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Be kind, and have an adventure.

Ben othyn

Be kind, and have an adventure.
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othyn /
Last active November 18, 2024 12:31
Setting up a local only LLM (Qwen/Llama3/etc.) on macOS with Ollama, Continue and VSCode

Setting up a local only LLM (Qwen/Llama3/etc.) on macOS with Ollama, Continue and VSCode

As with a lot of organisations, the idea of using LLM's is a reasonably frightning concept, as people freely hand over internal IP and sensitive comms to remote entities that are heavily data bound by nature. I know it was on our minds when deciding on LLM's and their role within the team and wider company. 6 months ago, I set out to explore what offerings were like in the self-hosted and/or OSS space, and if anything could be achieved locally. After using this setup since then, and after getting a lot of questions on it, I thought I might share some of the things I've come across and getting it all setup.

Que in Ollama and Continue. Ollama is an easy way to locally download, manage and run models. Its very familiar to Docker in its usuage, and can probably be most conceptually aligned with it in how it operates, think imag

othyn / phpdocs_facade_generator.php
Created May 24, 2023 09:27 — forked from ardzz/phpdocs_facade_generator.php
PHPDocs facades laravel generator
* Class FacadePHPDocs
* @author Ardhana <>
class FacadePHPDocs{
* @var ReflectionClass
othyn / youtube_clean_watch_later_videos.js
Created October 21, 2022 17:23 — forked from qoomon/youtube_clean_watch_later_videos.js
Clean YouTube Watch Later Videos
// This script will remove all videos from watch later list
// Usage
// #1 go to
// #2 run following script in your browser console
// adjust REMOVE_BUTTON_TEXT accordingly to your language, see examples below
(async function() {
const REMOVE_BUTTON_TEXT = 'Remove from Watch later'
othyn /
Last active November 27, 2024 19:04
Fix horrendously bad macOS (12.3.1 tested) SMB (Samba) performance on Unraid


Out of the box, my SMB performance on macOS 12.3.1 would top out at around 20MB/s in short ~5 second bursts, which was absolutely horrendous, slow to navigate in Finder and slugish to interact with.

Since making these changes, I now get sustained ~80-100MB/s+ and instant Finder navigation which is superb and how things should be out-of-the-box (OOTB)!

May 2023 update: As of Ventura, the SMB issues were just horribly inconsistent and hard to maintain. Something in the combination of Unraid, macOS and SMB just doesn't play nice. I ended up binning NFS/SMB all together and heading to a locally hosted Nextcloud instance for file syncing, then using SFTP/Ansible Git flow for editing files within appdata.


othyn / App.swift
Last active August 7, 2024 10:12
How to disable default menu bar items in Swift / SwiftUI for macOS
// App.swift
// Created by Ben Tindall on 30/03/2022.
import Foundation
import SwiftUI
import Cocoa
set -e
# Usage:
# $ | sh
# Designed for:
# - Ubuntu 20.04.4
# - Rancher v2.4.17
# - Docker 20.10
othyn /
Created March 16, 2022 10:41
Prints all Docker container MAC addresses with container ID and name for easy reference
for ID in `docker ps -q`; do
NAME=$(docker inspect -f '{{.Config.Image}}' "${ID}")
MAC=$(docker inspect -f '{{range .NetworkSettings.Networks}}{{.MacAddress}}{{end}}' "${ID}")
echo "${ID} :: ${MAC} :: ${NAME}";
othyn /
Last active February 16, 2024 14:00
Mac mini (late 2012, 6,2) Unraid Setup & Installation / Configuration Log

Mac mini (late 2012, 6,2) Unraid Setup & Installation / Configuration Log

I'm creating this as reference for people looking to run Unraid on a Mac mini, as there really isn't any info about this online. In this case, I'm running an MD388LL/A model (6,2), an Intel based model running an Intel i7-3615QM @ 2.3GHz with 16GB DDR3 1600MHz memory. In terms of drives, I'm currently running the original 120GB Apple re-badged SSD and 1TB Apple re-badged HDD which are both near EoL.

For the USB drive I'm using an old spare USB 2.0 Kingston 32GB DataTraveler 104. Space wise, its completely overkill, but I don't have any other spares to hand given my others have been used up on two other Unraid boxes. As for USB 2.0, I've had more success on 2.0 drives than 3+.

p.s. I know there is no installation step, just trying to get good SEO for this post to help wanderers!

Running into issues...

othyn /
Last active December 28, 2021 02:08
Move files into directory/directories of their own (self) filename
# This script is designed to be a 'one-liner', just remove the comments to paste and go!
# However feel free to add a shebang and use it as a script, swapping the glob out for a cheeky $1.
# [Example usage]
# Given:
# A file I want to place into a directory of its own name...
# ./John Wick.mp4
# ---
# Then:
# This script will create the required directory and move the file into it...
othyn /
Created December 20, 2021 18:58 — forked from troyfontaine/
Signing your Git Commits using GPG on MacOS Sierra/High Sierra

Methods of Signing with GPG

Last updated March 28, 2021

There are now two ways to approach this:

  1. Using gpg and generating keys
  2. Using Kryptonite by

This Gist explains how to do this using gpg in a step-by-step fashion. Kryptonite is actually wickedly easy to use-but you will still need to follow the instructions