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Created December 17, 2011 18:31
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Save orta/1490994 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
// Delay in ms until autocompletion pops up after . or :: or ->
// Set to 0 to disable
"popup_delay": 100,
// Delay in ms until recompiling the file after the buffer is modified
// Set to 0 to disable
"recompile_delay": 1000,
// Whether or not to hide the clang output panel when it's empty
"hide_output_when_empty": false,
// When set to true, will display visual error markers. recompile_delay
// must be set to > 0
"show_visual_error_marks": true,
// This is the bitmask sent to index.parse.
// For example, to be able to go to the definition of
// preprocessed macros, set it to 1, for using an implicit
// precompiled header set it to 4 and for caching completion
// results, set it to 8. Or all together 1+4+8=13.
// See
// and
// for more details
"index_parse_options": 13,
// If set to false, the main thread will lock while parsing
// the file, but commands will work the first time they are
// executed rather than the first time after warm up has
// finished
"warm_up_in_separate_thread": true,
// If set to true will warm up the cache for supported files
// when they are opened
"cache_on_load": true,
// If set to true will remove the file from the cache when
// it is closed
"remove_on_close": true,
// If set to true will pop the file from the navigation stack
// (automatic ctrl+d,ctrl+b) when the file is closed
"pop_on_close": true,
// Don't show stuff in the autocomplete list when the name starts with the following
// If set to true it'll add for example "-x c++" to the options for c++ files
"add_language_option": true,
// Any options you want to give to clang
"--isysroot /Developer/Platforms/iPhoneSimulator.platform/Developer/SDKs/iPhoneSimulator5.0.sdk",
"-include /Users/orta/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/[---- path to my derived prefix ----]-Prefix.pch"
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wprater commented May 14, 2012

What does this last bit do

        "-include /Users/orta/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/[---- path to my derived prefix ----]-Prefix.pch"

My paths for Xcode 4.3 aren't putting the .pch file in my DerivedData for my product.

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orta commented May 14, 2012 via email

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wprater commented May 14, 2012

Yeah, I'll use that one. Im still having a bunch of issues, and opened a ticket here:

Are you still using SublimeClang for iOS dev?

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orta commented May 14, 2012 via email

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