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Created April 22, 2014 06:01
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Save ozh/11166845 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Import a CSV tweet list using Ozh' Tweet Archiver plugin
* Import a CSV tweet list
* Import tweets from an archive as generated by Twitter
* Usage :
* - Import your tweets with the plugin. The plugin will import only the 3200 most recent tweets.
* - Download your archive from Twitter, open the tweets.csv file (delete first 3200 most recent tweets to speed up things)
* - put this script and tweets.csv in WordPress' root directory (where wp-load.php is)
* - run this file in your browser (http://yoursite/blog/import.php)
* - when it's finished, delete this file
require( './wp-load.php' );
ozh_ta_require( 'import.php' );
ozh_ta_require( 'option-page.php' );
wp_enqueue_script( 'jquery' );
$start = isset( $_GET['start'] ) ? $_GET['start'] : 0;
// Import
ozh_ta_schedule_next( 0 );
$import = oti_process_file( oti_get_file(), $start );
$start += $import['count'];
$delay = ( $import['ok'] ? OZH_TA_NEXT_SUCCESS : OZH_TA_NEXT_FAIL );
// Continue or mark import as finished
if( $import['finished'] ) {
global $ozh_ta;
// Schedule next operation
ozh_ta_schedule_next( $ozh_ta['refresh_interval'] );
// Update real last_tweet_id_inserted, stats, & reset API paging
$ozh_ta['twitter_stats']['link_count'] = $wpdb->get_var( "SELECT COUNT(ID) FROM `$wpdb->posts` WHERE `post_type` = 'post' AND `post_status` = 'publish' AND `post_content` LIKE '%class=\"link%'" );
$ozh_ta['twitter_stats']['replies'] = $wpdb->get_row( "SELECT COUNT( DISTINCT `meta_value`) as unique_names, COUNT( `meta_value`) as total FROM `$wpdb->postmeta` WHERE `meta_key` = 'ozh_ta_reply_to_name'", ARRAY_A );
$ozh_ta['twitter_stats']['total_archived'] = $wpdb->get_var( "SELECT COUNT(`meta_key`) FROM `$wpdb->postmeta` WHERE `meta_key` = 'ozh_ta_id'" );
update_option( 'ozh_ta', $ozh_ta );
echo '<p>Finished importing tweets!.</p>';
} else {
echo '<p>Imported ' . $import['count'] . ' tweets</p>';
$reload = add_query_arg( array(
'start' => $start,
), get_bloginfo('url') . '/' . basename( __FILE__ ) );
ozh_ta_reload( $reload, $delay );
// done.
* Get CSV file name, die if not found
* @param string $file CSV file name (defaults to 'tweets.csv')
* @return string Full path to file (or die if not found)
function oti_get_file( $file = 'tweets.csv' ) {
$file = str_replace( '\\', '/', dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/tweets.csv' );
if( !file_exists( $file ) ) {
wp_die( 'Tweet file not found. Put it in the same directory as wp-load.php' );
return $file;
* Read a CSV file, process 1st field of each row by batch of defined size
* @param string $file path to file
* @param int $start first line to process, ignoring all those before
* @return unknown
function oti_process_file( $file, $start ) {
$handle = fopen( $file, "r" );
// Always ignore header
$ignore = fgetcsv( $handle, 30, "," );
$ignore = $count = 0;
$finished = false;
$ok = true;
while ( $count < OZH_TA_BATCH && $data = fgetcsv( $handle, 30, "," ) ) {
// Make sure we're reading an actual comma separated line starting with a tweet ID, and not the sequel of a multiline cell
$id = $data[0];
if( preg_match( '/^\d+$/', $id ) ) {
// Resume to whished position, ignore lines till line number $start
if( $ignore++ < ( $start - 1 ) ) {
// Now we can start processing each line during next batch
// Here: not much error checking. Assuming false will be either rate limit exceeded, or Twitter down
if( ozh_ta_import_single_tweet( $id ) === false ) {
$ok = false;
if( $count < OZH_TA_BATCH && $ok ) {
$finished = true;
return array( 'ok' => $ok, 'count' => $count, 'finished' => $finished );
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ozh commented Feb 4, 2021

I have this CSV file from 2014, hope it will help :

"455836070069157888","","","2014-04-14 22:32:42 +0000","<a href="""" rel=""nofollow"">GitHub Service Hooks</a>"," - 4 commits","","","",""
"455748110174945280","","","2014-04-14 16:43:11 +0000","<a href="""" rel=""nofollow"">GitHub Service Hooks</a>"," - 1 commits","","","",""
"455734659146874880","","","2014-04-14 15:49:44 +0000","<a href="""" rel=""nofollow"">GitHub Service Hooks</a>"," - 3 commits","","","",""

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