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Last active March 10, 2020 18:14
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Save ormaaj/3911059 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
multiproc test
#!/usr/bin/env bash
if [[ ${!KSH_VERSION} == .sh.version ]]; then
if builtin getconf; builtin pids; then
function BASHPID.get { .sh.value=$(pids -f '%(pid)d'); }
elif [[ -r /proc/self/stat ]]; then
function BASHPID.get { read -r .sh.value _ </proc/self/stat; }
function BASHPID.get { .sh.value=$(exec sh -c 'echo $PPID'); }
fi 2>/dev/null
elif [[ ${BASH_VERSION+_} ]]; then
shopt -s lastpipe extglob
elif [[ ! ${BASHPID+_} ]]; then
echo 'BASHPID requires Bash, ksh93, or mksh >= R41' >&2
exit 1
function f {
printf '%d: sleeping %d sec\n' "${@:1:2}"
sleep "$2"
printf '%d: returning %d\n' "$1" "$3"
return "$3"
} >&2
function main {
typeset -i n j maxj=$(getconf _NPROCESSORS_ONLN)
trap '((j--))' CHLD
set -m
while ((n++ < 30)); do
f "$BASHPID" $(((RANDOM % 5) + 1)) $((RANDOM % 2)) &
((++j >= maxj)) && POSIXLY_CORRECT= wait
echo 'finished, waiting for remaining jobs...' >&2
main "$@"
# vim: set fenc=utf-8 ff=unix ft=sh :
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