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Last active November 4, 2018 18:57
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Save onlurking/909484a2ac776ad16a34 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Python 3 port and PEP8 compliant version of David Sousa's 2048 game, to run install the latest version of pygame with python 3:, original source:
# Written in python / pygame by DavidSousaRJ -
# License: Creative Commons
# Sorry about some comments in portuguese!
import os
import sys
import pygame
from pygame.locals import *
from random import randint
TABLE = [[0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0]]
def isgameover(TABLE):
status = 0
zerocount = 0
for LINE in TABLE:
if 2048 in LINE:
status = 1
return status
elif 0 not in LINE:
zerocount += 1
if zerocount == 4:
# condicoes de gameover: nao ter zero e nao ter consecutivo igual
# procura consecutivos horizontal
for i in range(4):
for j in range(3):
if TABLE[i][j] == TABLE[i][j + 1]:
return status
# procura consecutivos na vertical
for j in range(4):
for i in range(3):
if TABLE[i][j] == TABLE[i + 1][j]:
return status
status = 2
return status
# regras do 2048
# define a direcaoo jogada, p.ex. : cima
# para cada coluna, de cima pra baixo
# move o numero para o zero-consecutivo-mais-longe
# se o nao-zero-mais-perto e igual ao numero, combina
def moveup(pi, pj, T):
justcomb = False
while pi > 0 and (T[pi - 1][pj] == 0 or
(T[pi - 1][pj] == T[pi][pj] and not justcomb)):
if T[pi - 1][pj] == 0:
T[pi - 1][pj] = T[pi][pj]
T[pi][pj] = 0
pi -= 1
elif T[pi - 1][pj] == T[pi][pj]:
T[pi - 1][pj] += T[pi][pj]
T[pi][pj] = 0
pi -= 1
justcomb = True
return T
def movedown(pi, pj, T):
justcomb = False
while pi < 3 and (T[pi + 1][pj] == 0 or
(T[pi + 1][pj] == T[pi][pj] and not justcomb)):
if T[pi + 1][pj] == 0:
T[pi + 1][pj] = T[pi][pj]
T[pi][pj] = 0
pi += 1
elif T[pi + 1][pj] == T[pi][pj]:
T[pi + 1][pj] += T[pi][pj]
T[pi][pj] = 0
pi += 1
justcomb = True
return T
def moveleft(pi, pj, T):
justcomb = False
while pj > 0 and (T[pi][pj - 1] == 0 or
(T[pi][pj - 1] == T[pi][pj] and not justcomb)):
if T[pi][pj - 1] == 0:
T[pi][pj - 1] = T[pi][pj]
T[pi][pj] = 0
pj -= 1
elif T[pi][pj - 1] == T[pi][pj]:
T[pi][pj - 1] += T[pi][pj]
T[pi][pj] = 0
pj -= 1
justcomb = True
return T
def moveright(pi, pj, T):
justcomb = False
while pj < 3 and (T[pi][pj + 1] == 0 or
(T[pi][pj + 1] == T[pi][pj] and not justcomb)):
if T[pi][pj + 1] == 0:
T[pi][pj + 1] = T[pi][pj]
T[pi][pj] = 0
pj += 1
elif T[pi][pj + 1] == T[pi][pj]:
T[pi][pj + 1] += T[pi][pj]
T[pi][pj] = 0
pj += 1
justcomb = True
return T
def randomfill(TABLE):
# search for zero in the game table
flatTABLE = sum(TABLE, [])
if 0 not in flatTABLE:
return TABLE
empty = False
w = 0
while not empty:
w = randint(0, 15)
if TABLE[w // 4][w % 4] == 0:
empty = True
z = randint(1, 5)
if z == 5:
TABLE[w // 4][w % 4] = 4
TABLE[w // 4][w % 4] = 2
return TABLE
if DIRECTION == 'w':
for pi in range(1, 4):
for pj in range(4):
if TABLE[pi][pj] != 0:
TABLE = moveup(pi, pj, TABLE)
elif DIRECTION == 's':
for pi in range(2, -1, -1):
for pj in range(4):
if TABLE[pi][pj] != 0:
TABLE = movedown(pi, pj, TABLE)
elif DIRECTION == 'a':
for pj in range(1, 4):
for pi in range(4):
if TABLE[pi][pj] != 0:
TABLE = moveleft(pi, pj, TABLE)
elif DIRECTION == 'd':
for pj in range(2, -1, -1):
for pi in range(4):
if TABLE[pi][pj] != 0:
TABLE = moveright(pi, pj, TABLE)
return TABLE
def showtext(TABLE):
for LINE in TABLE:
for N in LINE:
print("%4s" % N, end=' ')
# Parte Grafica
width = 400
height = 400
boxsize = min(width, height) // 4
margin = 5
thickness = 0
color1 = (100, 100, 100)
color2 = (200, 200, 200)
dictcolor = {
0: color2,
2: (150, 150, 150),
4: (180, 180, 180),
8: (255, 200, 200),
16: (255, 100, 100),
32: (255, 50, 50),
64: (255, 0, 0),
128: (255, 255, 50),
256: (255, 255, 100),
512: (255, 255, 150),
1024: (255, 255, 200),
2048: (255, 255, 255)}
# Init screen
screen = pygame.display.set_mode((width, height))
pygame.display.set_caption('Python 2048 by DavidSousaRJ')
myfont = pygame.font.SysFont("Impact", 30)
def gameover(STATUS):
if STATUS == 1:
label = myfont.render("You win! :)", 1, (255, 255, 255))
screen.blit(label, (100, 100))
elif STATUS == 2:
label = myfont.render("Game over! :(", 1, (255, 255, 255))
screen.blit(label, (100, 100))
def show(TABLE):
for i in range(4):
for j in range(4):
pygame.draw.rect(screen, dictcolor[TABLE[i][j]],
(j * boxsize + margin,
i * boxsize +
boxsize - 2 *
boxsize - 2 * margin),
if TABLE[i][j] != 0:
label = myfont.render(
"%4s" % (TABLE[i][j]), 1, (255, 255, 255))
label, (j * boxsize + 4 * margin,
i * boxsize + 5 * margin))
# paintCanvas
TABLE = randomfill(TABLE)
TABLE = randomfill(TABLE)
running = True
while True:
for event in pygame.event.get():
if event.type == QUIT:
if event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN:
if running:
if event.key == pygame.K_UP:
TABLE = key('w', TABLE)
TABLE = randomfill(TABLE)
STATUS = isgameover(TABLE)
if STATUS < 0:
running = False
if event.key == pygame.K_DOWN:
TABLE = key('s', TABLE)
TABLE = randomfill(TABLE)
STATUS = isgameover(TABLE)
if STATUS < 0:
running = False
if event.key == pygame.K_LEFT:
TABLE = key('a', TABLE)
TABLE = randomfill(TABLE)
STATUS = isgameover(TABLE)
if STATUS < 0:
running = False
if event.key == pygame.K_RIGHT:
TABLE = key('d', TABLE)
TABLE = randomfill(TABLE)
STATUS = isgameover(TABLE)
if STATUS < 0:
running = False
# end
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