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Last active March 17, 2018 23:44
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Analyzer for LYNE patterns
from collections import namedtuple, Counter
import urllib.request
Item = namedtuple('item', 'n l a b')
items = []
for line in urllib.request.urlopen(''):
line = line.strip().decode('utf-8')
n, l, a, b = line.split()
n = int(n)
items.append(Item(n, l, a, b))
def number_bits(bits):
return [int(b) for b in bits]
def format_bits(bits, w, h):
result = ''
it = (int(b) for b in bits)
for y in range(h):
for x in range(w):
yield '\N{BULLET}'
if x==w-1:
yield '\N{EM DASH}' if next(it) else ' '
if y==h-1:
yield '\n'
for x in range(w):
yield '|' if next(it) else ' '
if x==w-1:
a, b = next(it), next(it)
if a and b: yield 'X'
elif a: yield '\\'
elif b: yield '/'
else: yield ' '
yield '\n'
for kind in 'ab':
sz = (2, 3) if kind=='a' else (3, 3)
l = len(getattr(items[0], kind))
its = [getattr(it, kind) for it in items if it.l=='a']
print("Total {}x{}s:".format(*sz), len(its))
print("Unique {}x{}s:".format(*sz), len(set(its)))
print("Patterns that repeat:")
pattern_counts = Counter(its)
for k, n in pattern_counts.most_common():
if n>1:
print('{k:2}: {n}'.format(k=k, n=n))
print("Patterns that occur only once:", sum(1 for k, n in pattern_counts.items() if n==1))
bit_counts = Counter()
for it in its:
for i, b in enumerate(it):
if b=='1':
bit_counts[i] += 1
print("Bits used:")
for k, n in bit_counts.most_common():
print('{k:2}: {n}'.format(k=k, n=n))
r = ''.join('1' if bit_counts[i] else '0' for i in range(l))
print("Only these are used:", r)
print(''.join(format_bits(r, *sz)))
Total 2x3s: 770
Unique 2x3s: 78
Patterns that repeat:
00011010010: 34
10001010010: 34
01011010011: 33
10010000010: 32
01000010011: 30
01001010011: 26
00011000011: 23
01001010010: 23
10011010011: 23
01011010010: 23
10001010011: 23
01011001011: 21
01010000010: 21
11001010010: 19
11011000010: 18
10011010010: 18
10001000011: 18
00001001011: 17
10001000010: 16
11001010011: 15
11010000011: 15
01000000010: 15
00001001010: 15
00011001011: 15
11011010011: 14
00011001010: 14
01001001011: 12
01011001010: 12
01001001010: 12
11001000010: 11
11000010010: 11
00001000011: 10
00001010011: 9
10001001010: 9
00011010011: 9
10011000010: 9
10011000011: 8
00000010010: 8
00001010010: 7
11001001011: 7
11011000011: 6
11011010010: 6
10011001010: 5
01011000010: 4
00011000010: 4
00011011001: 4
11001001010: 3
01011000011: 3
11010010010: 3
01000000011: 3
10011001011: 3
11011001001: 2
01010011010: 2
01000010010: 2
11011001010: 2
11000011010: 2
11001000011: 2
01000001010: 2
11001011000: 2
10000010011: 2
00010010011: 2
Patterns that occur only once: 17
Bits used:
9: 760
4: 606
3: 399
1: 390
6: 389
10: 362
0: 347
7: 173
Only these are used: 11011011011
• •
Total 3x3s: 770
Unique 3x3s: 769
Patterns that repeat:
00001010001110101000: 2
Patterns that occur only once: 768
Bits used:
17: 382
12: 382
14: 381
0: 380
18: 378
6: 378
11: 373
10: 370
16: 368
4: 361
Only these are used: 10001010001110101110
•—• •
/ \
• •—•
•—• •
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