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Last active December 17, 2022 23:20
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# /etc/profile
if ${BASH_VERSION+\:} \false; then
[[ -o xtrace && -t /dev/fd/2 ]] && exec {BASH_XTRACEFD}>&2
\shopt -u assoc_expand_once xpg_echo localvar_unset
\shopt -s extglob lastpipe globstar expand_aliases hostcomplete histappend checkwinsize cmdhist interactive_comments lithist no_empty_cmd_completion
# Wrapper to undefine a visible local variable, even in the current stack frame. Bash-only
function unset2 { command -- unset "$@"; }
(( BASH_VERSINFO[0] <= 5 && BASH_VERSINFO[1] <=2 )) && typeset -gx BASH_COMPAT=51
\alias unset2=unset
${ZSH_VERSION+\:} \false && \emulate ksh
${aliasrestore+\:} \false && \unset -v aliasrestore
case $(\readlink -qne /dev/fd/3) in
\unalias -a
alias \
shitshell=true \
typeset=local \
source='command .' \
function='unalias eprofile; ' \
eprofile='eprofile ()'
\exec 3<&-
aliasrestore=$(\alias -p) aliasrestore+=${aliasrestore:+$'\n\\'unset -v aliasrestore}
\unalias -a
alias shitshell=' '
esac 3</proc/self/exe
case $KSH_VERSION in Version*|*PD\ KSH*|*MIRBSD*) alias -- {local,declare}=typeset; esac
case $(command -v let) in let) ;; *) let () while ${2+\:} return "$((! ( ${1:-0} )))"; do command shift; done; esac
function eprofile {
unset -f eprofile
if [ -t 0 ]; then
stty stop undef
stty -ixon -ctlecho iutf8
set +H -bo vi
umask 0027
typeset x
x=$(command -v nvimpager)
: "${EDITOR:=/bin/vi}" "${PAGER:=${x:-/usr/bin/less}}"
unset -v x
command . /etc/profile.env 2>&3
unset2 -v ROOTPATH
for x in /etc/profile.d/*.sh; do
[ -r "$x" ] || continue
command . "$x" 2>&3
if ${BASH_VERSION:+\:} false; then
: "${PS1:='\u@\h \w \$ '}"
PS1="${USER:-$(logname)}@$(uname -n) \$ "
} 3>/dev/null
eprofile "$@"
shitshell eval ${BASH_VERSION+'--'} ${aliasrestore+"$aliasrestore"}
shitshell \unalias \shitshell
# vim: set ft=sh fenc=utf-8 ff=unix ts=4 noet :
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