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Marc Ignacio padi

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nunommc / application_controller.rb
Last active September 9, 2020 02:19
Redirect to page 404 when a Model.find(params[:id]) raises ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound
# app/controllers/application_controller.rb
class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base
# Prevent CSRF attacks by raising an exception.
# For APIs, you may want to use :null_session instead.
protect_from_forgery with: :exception
add_flash_types :success, :error
# See:
dhh / gist:981520
Created May 19, 2011 19:27
bulk api
# Bulk API design
# resources :posts
class PostsController < ActiveController::Base
# GET /posts/1,4,50,90
# post_url([ @post, @post ])
def show_many
@posts = Post.find(params[:ids])
zaydek-old / bookmark.min.js
Last active January 22, 2023 13:42
A *simple* CSS debugger. To use, bookmark "Debug CSS" at Learn more here and (starts at 1:25)
/* debug.css | MIT License | */ if (!("is_debugging" in window)) { is_debugging = false; var debug_el = document.createElement("style"); debug_el.append(document.createTextNode(`*:not(g):not(path) { color: hsla(210, 100%, 100%, 0.9) !important; background: hsla(210, 100%, 50%, 0.5) !important; outline: solid 0.25rem hsla(210, 100%, 100%, 0.5) !important; box-shadow: none !important; filter: none !important; }`)); } function enable_debugger() { if (!is_debugging) { document.head.appendChild(debug_el); is_debugging = true; } } function disable_debugger() { if (is_debugging) { document.head.removeChild(debug_el); is_debugging = false; } } !is_debugging ? enable_debugger() : disable_debugger();
nruth / pay_stripe_helper.rb
Last active March 7, 2023 00:21
capybara selenium webdriver stripe.js checkout test helper
# -*- encoding : utf-8 -*-
module PayStripeHelpers
# must be used with driver: :selenium (or :sauce?)
def pay_stripe
sleep(0.7) # wait for the js to create the popup in response to pressing the button
within_frame 'stripe_checkout_app' do # must be selenium
# fill_in 'card_number', with: '4242424242424242' no longer works
4.times {page.driver.browser.find_element(:id, 'card_number').send_keys('4242')}
# fill_in 'cc-exp', with: '5/2018' no longer works
existentialmutt / db_fixtures_export.rake
Last active March 25, 2023 21:10 — forked from kuboon/db_fixtures_export.rake
Generate fixtures from db. Readable by rake db:fixtures:load
# lib/tasks/db_fixtures_export.rake
namespace 'db:fixtures' do
desc "generate fixtures from the current database"
task :export => :environment do
models = defined?(ApplicationRecord) ? ApplicationRecord.descendants : ActiveRecord::Base.descendants
models.each do |model|
puts "exporting: #{model}"
patshaughnessy / gist:7104128
Last active April 13, 2023 20:20
Resources for learning about MRI Ruby's internal C source code
Recently someone asked me for online resources about MRI's internal C source
code. Here are a few - if there are more to add please leave a comment! - pat
1. Ruby Hacking Guide - The definitive resource for people who want to learn
the C programming details of how Ruby works internally. Intended for C hackers.
It was just recently translated into English from the original Japanese.
2. Various presentations by Koichi Sasada - he often does public presentations
on Ruby internals and they're always fascinating and full of technical details.
kconragan /
Last active December 4, 2023 03:40
Enable key repeat in Apple Lion for Sublime Text in Vim mode
# Mac OS X Lion introduced a new, iOS-like context menu when you press and hold a key
# that enables you to choose a character from a menu of options. If you are on Lion
# try it by pressing and holding down 'e' in any app that uses the default NSTextField
# for input.
# It's a nice feature and continues the blending of Mac OS X and iOS features. However,
# it's a nightmare to deal with in Sublime Text if you're running Vintage (Vim) mode,
# as it means you cannot press and hold h/j/k/l to move through your file. You have
# to repeatedly press the keys to navigate.
walesmd /
Last active December 13, 2023 05:06
A lot of people are having issues with Since this is a very new issue, Google was no help and `man iconservicesd` is even more hilarious. I eventually fixed it, when I was working on a completely different issue (that is still not fixed). The instructions are below and on the Apple Support Forum, https://discussions.…

I was chasing down another issue (slow "Save As") and thought these two issues may have been related (with QuickLook being the common broken link). Unfortunately, my "Save As" dialog is still miserably slow on the initial load; but IconServicesAgent hasn't gone above 30MB and he rarely makes an appearance in the Console!

Some of these steps may not be necessary, but here are all of the steps I took that inadverdently put IconServicesAgent back in its place. Note: all commands are a single-line, if they appear to be multiple that's just the forum formatting.

  1. Check for any QuickLooks related .plist files. In a terminal: mdfind -name .plist

  2. I only had files at the system level (specifically within /System/Library/LaunchAgents/). If you have others, modify the directions below to take that into account (re-introducing plist files from the system level back up to the user).

  3. Make some temporary directories to store these plist files, just in case: mkdir ~/tmp-quicklook

jhass / .rubocop.yml
Last active December 15, 2023 22:23
My preferred Rubocop config
RunRailsCops: true
# Commonly used screens these days easily fit more than 80 characters.
Max: 120
# Too short methods lead to extraction of single-use methods, which can make
# the code easier to read (by naming things), but can also clutter the class