect(IntProvider(), IntConsumer())
enum IntOrString {
case int(Int)
case string(String)
static func lift(_ x: Int) -> IntOrString {
return .int(x)
static func lift(_ x: String) -> IntOrString {
return .string(x)
struct IntOrStringConsumer : Consumer {
typealias Element = IntOrString
func consume(_ x: IntOrString) {
switch x {
case let .int(x):
print("consume Int: \(x)")
case let .string(x):
print("consume String: \(x)")
func connect<C: Consumer, P: Provider>(
_ p: P,
_ c: C,
_ f: (P.Element) -> C.Element
connect(IntProvider(), IntOrStringConsumer()) { .lift($0) }
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