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Last active August 29, 2015 13:57
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Run this to see LYNE's hidden message
# Perhaps read this first:
from __future__ import print_function # Python 2 compatibility
from itertools import cycle
from urllib.request import urlopen
except ImportError:
from urllib2 import urlopen # Python 2 compatibility
items = []
resp = urlopen('') # Get the contents from this URL
for line in resp: # Go over each line
line = line.strip().decode() # Remove any extra spaces at the ends and decode it from bytes to text
number, letter, a, b = line.split() # Get the 4 space-separated parts
number = int(number) # (number should be an integer)
items.append((number, letter, a, b)) # Add them to the list of items
resp.close() # Close the connection
# `items` looks like this now:
# [(1, 'a', '10011010011', '00001000000100101100'), (2, 'a', '01010000010', '10001000001000100000'), ...]
# These codes (bit orderings) are based on the X and Y entries
code_a = [ # 2x3
2**3, # -
2**0, None, 2**2, 2**6, # |\/|
2**8, # -
2**4, 2**5, None, 2**7, # |\/|
2**1, # -
code_b = [ # 3x3
2**1, 2**11, # - -
2**13, None, 2**7, 2**12, 2**5, None, 2**10, # |\/|\/|
2**15, 2**3, # - -
2**9, 2**4, None, 2**2, None, 2**6, 2**0, # |\/|\/|
2**8, 2**14 # - -
def decode(word, code):
# Goes over the submitted sequence of bits together with the code
# and returns the sum of multiplying them together (need to skip the unused None parts too)
# (bit may need to be converted from a character to integer because words are stored as strings)
return sum(int(bit)*m for bit, m in zip(word, code) if m is not None)
# The mapping (dictionary) from the numbers the 3x3s give to numbers the 2x3s give
ordered = {}
for number, letter, a, b in items: # Go over the 4 parts of each of the items:
if letter=='a': # if it's an A item,
ordered[decode(b, code_b)] = decode(a, code_a) # decoded 3x3 will map to the decoded 2x3
# `ordered` looks like this now:
# {0: 188, 1: 150, 2: 217, 3: 133, 4: 218, 5: 232, 6: 231, ...}
max_n = max(ordered.keys()) # The maximal number (from 3x3s) should be 983
key = 'solelyspace' # The key decoded from solving the Z part of the puzzle
# The numbers from 2x3s are the result of
# Go over the key repeated over and over together with numbers 0, 1, ... max_n
for i, k in zip(range(max_n+1), cycle(key)):
try: # Try to...
# Print the ASCII/Unicode character at the position that equals ordered[i] minus
# the position of the next character of the cycled key in ASCII table
# (ordered[i] is the number from decoding a 2x3)
print(chr(ordered[i]-ord(k)), end='')
except: # If some error happens
# (this can mean a bad or missing entry in the database; "ordered" is not completely filled)
print('*', end='') # Just print a star placeholder
input("Press Enter...")
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