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Created June 9, 2017 15:10
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Spot request in go
package main
import (
type configuration struct {
AMI string `required:"true"`
InstanceType string `required:"true" default:"m3.medium"`
SG string `required:"true"`
KeyPair string `required:"true"`
Duration int `required:"true" default:"1"`
Account string `required:"true"`
FleetRole string `required:"true" default:"aws-ec2-spot-fleet-role"`
DryRun bool `required:"true" default:"true"`
func main() {
var config configuration
err := envconfig.Process("spotvpn", &config)
if err != nil {
svc := ec2.New(session.New())
input := &ec2.RequestSpotFleetInput{
SpotFleetRequestConfig: &ec2.SpotFleetRequestConfigData{
ClientToken: aws.String("vpn-flix"),
IamFleetRole: aws.String("arn:aws:iam::" + config.Account + ":role/" + config.FleetRole),
LaunchSpecifications: []*ec2.SpotFleetLaunchSpecification{
ImageId: aws.String(config.AMI),
InstanceType: aws.String(config.InstanceType),
KeyName: aws.String(config.KeyPair),
SecurityGroups: []*ec2.GroupIdentifier{
GroupId: aws.String(config.SG),
SpotPrice: aws.String("0.04"),
TargetCapacity: aws.Int64(1),
TerminateInstancesWithExpiration: aws.Bool(true),
ValidFrom: aws.Time(time.Now()),
ValidUntil: aws.Time(time.Now().Add(time.Duration(config.Duration) * time.Hour)),
DryRun: aws.Bool(config.DryRun),
result, err := svc.RequestSpotFleet(input)
if err != nil {
if aerr, ok := err.(awserr.Error); ok {
switch aerr.Code() {
} else {
// Print the error, cast err to awserr.Error to get the Code and
// Message from an error.
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