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Last active March 11, 2016 23:04
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Synthesize reminder messages for students who haven't submitted pull requests for the required number of toolbox projects.
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Print email nags regarding toolbox pull requests.
The current directory should contain a file `Master Grades.xlsx` with two sheets, and columns
`First Name`, `Last Name`, `E-mail`, and `GitHub`.
Author: Oliver Steele <>
import os
from functools import partial
import arrow
import github3
import pandas as pd
import xlrd
CARDINALS = ['no', 'one', 'two', 'three']
COURSE_NAME = 'sd16spring'
DUE_DATE = arrow.get('2016-03-14T00:00:00-10:00')
REPO_PREFIX = 'ToolBox-'
URL = ''
gh = github3.login(token=GITHUB_API_TOKEN) if GITHUB_API_TOKEN else github3
# Combine the sheets into a single table, and drop the empty rows
students = pd.concat([pd.read_excel('Master Grades.xlsx', sheetname=section) for section in [0, 1]])
students = students[students['GitHub'].notnull()].reset_index(drop=True)
# a list of Toolbox repos
repos = [r for r in gh.iter_user_repos(COURSE_NAME) if]
# a dict of {repo_name: [github_username]} of users who have submitted pull requests against the repo
prs = { [pr.user.login for pr in repo.iter_pulls()] for repo in repos}
# a DataFrame whose rows are GitHub usernames, columns are repositories, and cells are 1 if a pull requests exists
df = reduce(partial(pd.merge, how='outer'),
[pd.DataFrame({repo_name: [1] * len(users), 'GitHub': users})
for repo_name, users in prs.items()]) \
# add a `Count` column
count_df = pd.DataFrame(df.set_index('GitHub').sum(axis=1), columns=['Count'])
df = students.merge(count_df, how='outer', left_on='GitHub', right_index=True).fillna(0).sort_values('Count')
dt = DUE_DATE -
remaining_time = ' and '.join('{} {}{}'.format(n, unit, 's'[n == 1:])
for n, unit in [(dt.days, 'day'), (int(round(dt.seconds / 3600)), 'hour')] if n)
for completed in range(REQUIRED_PRS):
remaining = REQUIRED_PRS - completed
recipients = ', '.join('{First Name} {Last Name} <{E-mail}>'.format(**row)
for _, row in df[df['Count'] == completed].iterrows())
if recipients:
print 'Bcc:', recipients
print 'Subject:', 'Nudge: Project Toolbox exercises'
print 'This is a friendly reminder from the SoftDes teaching team'
print 'that you must complete three Project Toolbox <{}>'.format(URL)
print 'exercises by midnight Sunday March 13 Hawaian Daylight Time ({}).'.format('US/Hawaii'))
if completed:
print 'You currently have {} GitHub pull request{} for Toolbox repositories.'.format(
CARDINALS[completed], 's'[completed == 1:])
print 'Please remember to create the {}{} pull request{} within the next {}.'.format(
'remaining ' if completed else '',
CARDINALS[remaining], 's'[remaining == 1:],
print '– SoftDes Nagbot <{}>'.format(NAGBOT_URL)
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