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Owen Walpole owenthewizard

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nathansmith /
Last active May 29, 2024 12:25
Resources for learning web design & front-end development
johntyree /
Last active June 4, 2024 12:30
Make one large blocklist from the bluetack lists on
#!/usr/bin/env sh
# Download lists, unpack and filter, write to stdout
curl -s \
| sed -n "s/.*value='\(http:.*=bt_.*\)'.*/\1/p" \
| xargs wget -O - \
| gunzip \
| egrep -v '^#'
aras-p / preprocessor_fun.h
Last active July 16, 2024 02:50
Things to commit just before leaving your job
// Just before switching jobs:
// Add one of these.
// Preferably into the same commit where you do a large merge.
// This started as a tweet with a joke of "C++ pro-tip: #define private public",
// and then it quickly escalated into more and more evil suggestions.
// I've tried to capture interesting suggestions here.
// Contributors: @r2d2rigo, @joeldevahl, @msinilo, @_Humus_,
// @YuriyODonnell, @rygorous, @cmuratori, @mike_acton, @grumpygiant,
sturadnidge / netlogon-to-srv-host
Last active July 17, 2020 04:15
awk one liner to convert netlogon.dns to dnsmasq srv-host format
# if the 4th field is 'SRV', then strip trailing dots, set the output field separator to comma and print accordingly
awk '$4 ~ /SRV/ {gsub(/\.( |$)/, " "); OFS = ","; print "srv-host=" $1,$8,$7,$5,$6}' netlogon.dns
eniac111 / launchikvm
Created January 6, 2014 23:39
The script fixes the annoying "no iKVM64 in java.library.path" bug with the Java iKVM laucher of some Supermicro servers :)
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# "THE BEER-WARE LICENSE" (Revision 42):
# <> wrote this file. As long as you retain this notice you
# can do whatever you want with this stuff. If we meet some day, and you think
# this stuff is worth it, you can buy me a beer in return Blagovest Petrov
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# The script fixes the "no iKVM64 in java.library.path" bug with the SuperMicro
# iKVM Java S**t. You can do an alias of it, like: "alias javaws=/usr/local/bin/launchikvm"
Tookmund / Debootstrap Install.rst
Last active April 5, 2024 20:20
Install Debian or Ubuntu like Arch

This guide is a best-effort to configure a system with just debootstrap.

It has been updated so as not to be actively incorrect as of June 2022, when I realized it was still being used, but it was first written in 2015 and I can't guarantee that it's not missing essential parts of the process.

If it breaks, you get to keep both pieces

  1. Download a Debian live standard CD:
  2. Login with user:live (if needed, it will probably automatically login)
  3. Check that you have internet with ip a. If you're using ethernet it should already be connected, otherwise you'll need to configure interfaces(5) and probably wpa_supplicant(8)
PurpleBooth /
Last active July 22, 2024 02:29
A template to make good

Project Title

One Paragraph of project description goes here

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.


Poomel / README.MD
Last active August 8, 2023 03:06
Battlefield 4 Config

Poomels Battlefield 4 Config

This is my constantly updated BF4 config.

Put user.cfg in ...\Origin Games\Battlefield 4 !

Put profsave_profile in C:\Users\$USER\Documents\Battlefield 4\settings !

Windows/Other Settings

JanKoppe / mactab
Created October 12, 2016 20:14
Persistent network device naming with Alpine Linux
lan0 00:11:22:33:44:01
wan0 00:11:22:33:44:02
fm4dd / gcc compiler optimization for arm
Last active July 23, 2024 10:15
GCC compiler optimization for ARM-based systems

GCC compiler optimization for ARM-based systems

2017-03-03 fm4dd

The gcc compiler can optimize code by taking advantage of CPU specific features. Especially for ARM CPU's, this can have impact on application performance. ARM CPU's, even under the same architecture, could be implemented with different versions of floating point units (FPU). Utilizing full FPU potential improves performance of heavier operating systems such as full Linux distributions.

-mcpu, -march: Defining the CPU type and architecture

These flags can both be used to set the CPU type. Setting one or the other is sufficient.