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npx wdio ./config/browserstack/wdio.ios.browser.conf.js --log-level debug
Execution of 1 spec files started at 2019-07-30T08:44:59.090Z
2019-07-30T08:44:59.093Z DEBUG @wdio/utils:initialiseServices: initialise wdio service "appium"
2019-07-30T08:44:59.104Z INFO @wdio/cli:Launcher: Run onPrepare hook
2019-07-30T08:44:59.105Z DEBUG @wdio/appium-service: Will spawn Appium process: appium
2019-07-30T08:45:02.598Z ERROR @wdio/appium-service: Appium exited before timeout (exit code: 2)
[HTTP] Could not start REST http interface listener. The requested port may already be in use. Please make sure there is no other instance of this server running already.
2019-07-30T08:45:02.599Z ERROR @wdio/cli:utils: A service failed in the 'onPrepare' hook
Error: Appium exited before timeout (exit code: 2)
[HTTP] Could not start REST http interface listener. The requested port may already be in use. Please make sure there is no other instance of this server running already.
at ChildProcess.process.once.exitCode (/Users/paul/projects/appium-boilerplate/node_modules/@wdio/appium-service/build/launcher.js:85:16)
at Object.onceWrapper (events.js:281:20)
at ChildProcess.emit (events.js:193:13)
at ChildProcess.EventEmitter.emit (domain.js:481:20)
at Process.ChildProcess._handle.onexit (internal/child_process.js:255:12)
2019-07-30T08:45:02.602Z INFO @wdio/local-runner: Start worker 0-0 with arg: ./config/browserstack/wdio.ios.browser.conf.js,--log-level,debug
[0-0] RUNNING in safari - /tests/specs/browser.checkbox.spec.js
[0-0] 2019-07-30T08:45:02.880Z INFO @wdio/local-runner: Run worker command: run
[0-0] 2019-07-30T08:45:02.886Z DEBUG @wdio/utils:initialiseServices: initialise wdio service "appium"
[0-0] 2019-07-30T08:45:03.167Z DEBUG @wdio/local-runner:utils: init remote session
[0-0] 2019-07-30T08:45:03.369Z INFO webdriver: [POST]
[0-0] 2019-07-30T08:45:03.369Z INFO webdriver: DATA { capabilities:
{ alwaysMatch:
{ platformName: 'iOS',
deviceName: 'iPhone XS Max',
browserName: 'safari',
'appium:automationName': 'XCUITest',
'bstack:options': [Object] },
firstMatch: [ {} ] },
{ platformName: 'iOS',
deviceName: 'iPhone XS Max',
browserName: 'safari',
'appium:automationName': 'XCUITest',
'bstack:options': { deviceName: 'iPhone X', realMobile: 'true' } } }
[0-0] 2019-07-30T08:45:30.799Z INFO webdriver: COMMAND setTimeouts(1000, 2000, 3000)
[0-0] 2019-07-30T08:45:30.801Z INFO webdriver: [POST]
[0-0] 2019-07-30T08:45:30.801Z INFO webdriver: DATA { implicit: 1000, pageLoad: 2000, script: 3000 }
[0-0] 2019-07-30T08:45:30.872Z DEBUG webdriver: request failed due to missing body
[0-0] 2019-07-30T08:45:30.872Z WARN webdriver: Request failed due to Parameters were incorrect. We wanted {"required":["type","ms"]} and you sent ["implicit","pageLoad","script"]
[0-0] 2019-07-30T08:45:30.873Z INFO webdriver: Retrying 1/3
[0-0] 2019-07-30T08:45:30.874Z INFO webdriver: [POST]
[0-0] 2019-07-30T08:45:30.874Z INFO webdriver: DATA { implicit: 1000, pageLoad: 2000, script: 3000 }
[0-0] 2019-07-30T08:45:30.944Z DEBUG webdriver: request failed due to missing body
[0-0] 2019-07-30T08:45:30.945Z WARN webdriver: Request failed due to Parameters were incorrect. We wanted {"required":["type","ms"]} and you sent ["implicit","pageLoad","script"]
