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Created May 6, 2024 11:10
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ksh empty array subscripts
(ins)ormaaj 65 (2713681) 2 ~ $ function f { unset -f f; typeset -ia fd; typeset -n fdn=fd[\${#fd[@]}]; { env -- BASH_FUNC_pre_pkg_{pretend,setup}'%%=() { function tc-check-openmp { return 0; }; }' execlineb -- "/proc/self/fd/${fd[0]}" "${fd[@]}"; } {fdn}<<\EOF {fdn}<<\EOF; typeset x; for x in "${fd[@]}"; do exec {x}<&-; done; }; f
fdreserve 1
multisubstitute {
importas -iu f0 FD0
emptyenv -P
fdclose $1
define -sd " " v "${2} ${f0}"
creatememfd $f0 ""
foreground { cp -Lf -- /proc/self/fd/${v} }
foreground { printf -- ---\\n\\n }
fdclose $2
export sh ksh
#!/usr/bin/env -S -a ksh -u ? -- ${sh} --
function _m {
typeset k=
typeset -A v=([x]=a [y]=A)
typeset -n r
for r in "${!v[@]}"; do
set -x
eval typeset "-${v[${!r}]}" -- 'r=([${k}]=)'
set +x
print -C -- "${!v[@]}" | paste -sd ' '
_m "$@"
case $sh in (ksh) sh+=v;; (*) sh=true; esac
exec -- "${.sh.file}" "$@" {in}<&0 <&"${.sh.file##*/}" <#((0)) <&"$in"-
+ eval typeset -a -- r='([${k}]=)'
+ x[0]=''
+ typeset -a -- r
+ eval typeset -A -- r='([${k}]=)'
/proc/self/fd/3[17]: _m[9]: eval: line 1: warning: adding empty subscript
+ y['']=''
+ typeset -A -- r
('') (['']='')
+ eval typeset -a -- r='([${k}]=)'
+ x[0]=''
+ typeset -a -- r
+ eval typeset -A -- r='([${k}]=)'
/proc/self/fd/3[17]: _m[9]: eval: line 1: warning: adding empty subscript
+ y['']=''
+ typeset -A -- r
('') (['']='')
(ins)ormaaj 65 (2713681) 0 ~ $
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