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class exports.RootView extends Backbone.View | |
el: $ '#container' | |
template: '_.jade' | |
initialize: -> | |
_.bindAll @render | |
render: -> | |
$(@el).empty() | |
$(@el).append jadeify @template | |
# console.log('root view rendered') |
# a piece of browserified express app | |
# ... | |
browserify = require 'browserify' | |
jadeify = require 'jadeify' | |
bundle = browserify | |
require: [ 'underscore' | |
, 'underscore.string' | |
, 'backbone' | |
, {jquery: 'jquery-browserify'} | |
] | |
entry: ["#{__dirname}/app/index.coffee"] | |
bundle.use jadeify "#{__dirname}/app/templates", | |
watch: true | |
extension: '.jade' | |
# ... |
window._ = require "underscore" | |
window._.mixin require "underscore.string" | |
require "./helpers.coffee" # = _.mixin(s) | |
window.Backbone = require "backbone" | |
window.jadeify = require "jadeify" | |
window.onload = -> | |
# Backbone app bootstrapping | |
window.app = | |
models: {} | |
collections: {} | |
views: {} | |
initialize: -> | |
this.views.home = new (require './views/_view').RootView() | |
this.router = new (require('./router').ChartraRouter)() # last (it renders upon instantiation) | |
# app.router.navigate 'home', true if Backbone.history.getFragment() is '' | |
app.initialize() | |
# console.log "#" + Backbone.history.getFragment() # ok | |
# Backbone.history.start() # Uncaught TypeError: undefined is not a function | |
# {root: '/', pushState: true, silent: true} | |
# The document is in copletely ready state. | |
if window.document.readyState is 'complete' | |
window.onload() |
class exports.ChartraRouter extends Backbone.Router | |
routes: | |
'': "home" | |
blank: "blank" | |
app: window.app | |
initialize: -> | |
this.navigate '', true # @home() | |
# the it | |
home: -> | |
@app.views.home.render() | |
# to illustrate Backbone.history #fail | |
blank: -> | |
$('#container').empty() | |
$('#container').text('blank') |
Any luck/feedback on this issue yet?
Yes, actually. You need to first 'npm install jquery', then modify Backbone.js to 'require('jquery')' as in line 35 here: https://github.com/Morriz/backbone-everywhere/blob/master/node_modules/backbone/backbone.js
from this repo: https://github.com/Morriz/backbone-everywhere
Thanks for the pointers. We solved it by patching backbone.js
and then using a custom npm
module and aliasing that inside browserify
. Works like a charm.
I ended up loading backbone (and other libs) via ender
. Browserify is still useful within the same project - just not being used to its possible max. Patching backbone.js seems like unnecessary maintenance...
Just keep in mind require(...)
is contentious - many would like to claim it. Right now, I require Ender-ed libs first. Browserify requires next.
You don't have to manually patch any libraries to make them browserifiable anymore.
browserify-shim takes care of that for you
Works with all libraries I have encountered so far.
I guess it's because backbone isn't quite browserifiable yet :)
Loding jquery, underscore and backbone through script tags fixed the error. I also stopped using jadeify because of other issues. I still like it for fileify (templates / data) and entry (easy coffee-script for the client side) and maybe other plugins too. Perhaps create a browserify issue if you need this fixed. I've otherwise communicated with @substack about it.