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Created February 25, 2024 09:55
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Expo create custom plugin
import type { ConfigContext, ExpoConfig } from "@expo/config";
const defineConfig = (_: ConfigContext): ExpoConfig => ({
name: "My project",
slug: "my-project",
plugins: [
export default defineConfig;
const {
} = require("expo/config-plugins");
module.exports = (config) => {
config = withProjectBuildGradle(config, (config) => {
const projectGradle = config.modResults;
// Add kotlin plugins
projectGradle.contents = projectGradle.contents.replace(
"dependencies {",
'dependencies {\n\t\tclasspath "org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-gradle-plugin:$kotlinVersion"'
return config;
config = withAppBuildGradle(config, (config) => {
const appGradle = config.modResults;
// Add kotlin plugins
appGradle.contents = appGradle.contents.replace(
'apply plugin: ""',
'apply plugin: ""\napply plugin: "kotlin-android"\napply plugin: "kotlin-kapt"'
// Add databinding
appGradle.contents = appGradle.contents.replace(
"android {",
"android {\n\tbuildFeatures {\n\t\tdataBinding true\n\t}"
return config;
return config;
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