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Last active December 16, 2015 20:50
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Save ozh/5495656 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
YOURLS bookmarklets - unformatted for readability
// Share on Facebook
var d = document,
enc = encodeURIComponent,
share = 'facebook',
f = 'http://sho.rt/admin/index.php',
ups=l.match( /^[a-zA-Z0-9\+\.-]+:(\/\/)?/ )[0];
var ur=l.split(new RegExp(ups))[1];
var ups=ups.split(/\:/);
p = '?up=' + enc(ups[0]+':') + '&us=' + enc(ups[1]) + '&ur=' + enc(ur) + '&t=' + enc(d.title) + '&share=' + share,
u = f + p;
try {
throw ('ozhismygod');
} catch (z) {
a = function () {
if (!,'Share','width=500,height=340,left=100','_blank')) l.href = u;
if (/Firefox/.test(navigator.userAgent)) setTimeout(a, 0);
else a();
// Share on Twitter
var d = document,
w = window,
enc = encodeURIComponent,
share = 'twitter',
e = w.getSelection,
k = d.getSelection,
x = d.selection,
s = (e ? e() : (k) ? k() : (x ? x.createRange().text : 0)),
s2 = ((s.toString() == '') ? s : '%20%22' + enc(s) + '%22'),
f = 'http://sho.rt/admin/index.php',
l = d.location.href,
ups = l.match( /^[a-zA-Z0-9\+\.-]+:(\/\/)?/ )[0],
ur = l.split(new RegExp(ups))[1],
ups = ups.split(/\:/),
p = '?up=' + enc(ups[0]+':') + '&us=' + enc(ups[1]) + '&ur='+enc(ur) + '&t=' + enc(d.title) + s2 + '&share=' + share,
u = f + p;
try {
throw ('ozhismygod');
} catch (z) {
a = function () {
if (!,'Share','width=780,height=265,left=100','_blank')) l = u;
if (/Firefox/.test(navigator.userAgent)) setTimeout(a, 0);
else a();
// Simple Standard (new page)
var d = document,
w = window,
enc = encodeURIComponent,
e = w.getSelection,
k = d.getSelection,
x = d.selection,
s = (e ? e() : (k) ? k() : (x ? x.createRange().text : 0)),
s2 = ((s.toString() == '') ? s : enc(s)),
f = 'http://sho.rt/admin/index.php',
l = d.location.href,
ups = l.match( /^[a-zA-Z0-9\+\.-]+:(\/\/)?/ )[0],
ur = l.split(new RegExp(ups))[1],
ups = ups.split(/\:/),
p = '?up='+enc(ups[0]+':')+'&us='+enc(ups[1])+'&ur='+enc(ur)+'&t='+enc(d.title)+'&s='+s2,
u = f + p;
try {
throw ('ozhismygod');
} catch (z) {
a = function () {
if (! l.href = u;
if (/Firefox/.test(navigator.userAgent)) setTimeout(a, 0);
else a();
// Simple Popup (in-page popup dialog)
var d = document,
w = window,
sc = d.createElement('script'),
l = d.location.href,
enc = encodeURIComponent,
ups = l.match( /^[a-zA-Z0-9\+\.-]+:(\/\/)?/ )[0],
ur = l.split(new RegExp(ups))[1],
ups = ups.split(/\:/),
p = '?up='+enc(ups[0]+':')+'&us='+enc(ups[1])+'&ur='+enc(ur)+'&t='+enc(d.title);
w.yourls_callback = function (r) {
if (r.short_url) {
prompt(r.message, r.short_url);
} else {
alert('An error occured: ' + r.message);
sc.src = 'http://sho.rt/admin/index.php' + p + '&jsonp=yourls';
// Custom Standard (prompt for a keyword)
var d = document,
enc = encodeURIComponent,
e = window.getSelection,
k = d.getSelection,
x = d.selection,
s = (e ? e() : (k) ? k() : (x ? x.createRange().text : 0)),
s2 = ((s.toString() == '') ? s : enc(s)),
f = 'http://sho.rt/admin/index.php',
l = d.location.href,
ups = l.match( /^[a-zA-Z0-9\+\.-]+:(\/\/)?/ )[0],
ur = l.split(new RegExp(ups))[1],
ups = ups.split(/\:/),
k = prompt("Custom URL"),
k2 = (k ? '&k=' + k : ""),
p = '?up='+enc(ups[0]+':')+'&us='+enc(ups[1])+'&ur='+enc(ur)+'&t='+enc(d.title)+'&s='+s2 + k2,
u = f + p;
if (k != null) {
try {
throw ('ozhismygod');
} catch (z) {
a = function () {
if (! l = u;
if (/Firefox/.test(navigator.userAgent)) setTimeout(a, 0);
else a();
// Custom Popup (prompt for a keyword + on-page popup)
var d = document,
l = d.location.href,
k = prompt('Custom URL'),
enc = encodeURIComponent,
ups = l.match( /^[a-zA-Z0-9\+\.-]+:(\/\/)?/ )[0],
ur = l.split(new RegExp(ups))[1],
ups = ups.split(/\:/),
p = '?up='+enc(ups[0]+':')+'&us='+enc(ups[1])+'&ur='+enc(ur)+'&t='+enc(d.title);
sc = d.createElement('script');
if (k != null) {
window.yourls_callback = function (r) {
if (r.short_url) {
prompt(r.message, r.short_url);
} else {
alert('An error occured: ' + r.message);
sc.src = 'http://sho.rt/admin/index.php' + p + '&k=' + k + '&jsonp=yourls';
// Share on Tumlr
var d = document,
w = window,
enc = encodeURIComponent,
share = 'tumblr',
e = w.getSelection,
k = d.getSelection,
x = d.selection,
s = (e ? e() : (k) ? k() : (x ? x.createRange().text : 0)),
s2 = ((s.toString() == '') ? s : '%20%22' + enc(s) + '%22'),
f = 'http://sho.rt/admin/index.php',
l = d.location.href,
ups = l.match( /^[a-zA-Z0-9\+\.-]+:(\/\/)?/ )[0],
ur = l.split(new RegExp(ups))[1],
ups = ups.split(/\:/),
p = '?up=' + enc(ups[0]+':') + '&us=' + enc(ups[1]) + '&ur='+enc(ur) + '&t=' + enc(d.title) + '&s=' + s2 + '&share=' + share,
u = f + p;
try {
throw ('ozhismygod');
} catch (z) {
a = function () {
if (!,'Share','width=450,height=450,left=430','_blank')) l = u;
if (/Firefox/.test(navigator.userAgent)) setTimeout(a, 0);
else a();
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