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ormaaj / eeyore.bash
Last active June 10, 2024 10:32
file sorting example
#!/usr/bin/env -S-- BASH_COMPAT=51 bash -O lastpipe -O extglob -O expand_aliases +O assoc_expand_once +O sourcepath
typeset x
x=$(pkgconf --var=loadablesdir bash) &&
[[ ! $BASH_LOADABLES_PATH =~ (^|:)"$x"($|:) ]] &&
for x in asort mktemp
do enable -f "$x"{,} || exit
ormaaj / .ksh
Created May 6, 2024 11:10
ksh empty array subscripts
(ins)ormaaj 65 (2713681) 2 ~ $ function f { unset -f f; typeset -ia fd; typeset -n fdn=fd[\${#fd[@]}]; { env -- BASH_FUNC_pre_pkg_{pretend,setup}'%%=() { function tc-check-openmp { return 0; }; }' execlineb -- "/proc/self/fd/${fd[0]}" "${fd[@]}"; } {fdn}<<\EOF {fdn}<<\EOF; typeset x; for x in "${fd[@]}"; do exec {x}<&-; done; }; f
fdreserve 1
multisubstitute {
importas -iu f0 FD0
emptyenv -P
fdclose $1
define -sd " " v "${2} ${f0}"
creatememfd $f0 ""
ormaaj / .bash
Last active July 10, 2024 20:23
\unset -v aliasrestore
aliasrestore=$(\alias -p) aliasrestore+=${aliasrestore:+$'\n\\'unset -v aliasrestore}
\unalias -a
function setupGlobalAliases {
alias -- \
'--=-- ' \
'l-=local -' \
'fn=function ' \
'exec=exec ' \
ormaaj / .kshrc
Last active September 11, 2023 00:16
~/.bashrc ~/.kshrc
\typeset -a bool; bool+=([1]=)
\typeset -n sh_file
\test -v KSH_VERSION
dotFilesPath=$(\findmnt -umlnfo target -O subvol=/vol/dotfiles "PARTUUID=$(\findmnt -umlnfo partuuid -T /)")
[[ $sh_file == ?(*/)shell ]]
\source -- ${bool[!$?]+"$sh_file"}${bool[$?]+"${dotFilesPath}/common/home/shell"}/functions
rc_main "$@"
ormaaj / open fd count per instance vs eager loading.bash
Last active June 10, 2023 20:40
bash builtin loader with lazy loading
$ { function f { lsfd -np "$BASHPID" --summary=only -C ' :ASSOC == "mem"'; }; typeset -fx f; f; bash -ic 'f; type -t print; print -r :\); type -t print; f; print -r :D'; } | tr -s '\n ' ' '; echo
247 31 function :) builtin 36 :D
ormaaj / fmtarr.bash
Last active May 5, 2023 10:08
Array serializer with eval-based indirection for legacy shells.
#!/usr/bin/env bash
typeset -ga bool=([1]=)
# Usage: in_array name outvar
function fmtarr {
typeset x=1 y max ret=$3
printf -v "$ret" '%s+=(' "$2"
eval -- set -- "\"\${!${1}[@]}\"" "\"\${${1}[@]}\"" || return
((max = $# / 2))
function mapfile {
typeset -A ind opts=([c]=5000)
integer ind o
for x; do
getopts :d:n:O:s:u:C:c:t x || break
case $x in
\?|:) return 1 ;;
*) opts[$x]=$OPTARG ind[$x]=OPTIND
ormaaj / translucent.bash
Created March 14, 2023 13:20
generate modified builtins
shopt -s extglob lastpipe expand_aliases
shopt -u assoc_expand_once
typeset -a bool=([1]=)
function unset2 { command unset "$@"; }
function mkTranslucentFunctions {
typeset -a builtins
ormaaj / .ksh
Created December 6, 2022 04:28
# Define a new type "SslCmd" with three fields: "outfile", "args", and "cmd". "cmd" has a default value of "openssl" that can be overridden by an object initializer list.
# The type defines a public method named "run".
# The result of this declaration is a new declaration command "SslCmd" that can be used in place of "typeset".
typeset -T SslCmd=(
typeset -h 'output file' outfile
typeset -h 'arguments passed to the command name passed to' -a args
typeset -h 'The command to run' cmd=openssl
# A method associated with each instance that runs the command and associated args.
# _ (in this context) is a pointer to the instance, similar to "this" or "self".
# ormaaj's init
\unalias -a
shopt -s lastpipe extglob expand_aliases
shopt -u assoc_expand_once
typeset -ga bool=([1]=)
function initializeBuiltins {
typeset -a a