[0-0] 2019-07-30T08:45:30.945Z INFO webdriver: Retrying 2/3
[0-0] 2019-07-30T08:45:30.945Z INFO webdriver: [POST]
[0-0] 2019-07-30T08:45:30.945Z INFO webdriver: DATA { implicit: 1000, pageLoad: 2000, script: 3000 }
[0-0] 2019-07-30T08:45:31.010Z DEBUG webdriver: request failed due to missing body
[0-0] 2019-07-30T08:45:31.010Z WARN webdriver: Request failed due to Parameters were incorrect. We wanted {"required":["type","ms"]} and you sent ["implicit","pageLoad","script"]
[0-0] 2019-07-30T08:45:31.010Z INFO webdriver: Retrying 3/3
[0-0] 2019-07-30T08:45:31.010Z INFO webdriver: [POST]
[0-0] 2019-07-30T08:45:31.011Z INFO webdriver: DATA { implicit: 1000, pageLoad: 2000, script: 3000 }
[0-0] 2019-07-30T08:45:31.077Z DEBUG webdriver: request failed due to missing body
[0-0] 2019-07-30T08:45:31.077Z ERROR webdriver: Request failed due to Error: Parameters were incorrect. We wanted {"required":["type","ms"]} and you sent ["implicit","pageLoad","script"]
at getErrorFromResponseBody (/Users/paul/projects/appium-boilerplate/node_modules/webdriver/build/utils.js:364:12)
at Request._callback (/Users/paul/projects/appium-boilerplate/node_modules/webdriver/build/request.js:122:64)
at Request.self.callback (/Users/paul/projects/appium-boilerplate/node_modules/request/request.js:185:22)
at Request.emit (events.js:193:13)
at Request.EventEmitter.emit (domain.js:481:20)
at Request.<anonymous> (/Users/paul/projects/appium-boilerplate/node_modules/request/request.js:1161:10)
at Request.emit (events.js:193:13)
at Request.EventEmitter.emit (domain.js:481:20)
at IncomingMessage.<anonymous> (/Users/paul/projects/appium-boilerplate/node_modules/request/request.js:1083:12)
at Object.onceWrapper (events.js:281:20)
[0-0] Error in "undefined"
Error: Parameters were incorrect. We wanted {"required":["type","ms"]} and you sent ["implicit","pageLoad","script"]
[0-0] 2019-07-30T08:45:31.099Z INFO webdriver: COMMAND deleteSession()
[0-0] 2019-07-30T08:45:31.100Z INFO webdriver: [DELETE]
[0-0] 2019-07-30T08:45:31.464Z INFO webdriver: RESULT
2019-07-30T08:45:31.593Z DEBUG @wdio/local-runner: Runner 0-0 finished with exit code 1
[0-0] FAILED in safari - /tests/specs/browser.checkbox.spec.js
2019-07-30T08:45:31.594Z INFO @wdio/cli:Launcher: Run onComplete hook
"spec" Reporter:
[iPhone X MAC 11.0 #0-0] Spec: /Users/paul/projects/appium-boilerplate/tests/specs/browser.checkbox.spec.js
[iPhone X MAC 11.0 #0-0] Running: iPhone X on MAC 11.0 executing safari
[iPhone X MAC 11.0 #0-0]
[iPhone X MAC 11.0 #0-0] checkboxes
[iPhone X MAC 11.0 #0-0] ✖ checkbox 2 should be enabled
[iPhone X MAC 11.0 #0-0]
[iPhone X MAC 11.0 #0-0] 1 failing (1.2s)
[iPhone X MAC 11.0 #0-0]
[iPhone X MAC 11.0 #0-0] 1) checkboxes checkbox 2 should be enabled
[iPhone X MAC 11.0 #0-0] Error: Parameters were incorrect. We wanted {"required":["type","ms"]} and you sent ["implicit","pageLoad","script"]
[iPhone X MAC 11.0 #0-0] Error: Parameters were incorrect. We wanted {"required":["type","ms"]} and you sent ["implicit","pageLoad","script"]
[iPhone X MAC 11.0 #0-0] at UserContext.setTimeouts (/Users/paul/projects/appium-boilerplate/tests/specs/browser.checkbox.spec.js:5:17)
Spec Files: 0 passed, 1 failed, 1 total (100% completed) in 00:00:32
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